StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 224 Victoria-Trouble again

Ye Luo glanced at the captain coldly, then looked at the four Caroline girls, "Let's go to the observation deck on the Saravia River. From this early morning, the Aegean Sea will appear. I want to Look, who dares to stand in front of me now!"

The four girls followed Ye Luo obediently. Captain Franklin's face immediately turned purple. Just when he was about to become angry, Farol suddenly showed a sign, "I am Farol of the Blood of Blades. The people you just wanted to arrest were Zerg nobles. As an outstanding contributor to supporting Alvin's war, you must think carefully about whether you can take responsibility for your actions!"

The captain looked at Ye Luo who passed them by, gritted his teeth, and finally said nothing. 【Read full text】

The four girls' interest was completely wiped out, and they all followed Ye Luo depressedly, while Ye Luo had some thoughts on his face and was speechless all the way.

Half an hour later, when they came to the banks of the Saravia River and saw the hanging garden castle built all over the sky, the depression in the hearts of the group finally dissipated!

It is worthy of being called Alvin's 5A-level attraction. In order to increase the viewing platform, exquisite three-story villas were built not only on the riverside ground, but also in the air on both sides. All the buildings spread into the air in a V-shape. The higher you go, the better the perspective. Even better, from the topmost villa, standing on the roof of the villa, you can even touch the upside-down Saravia River in the sea of ​​aurora clouds!

The villas all over the sky should originally look chaotic, but with the ingenuity of the designer, the arrangement of the entire villa is amazing. No matter which direction you look at from the ground, you will not feel that the villa is chaotic, but from different angles. When you go to see these villas, you will gain a different sense of beauty!

"Looking at it horizontally, it looks like a ridge and a side looks like a peak, with different heights and distances. I don't know the true face of the garden, just because I am in this garden..." A plagiarized poem by Ye Luo made the four girls in Caroline suddenly shine with admiration. gaze.

And even Farol didn't expect that Ye Luo, a stupid young man, could say other words besides "people die and birds look up to the sky, and they will not die for tens of millions of years..." "F****** bitch..." Say something philosophical like "Looking at it from the side, it looks like a ridge and the side looks like a peak...".

Ye Luo suddenly felt proud.

The one who showed off was still behind, Ye Luo took seven tickets and threw them to the ticket inspector, then raised his head to Farol, "I also paid for the tickets for you two. Uh, of course, the ones behind are Don’t get me wrong about that piece of ice with a volcanic temper. Your share is entirely due to your grandfather..."

Amiya's eyes widened. Her iceberg mentality, which had remained unchanged for ten thousand years, looked like it was about to be ignited when she saw Ye Luo, which made her teeth itch with hatred.

Before Amiya could clean up the leaves, someone vented her anger first, "I'm sorry, sir, there's something wrong with your ticket..."

The ticket inspector frowned slightly, forging a ticket to Qinhai was listed as a violation of the tourist regulations of Calvi Planet.

Ye Luo turned his head suddenly, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes, "What did you say?"

The ticket inspector said again very seriously, "Sir, I'm sorry, there is something wrong with your tickets, you can't enter!"

Ye Luo frowned.

Farol also wrinkled up. He took out his seven tickets and handed them to the ticket inspector, "Try mine..."

The ticket inspector took the ticket and handed it to the colleague next to him. The colleague next to him looked at it casually and shook his head.

Farol took a deep breath and said, "The two people who came in earlier were scanned by machines. When you got here, did they become a manual ticket checker?"

The ticket inspector raised his head slightly, "Old sir, you don't need to teach us how to check the ticket. Unfortunately, there is something wrong with your ticket and you can't enter. On the planet Calvi, tourists secretly pretended that the Qinhai ticket was included in the list. For prohibited behaviors, you guys had better explain clearly where your tickets came from..."

The old man and Ye Luo looked at each other, and they were about to defend themselves, but Ye Luo stopped them, "Old man, don't you see? I'm afraid that as soon as we arrive on this planet, we will be recognized by someone who is interested. These are obviously deliberately making things difficult! "

The ticket inspector sneered, "Sir, insulting a public official is an additional crime. You'd better apologize for what you just said!"

Ye Luo took a step forward, "Apologise, right? No problem!" Farol suddenly flashed between him and the ticket inspector, "Ye Luo, five million energy stones, five million!!"

Ye Luo frowned into the character "Chuan".

At this moment, Ye Luo suddenly looked around.

Farol was confused by Ye Luo's eyes.

After taking a look around, Ye Luo's eyes became even more murderous.

Farol suddenly turned his head, "To tell you the truth, see clearly, the person in front of you is the Zerg emperor who defeated Barton's rebel civilization. Ye Luo, do you think that the Zerg who is about to become a fourth-level civilization will be their emperor?" Will they fool you with fake tickets? You better check it out!”

The ticket inspector looked at Farol like he was an idiot. Through Farol, he looked extremely arrogant and looked Ye Luo up and down, "Emperor of the Zerg? Where did this bumpkin come from? I've never seen him... No impression... If you want to use your reputation to suppress me, you have to find someone decent, right, Zerg Emperor? She's not as famous as Sandy, the stripper at my back door..."

Ye Luo smiled coldly, "If you don't know me, then I will leave a deep impression on you!"

"Oops!" As soon as Ye Luo said these words, Farol shouted in his heart, and then, a loud noise came from behind!

A huge Nydus Worm burst out of the ground between two villas by the river. Hundreds of Velociraptor Insects crazily poured out of the Nydus Worm's big mouth. Then, one, two, three... ten in total. The tunnel worms broke out of the ground, and the entire riverside seemed to have set off ten black whirlwinds from the ground, and a large number of swift worms in the whirlwinds fell like raindrops!

Farol looked at this scene helplessly, "My little ancestor, you really can't afford to suffer a little loss..."


"Here, look for Shuyuan What is this... Oh my God, is this a World of Warcraft?"

"It's the Zerg, it's the Zerg, my God, this man is really the emperor of the Zerg!"

"Even if they are the emperor of the Zerg, how could they bring the Zerg into the planet Calvi..."

The surrounding tourists first broke out in a panic. A large number of tourists stayed away from Ye Luo and a few people, but there were no crazy escapes. Those who could travel here and walk to the riverside were either rich or noble, and there were naturally many experts around them. Although the Zerg tribe has gained some fame, its spread is limited after all. It is limited to defeating the Kemalena civilization in the Barton Star Territory. Many of the people present are citizens of the fourth-level civilization or even the fifth-level civilization. Their strong background gives them confidence and reliance. .

"You, what are you going to do?" The ticket inspector finally became timid under Ye Luo's momentum.

At the same time, dozens of fighter jets and a dozen mecha warriors came from all directions in the air and quickly surrounded Ye Luo and others.

A mecha warrior landed on the ground and took three steps forward. "Zerg, are you going to declare war on our Victorian civilization?"


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