StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 1080: Battle of Stoke (21)

At this moment, Taretel's back was a little chilly.

If he is annihilated here, and then the humans inform the Tyrolean Empire that the Third Guard Corps has been annihilated, then what will happen next?

There was almost no need to think about it, and Taretel already knew the answer.

The Tyrolean Empire will take advantage of the situation to invade on a large scale, and without the strategic location of the Third Guard Corps, Dolando, will be easily acquired by the Tyrolean Empire. After that, they can use Dolando to continue to send the army. Into the territory of your own empire.

There are only a few legions left in the imperial homeland...

How to resist Taylor's army?

"You are so cruel!"

"It's all the same. Wouldn't it be possible to replace you in my position?"

Well, Taretel really couldn't refute Lin Fan's question.

If you change yourself, you will do the same, and you may even go too far!

"Then there is nothing to talk about?"

"Indeed, I agree with this communication. I originally intended to let you know what will happen next, and I also believe that you will forward these contents to your local area when the communication is over. When you know what will happen, but I am very much looking forward to the expression of your emperor when he is unable to stop it!"

When the words fell, Lin Fan waved his hand, Liang Xue, who had accompanied Lin Fan for two hundred years, naturally understood what he meant, and even cut off the communication.

"is this okay?"

"Are you talking about leaking too much information and showing arrogance?"

Hearing Liang Xue's question on the side, Lin Fan asked with a smile.

"Actually, for the Black Mang Empire, his situation is not so wonderful!"

"The extent of territorial expansion has exceeded the size that their current transportation technology can support, but they are still blindly expanding, but they have forgotten that there are civilizations around them that are not weaker than him, and there are more than others. A weaker civilization."

"It's just that no one wants to be this early bird. After all, it is a god-level civilization. In a one-to-one situation, even if a civilization defeats the Black Mang Empire, it will definitely lose a lot of itself, and in the process, Other god-level civilizations will never intervene in the war between them."

"However, when the war is over, these civilizations who sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight will swarm them, and at the same time swallow these two civilizations that have been severely damaged!"

"That's why the fragile balance now appears!"

"But once there are other opportunities, this balance will be immediately broken!"

"For our Canglong Universe, although there is a legion on the surface, in fact, only 10% of the fleet in this legion is God-class civilized warships. The rest can be said to be just making up the number!"

"Therefore, it is very meaningful to annihilate the Third Guards Corps this time!"

"According to the captives of the Cardo Universe, the Third Guard Corps is definitely the main force of the Black Mang Empire. Otherwise, it would be impossible to guard Dolando with a legion for so many years, and if this legion is completely wiped out, it will naturally be Let other civilizations mistakenly believe that the hidden power in our Canglong universe is very powerful."

"On the other hand, the harder we behave and the more we regard the Heimang Empire as infallible, the more it will be added to the Heimang Empire and other surrounding civilizations. The impression that we are very powerful will make them dare not take it lightly. Shot on us."

"Only in this way can we win time and thoroughly develop stronger strength to deal with future crises!"

Lin Fan explained the reason in detail.

As he said, even though the Federation is now a god-level civilization, it is still too weak.

There is not much technical advantage, and the strength of the fleet is less than one percent of other god-level civilizations.

At this time, if you don't show yourself more mysterious, stronger, and tougher, then there may be a god-level civilization tomorrow, and the army will march towards the blue dragon universe.

Therefore, it is very necessary to completely wipe out the Third Army Corps, and it is also very necessary to pack yourself mysteriously and tough.

This world has always been like this. The stronger the civilization, the less likely it is to go to war.

After all, no matter whether you win or lose, the loss is also too great!

At the same time, the flagship of the Third Guard Corps.

"Damn barbarian, how dare you be so mad!"

"Collate all the information and send it to the base camp immediately!"

"At the same time, tell your Majesty that even if the Third Guard Corps is completely destroyed, it will bite a piece of meat from the opponent!"

"Yes, commander of the legion!"

His eyes were flushed, and Taretel gritted his teeth and ordered.

However, anyone can speak harshly, but how to do it is not so easy.

Now that all the breaking power has been lost, no matter how you look at it, there is no possibility of a comeback for the Third Guards Corps, but this refers to the Third Guards Corps under normal circumstances...

"I remember..."

"Cui Wa, the chief scientist of the empire once said, if the particle density is constant inside the fault channel, as long as the density can be increased, UU reading can even be one-tenthousandths. Cause the instability of the entire fault space!"

"In order to restore the constant particle density inside the channel, the excess particles will be discharged from the channel opening, and it will still be in the form of black cavity particle waves?"

Suddenly thinking of something, Taretel said without opening.

After listening, the adjutant on the side was taken aback.

"Legion Commander, Master Cui Wa herself said that this is just her guess, and even if this guess is correct, in the process, all foreign objects inside the channel will be torn into particles and be expelled together!"

Obviously, the adjutant had also heard of Cui Wa's guess, and it was precisely because of hearing that he was so frightened.

Regardless of whether or not, as Cui Wa said, a particle wave ejection like a volcanic eruption will be formed at the entrance of the passage, but one thing is certain. All was erased in an instant!

In this way, there is a high probability that no battle result can be obtained, and the nearly one hundred billion warships on his side will be wiped out.

"Danger? Is there any danger in the current state?"

"The other party is determined to annihilate us here, and we have lost all the power that can make a comeback. Even if the remaining conventional fleets go out in batches, it is just adding merit to the other party!"

"Since everything is dead, it's better to take a gamble. If you lose the gamble, you get an unchanging ending in advance. But if the gamble wins, at least half of the human federation can be solved when we end. Fleet!"

"Faced with such a situation, what reason do we have not to take a gamble?"

"Contact me to base camp, I need..."

"Talk to Master Cui Wa of the Ministry of Science!"

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