One day before the full-scale Zerg attack.

Alvin's home star domain, the second colony Pambo planet.

In the sky above Blue Light City, a thick dark cloud kept rolling, and the friction of the dark clouds produced a series of shining silver thunder dragons...

"I think we don't have time. If we don't make a decision now, we will have no choice when the Zerg break through the defense line of the Star Ring..." On the top floor of the twenty-eight-story building, a man in a suit and ties faced the floor-to-ceiling glass. He opened the window and said gloomily while looking at the flashing thunder outside.

Behind him was a huge conference room. Beside the exquisite and gorgeous conference table, the eyes of three men kept flickering, wondering what they were thinking.

"You guys should talk, the Zerg are about to attack!" The man waited for ten seconds, but still didn't get a response. He turned his head angrily, looked at the three people at the conference table and shouted anxiously.

"Rodney, it's not that we don't want to make a decision as soon as possible, it's just that this decision is too critical. If we decide to betray Alvin, surrender to the Zerg, and sneak attack the military headquarters at the base, paralyzing the defense system, once the Zerg are defeated, We are doomed..." The man who spoke was wearing a watch on his hand. On the edge of the watch was a line of small Alvin letters - Prada.

This man, Donahue, is the president of the Prada Chamber of Commerce. His assets are spread throughout the Alvin star field. However, due to the arrival of the Zerg, all chambers of commerce outside the home star field have fallen under the jurisdiction of the Zerg. This should be regarded as a problem for the Prada Chamber of Commerce. It was an extremely heavy blow, but no one expected that the business of those branch chambers of commerce would not be miserable, nor would they be plundered by the Zerg. As long as they paid taxes on time and abided by the Zerg empire code, they could still operate freely. , under the premise that everyone is a third-class citizen, there is no oppression or exclusion. Instead, with the creativity and quality of Prada products, unprecedented business opportunities have been obtained.

This incident deeply impacted Donahue. The strength of the Zerg, pressing forward step by step, winning consecutive battles, and Alvin's darkness, which was hard to recover from, and retreated one after another, gave him a rebellious and bold idea to betray Alvin and paralyze his body. Defense system to welcome the arrival of the Zerg.

According to the Zerg Code, if there is a reward, you will be rewarded, and the reward for meritorious service in military operations will be even greater! He is a businessman, and he is not willing to take risks easily, but just because he is a businessman, when 300% of the profits are placed in front of him, he becomes red-eyed and blinded!

Rodney was the channel with the same will as him, and was the president of the Adonis Chamber of Commerce. Through an occasional conversation, Donahue learned that Rodney also wanted to betray Alvin and welcome the arrival of the Zerg, and the two left. Come together.

As for the remaining two people in the conference room, they were their trusted deputies.

"Donahue, don't forget, it was you who contacted me and decided to do this. At that time, you were full of confidence and unwavering. Now, I have agreed, why are you hesitant?" Rodney was helpless and angry.

Donahue suddenly sighed "Hey!" and slapped his thigh, "Okay! Okay! Okay! Do it, do it now. The spirochete attack virus we studied can destroy the turret locking system in the Alvin Star Ring defense. As long as Get close to the military machine room and inject the virus into it to lock all the forts, making them unable to operate!"

"That's right!" Rodney looked at him happily, holding his hands in front of his chest excitedly, "Think about it, think about it, Donahue, our two minds, business acumen, and vision, as long as we can By obtaining second-class citizenship in this battle, we can definitely plant the flags of Prada and the Adonis United Chamber of Commerce on every living planet!”

Donahue waved his hand helplessly, "Stop drawing me a blueprint. Since I found you and decided to do this, I have naturally thought about the pros and cons. Now, the key is how we contact the Zerg, get close to the military, and inject the virus ! Alvin is currently at war with the Zerg and has blocked all external communication signals. If we dare to contact the outside world privately, we will fail if we are discovered by them!" Donahue stood up, clasping his hands behind his back, frowning. He walked up and down, "Also, injecting viruses is a big trouble. The military computer room is more tightly guarded than the major general's residence. Can we do it with our own mercenaries?"

The two major problems presented by Donahue gradually calmed down the excited Rodney. At this moment, the young genius who was admired by countless entrepreneurs still had a bright light in his eyes, "Now that we have decided on the direction, are we still afraid of the bumpy road? ? The credit we can get from the Zerg is directly proportional to the difficulties. We have gone through ups and downs over the years, and now these two problems can still trouble us? "

Donahue spread his hands and widened his eyes, "But as you said, we don't have time, the Zerg will attack soon..."

"Uh..." Rodney was speechless.

"Chichi..." Suddenly, the communicator at Rodney's confidant sent out a communication request.

The four people's eyes immediately turned to the communicator. Rodney frowned and nodded, and the man immediately opened the communicator.

"President, President, Dragon Knight Tracy has broken through our interception and gone to the top. We, we can't stop him, and we can't keep up with his pace at all..." came the message from the communicator immediately. heard the panting voice of the security director below.

Rodney grabbed the communicator and said, "Where's Jeff? We don't give him 10 million a month just to be a statue. He's an eighteenth-level junior genetic warrior. Where are the others?" ?”

"Bang!" The door to the conference room was violently kicked open, and Tracy, wearing Alvin's military uniform, walked in calmly. Behind him, Zibler and Prescott followed closely. , Prescott also held a frozen human stick in his hand - who else could it be if it wasn't Zhijeff?

"Master Rijeev initiated a conflict with them. They were too fast and I didn't see it. Maybe..." In the communication channel, the security director was still trying to explain.

"I's okay, you can just continue working at Nissan..." Rodney interrupted the safety director and turned off the communicator.

He forced a smile and said, "Ms. Tracy, long time no see. You are bringing Mr. Zibler and Mr. Prescott with you today. Don't you know if there is anything important?"

Tracy nodded towards Prescott. Prescott exerted force with his right hand, and Zhijeff, who had been frozen into a popsicle, immediately shattered into countless tiny ice particles.

Rodney Donahue's face instantly turned pale.

Tracy was very satisfied with the reaction of the four people. He took two steps forward and said, "Everyone, we accidentally heard every word of your discussion just now, so now we are here to help you solve your problems."


"That's right..." As soon as Tracy stretched out his hand, several tiny flying ants immediately flew around his palm. At the same time, Zibuler stretched out his hand, and a larva crawled out of his hand and fell out. After landing on the ground, the larva turned into a giant egg of flesh and blood. Ten seconds later, under the unbelievable gazes of the four people, it transformed into a Euglena.

"You, you, you three, you three, have surrendered to the Zerg a long time ago?" No need to explain, everything in front of them made Rodney and Donahue instantly understand the identities of the three Tracys.


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