StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 1044: Great Xia Federation

If you want to travel through the black space, there are only two ways that the god-level civilization currently uses.

One is that the black cavity life forms rely on their own flesh to cross the black cavity. The advantage of this method is that it is fast, but the disadvantage is that it cannot carry a fleet...

After all, no matter how powerful the Heiqiang lifeform is, it is only a person, and it is okay to take a battleship, but it is impossible to say that it is with a fleet.

As for the second type, it is the black cavity engine, a technology only possessed by the god-class civilization, which allows warships to still have driving force in the black cavity space, and according to the technical difference of the black cavity engine, this speed will also be increased. The difference is different, but even if it is mature, the speed that the black cavity engine can bring is still not as fast as the movement speed of the black cavity life form.

As for the black cavity shuttle channel excitation device of the Cardo universe, it is something that no god-level civilization has heard of.

Therefore, it is understandable why Sharet is so crazy, and Lin Fan insists on bringing it back to the Canglong Universe.

After repelling the Servant Army of the Black Mang Empire, the Federal Fleet did not take advantage of the situation to expand its results, but only protected the civilizations of the Kaduo universe from evacuating, and then they also evacuated.

Until more than three hours later, when Lin Fan received a message from Canglong Universe confirming that everyone had returned safely, he replied with a sentence of See you in fifty years, shutting down the equipment and cutting off the passage.

The entire La Bella super galaxy cluster is empty, except for Lin Fan himself, no one else exists...


Ten years later.

The federal calendar is 258 years old.

Canglong universe, human federation.

At this moment, the promotion process of the Federation's god-level civilization has come to the final and most critical moment.

Now that the four major scientific and technological systems have been thoroughly tackled, all that remains is to merge and give birth to the brand-new system based on the four major systems, the technological system that Lin Fan calls chaos.

If you want to say what Chaos Technology is, according to the guesses of several strategic scientists in the Federation, it should be a basic part of this black cavity world. It seems that after completely controlling the dark energy, you can do anything in the universe like a god. Things, and after thoroughly mastering Chaos Technology, you should be able to thoroughly master this black cavity world.

However, even if you know how to do it, the technological integration of the four major systems is still not a simple matter, and it is even more difficult than what the Federation expected.

And just when a group of scientists are climbing this peak day and night.

Outside the Canglong Universe about 3000 standard black-cavity units, a device larger than the Hongmeng battleship was enveloped by a mass of black energy at this moment, and it continued to move rapidly in the black-cavity space.

Its speed, if measured by units in the Canglong universe, even reaches tens of billions of light years per hour.

Of course, if this distance is placed in the Canglong Universe, it is not a big deal. It only takes half an hour to build a black cavity channel.

But the problem is that this is a black cavity space. Without the support of the universe, it is impossible to establish a black cavity channel at all, and can only move forward by means of conventional travel.

I was alone, there was no one to talk to for ten years, just on the way, even if it was Lin Fan...

It was also a little uncomfortable at the moment, and I had to continue to meditate to suppress the increasingly irritable heart, but the effect was still minimal.

Among the fantasy novels in the previous life, one who had been closed for tens of thousands of years was completely nonsense. At this moment, Lin Fan had a deep understanding.

"Oh, there are almost 40 years left..."

Wait, I seem to have forgotten something...

Suddenly, Lin Fan suddenly remembered something and almost slapped himself.

Holding the artifact by yourself, but didn't expect to use this artifact, and the operation method has been obtained, why must one person complete the 50-year journey alone?

Just start the device, connect to the Canglong Universe again, and then change someone to take over, and you can even transport each person for only one year, okay?

Thinking of this, Lin Fan also gave a wry smile, then started to slow down with the device, and after it stopped completely, he started to operate according to the information given by Auror.

Don’t worry about the energy problem. Originally, this device used black cavity energy. Although the remaining energy was not much, it was consumed by the Tomile civilization last time. However, supplementing the black cavity energy is important to Lin Fan. Is it a matter?

Obviously not.

After taking in energy from the black cavity space while introducing it into the device, it took a few hours to fully charge the device's energy.

The entire control room seemed to be resurrected, all the equipment was lit up, and even various operation panels and constantly flashing data appeared in the air.

What shocked Lin Fan was that he was too familiar with the words on the panel, the numbers and symbols.

It's basically Chinese and Arabic numerals.

And when Lin Fan's brain was a little confused, an electronically synthesized sound was directly transmitted into his mind.

"Energy is sufficient, the main system is released from the sleeping state and restarted..."

"It is running self-test, confirm the current time according to the black cavity environment..."

"The time has been determined, the Great Xia calendar is 3,801,754 years, and the sleep time of the main system of UU reading is confirmed to be 5,134.5 million years!"

"According to the scan, it has been confirmed that you are an orthodox descendant of the Daxia clan. According to the special rules of Emergency Regulation No. 37, it is determined that you are the only eligible successor. Is it approved?"


Everything that happened suddenly is really weird.

The familiar words, coupled with the voice that said that he was an orthodox descendant of the Daxia clan, gave Lin Fan some very absurd guesses.

"You said I am an orthodox descendant of the Daxia clan?"

"According to the scan, although your life source has been modified, you are indeed an orthodox descendant of the Daxia clan. This can be confirmed. May I inherit the highest authority of the main system, please approve!"


After a little hesitation, Lin Fan made a decision.

If you want to know more, you must first completely control this device.

"The highest authority begins to bind, and all systems will be opened to the commander, please confirm again!"


"Binding is complete, please commander can call me the mastermind!"

"Tell me, what are you and where are you from?"

With the highest authority, Lin Fan couldn't help it anymore and immediately started the questioning mode.

"Report to the commander, I am a life detachment device manufactured by the Great Xia Federation in the Heiqiang calendar for 24.95.78 million years."

"What is the Great Xia Federation, and from which universe!"

"Report to the commander, the Daxia Federation is a federal civilization established by the Daxia clan after stepping out of the home planet Earth, and the universe in which it is located is called the Yanhuang Universe!"

Daxia Clan...

Yanhuang Universe...

Mother planet earth...

After hearing this, Lin Fan's whole body was dull.

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