Chapter Seventy-Seven The Emperor is a Man, Not a God!!

Terra City, the newly built Terra Church Square.

At this time, thousands of believers in the square gathered together and prayed reverently.

In the center of the square is a tall altar where the first patriarch of the Terra, Campori, is standing and praying the opening prayer.

In front of the altar were some staff.

At the invitation of Patriarch Campolay, this Terra Prayer Meeting will be broadcast throughout Terra Star.

“Dear believers, the great Emperor of the Drought refers to you.”

After the routine prayer, Campolet slowly stepped forward and looked at the thousands of believers under the altar.

“Praise the great God Emperor!”

As Kamporé spoke, the believers gathered in the square shouted in unison.

It was only this divine emperor that made Cambore’s eyes cold for a few minutes.

“Your words hurt me.”

The sound of Cambore echoed in the square and spread throughout Terra Star through the relevant equipment.

Believers in the square, you look at me, I look at you.

I don’t understand what’s going on.

Isn’t it a morning meeting of prayer?

Why do they feel that today’s prayer is already so unusual?

Cambore ignored the commotion of the believers below the altar and said to himself.

“The sea is boiling, the earth is burning.”

“But our faith is not going to die.”

“Because we believe that the Divine Emperor will bless us.”

“However, the great emperor is the Emperor Shen who was limited to the price of the god at your door.”

At this point, Cambore’s voice was suddenly much higher.

There seemed to be an endless anger in the voice.


Mourning its misfortune?

People don’t know exactly what emotions are in Cambore’s words, but they know that the Patriarch in front of them is angry, as if it is because of the problem of their faith.

“Haven’t you realized your cognitive error?”

“Divine Emperor?!”


“Shut your mouths!”

“Our great emperor is not God! He is a living man! ”

“Like us, he is a human being, the greatest human being in the galaxy!”

“We still have the same bloodline as the venerable emperor!”

“The great emperor knows this better than anyone.”

“So, the Taili Sect Pibizun was founded.”

“Because the Great Emperor wants us to think the same way.”

As Campolay spoke, the square was silent.

The believers, who were still a little unconvinced, also fell silent, silently listening to the teachings of Cambore.

Are they really wrong?

Great God Emperor. Oh no! Did the great emperor really not want to be worshipped as a god?

Because of the broadcast, at this moment, the entire followers of Terra Star are pondering this question.

Cambore’s speech continued.

“We have to understand! God is not inherently nobler than us. ”

“In the eyes of the great emperor, we Terrans are a hundred times greater than those false gods!” A thousand times! Ten thousand times! ”

“Our human race is so noble, and the emperor is so great!”

“Those false gods are heretics compared to the great emperors and should be sent to the trial court!”

“But now you are comparing the great emperor with the dirty, hypocritical gods, which is simply humiliating!”

The angry voice of Campolet spread to every corner of the square.

Hearing this, both the believers at the scene and other places on the Star of Terra were somewhat ashamed to reveal it.

Yes, they are so noble as human beings, and the emperor is so great.

But before they had imposed a false title on the Great Emperor, keeping him parallel to the inferiors.

This kind of behavior is simply unforgivable.

What a xie blasphemy!

Cambore scanned the audience and lowered his tone.

“Misguided believers, listen.”

“I had the privilege of being on the same battlefield as the Emperor and breathing the same air.”

“I am here to make it clear to you, without any embellishments or lies.”

“The great emperor does not want to be the god emperor you have created at all, nor does he want to be your god!”

“He spits on you for this sad idea!”

“Because this rotten and distorted faith makes people feel disgusting.”

Cambore knew that his words could strike a great blow to these faithful believers.

But he had to make these believers aware of the seriousness of the problem.

In Cambore’s view, Terraism was founded in the service of the Empire Today’s believers can twist the great emperor into a god emperor, and then the day after tomorrow the dogma of goodwill and respect can be twisted into bloody dogmas like repression, violence, and even jihad.

Campolay clearly remembered what Lu Ming had said to him that day.

Humanity should move forward freely in order to fulfill the destiny of the Terrans as the best race to rule the galaxy.

Freedom to move forward requires indoctrination by reason and science, not blind faith, and religious fanaticism can indeed unite human beings, but after that?

Blind faith and hypocritical deities can allow ignorance to spread throughout the empire, ultimately leading humanity down a path of superstition, narrowness and even barbarism.

A true faith should be to guide the race forward, not to let the race cover its eyes, and the endless stars in the heart are full of dangers, and if the Terran race cannot stride forward, then the party will soon be swallowed up by other races.

Listening to Lu Ming’s words, Cambore completely understood Lu Ming’s true thoughts, so he was furious at today’s believers’ behavior of twisting Lu Ming into a divine emperor.

In Campolay’s view, this is tantamount to the folly of pushing the Terrans into the abyss.

“Confused believers, are you clear?”

“The great emperor is a living man like you and me.”

“We should pray to the Great Emperor, not the Emperor of Nothingness!”

“Tell me, children, will you be willing to return to the bosom of the great emperor?”

Cambore looked at the crowd and opened his hands.

The believers in the audience also understood the purpose of today’s prayer meeting.

But the crowd was a little silent.

For a long time, one of the believers looked up at Cambore on the altar.

“Your Honor, we have committed such a crime, will the Emperor accept us?”

The words of the believer are like a stone thrown into a calm lake, creating ripples in circles.

All the believers looked at Kamporé, waiting to see the old man on the altar return.

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