StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 216 The Zerg’s Ambition-Unstoppable

The sudden attack by Kirk and a hundred ghost warriors caught the Vulcan commandos off guard. The ghost warriors who got into the cockpit did not need to learn at all. They used the joystick in their hands and pointed it at the soldiers next to them and began to attack. .

If you don’t become a householder, you don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are; if you don’t get beaten, you don’t know how powerful fire is! The Vulcan who suddenly turned the gun head allowed the warriors who controlled the Vulcan armor to experience the terrifying attack power of the Vulcan!

There is no armor, a golden bullet with a length of 1400 mm and a caliber of 13 mm can easily smash the steel plates, steel pipes, and vehicles of the Vulcan armor. The soldiers inside are dead in an extremely miserable state. The human body is worse than a velociraptor. Too many, one bullet hits, and the flesh and blood on the chest explodes immediately, and the bullet pierces directly through the chest. Vulcan's bullets are like hungry wolves living in groups. When will they appear alone? Several bullets were fired in succession, and the soldier's body exploded into a pile of rotten flesh!

“What the hell happened?!”

"Attention, the Zerg have some invisible units. They have killed our warriors and occupied the Vulcan Armor!"

"Damn it, how did we find these guys!!"

The communicator in Kirk's ear came with loud curses. The more the enemy panicked, the cruelty on his lips became more obvious.

The Vulcan Commandos were completely ruined by Kirk's interference. Without the suppression of firepower, the Hydralisk was the first to get out from behind the armored cockroach, firing sharp thorns one after another at a long range. The rate of fire was very fast. The accuracy is high, even better than that of the ace sniper. As for whether they will accidentally injure Ye Luo's ghost agent, there is no need to worry about it. With the "clairvoyance" of the king insect to assist in combat, the marks of friend and foe are no longer so clear in the eyes of the Hydralisk. .

In just half a minute, Kirk and others killed more than 200 Vulcan commandos with continuous killing and bombing. Hydralisks killed more than 300 Vulcan commandos one by one. The Vulcan commandos suffered heavy casualties. In Blair roared and began to retreat from the battlefield.

Without the support of the Vulcan Commandos, the light infantry was no match for the Hydralisks and Velociraptors. The newly narrowed front expanded again at an extremely fast speed, like a prairie fire, out of control. .

The raptors spread like a flood from the deck, rushed into the rest area, and rushed into the training room. The entire base began to be covered with frightened screams and angry roars.

"Turn on the power grid defense, all command personnel, move into the escape cabin!" In the combat command room, Claire's face was gloomy.

Ryan's right hand was originally touching the alloy sword on his back. He thought Claire would order everyone to stick to the deck, but it was good this time. After all, they were mercenaries, not soldiers. They could escape to a safe place. in their own interests.

The combat command room is located on the second floor of the air defense port. The spreading velociraptors have not yet impacted here, but the sudden surge of purple lightning around the combat command room revealed their position. Under Ye Luo's order, Hundreds of velociraptors and more than 20 hydralisks rushed toward the second floor. During the process, they encountered more than a dozen combat robots, but they were all immediately jumped out of the ground by the velociraptor that had evolved once. Torn to pieces.

Behind the combat command room, there is a huge escape capsule. The escape capsule is like a fighter plane. After dozens of commanders got into it, it suddenly popped out of the air defense port and rushed into the universe at an incredible speed. among.

On the interstellar battlefield, a dozen fighter jets that had received the order had been waiting for a long time, escorting the escape capsule and flying towards the cruiser.

"Boom...boom..." At this moment, the sky suddenly lit up!

A Zerg cruiser finally exploded because it could not withstand the bombardment of the Kemalena cruiser. The explosion of the Zerg cruiser was far less violent than the explosion of the Kemalena warship. After all, one relied on biological energy and the other relied on electrical energy!

But even so, the destruction of this cruiser still attracted everyone's attention, and at the same time it gave the extremely low morale of the human warriors a shot in the arm.

On the Kemalena cruiser, Claire looked at the Zerg warship in the distance and asked softly, "Have you made contact with the Topoulos civilization?"

The correspondent nodded, "We've made contact, but they won't arrive until a day at the earliest. I, I'm worried..."

Claire gritted her teeth and said, "Give me the order to retreat the fleet to the planet Kaima!"

Peter, who had been silent, frowned, "Lord Clare, if we return to the Kema planet, we will be completely passive. Moreover, you must think clearly, moving the battlefield from the interstellar to the interior of the planet will have a negative impact on your career. What kind of impact will it bring..."

Claire didn't even look at Peter, but still stared at the screen, "Correspondent, send my order!"

Peter's worries were soon confirmed. The newly charged defensive field frigate in front began to absorb artillery fire again. Kemalena's cruisers, destroyers, and the only remaining fighters, bombers, and mecha warriors also began to retreat. Two minutes after they retreated, a communication from the military headquarters came.

The communication rang for a full thirteen seconds before Claire connected to the communication video.

"Hey..." An elderly officer with a chest full of medals appeared in front of Claire. The 3D effect composed of yellow light was extremely real. Everyone at the scene could clearly see the wrinkles on the old man's face.

"Master Jeff, I..."

"Claire, you don't need to explain. I know your intentions. Pulling the fleet into the atmosphere of Kaima planet will not only prevent the Zerg from the air defense port from infiltrating the planet, but it will also be able to support the battle from nearby Kaima planet or energy blocks. However, even if this is the most correct choice now, you will definitely be punished by a military court after the war. I want to ask Shuyuanww.zhaosスyan.c, have you thought about this? "

"Boom, boom, boom..." Amidst the brilliant fireworks, the air raid port in the distance stopped making noise and began to enter silence. Claire knew that this was a sign that the Zerg had completely occupied the air raid port, and the fireworks just now should be The arsenal at the air defense port exploded.

"Master Jeff, I am a soldier. My duty is to lead the fleet to protect our homeland. As for post-war matters, let those politicians solve them!" Claire's eyes were extremely firm.

In the air-raid port, Ye Luo looked at the fleet that was gradually entering Kaima's atmosphere, with a relaxed smile on his lips.

"My Emperor, shall we pursue him now?"

"No, wait a minute..." Ye Luo suddenly turned to look at the Zerg cruiser in the distance, where a golden light was passing quickly, "Waiting for the news from Tracy and Farol, all the Zerg in the two cruisers are now The nest began to incubate the three-eyed millipede with all its strength. Didn't Tracy just give us five million energy blocks? Use one million as incubation energy. As soon as we receive the news of the battle between Tracy and Topoulos, the whole army will come out. , be sure to destroy all the armed forces in Kaimalena!”_xcxs

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