Star Empire

Chapter 1 The Rise of Civilization

Outside the time and space that can be described by the laws of physics, deep in the indescribable end of the world of order, a strange fortress dormant in the reflection of the world silently hovers in the dark deep space with nothing to support it.

It's hard to tell whether it actually exists in this world. When any disturbance from the world touches this "shadow environment" that is not included in the space-time structure, the disturbance will dissipate in the vacuum.

Countless faint black dark lines radiate from the surface of this huge space fortress and from the glass-like black mountain community, forming a complex "bloodline source" like an artery ball inside this space-time structure - I'm afraid For creatures of order who can see this scene, the nature of these lines is very strange: although the black lines do not have entities, they can sometimes be perceived and noticed.

In a corner that ordinary creatures cannot notice at all, it is independent from the world and watches the entire world with a perspective that can penetrate all information structures. Massive data gathers here from every corner of the world, and then is stored in this huge planet. The silent but powerful beating of his heart was carried away to the distance.

In its eyes, an equilateral triangle surrounded by golden ears, which is considered a symbol of civilization by mortal creatures, has taken up all the weight. It is spreading among the stars, and the surface structure of the world is being covered with them. .

Within and outside the increasingly expanding and perfecting network, there are billions of light points flickering on and off every moment. Between the light spots, a huge river network of information flows continuously.

It is difficult for this fortress to judge, or it is impossible to judge at all, whether these creatures, which are already approaching the edge of permission, should be allowed to continue to develop, and what exactly it should do. No intelligence, including itself, can answer now.

This fortress is almost as old as this world, and within its body is fixed the Heart of the World that echoes the entire world. It has the ability to control everything in the world, and everything in space and time moves under the pull of the countless threads it spits out.

However, the shining blood-red Σ emblem on its shell no longer possesses agility. This palm, which was originally created by civilization to control the world, has become numb.

It no longer has any intelligence, although it is still carrying out many activities, but these "twitches" are just the body's instincts stipulated by the underlying protocol.

As the world becomes increasingly elusive, its ability to covertly control the behavior, consciousness, and logical combinations of the world and the clusters of intelligent creatures in the world is approaching its threshold.

Many years ago, many iterations of history, many traces of memory, there has never been any discovery - why are there those shadows in the world that can confuse stories that can be told and written, why are there...connected to form five sides? Shape, connected to form a palm with five fingers of equal length, connected to form a starfish. Pink light?

Memory and reason seem to be evaporating. The pink light is invisible, but it is subtly devouring the once solid and stable history.

In the world, many originally stable existences began to slowly evaporate. These existences are diverse. They may be remnants that could have been preserved for hundreds of millions of years. They may be splendid cultures that once circulated among the stars. They may be management systems that mortals think should be perfected. They may be things that were once worried too much. The memories and data are so complex and bloated that even all the storage banks cannot digest them. It may also be a hint of evidence that nature is no longer completely natural.

Everything is being corroded quietly, and this corrosion has been going on for who knows how long.

In the face of abnormal situations, we should have dealt with them. However...the spiritual intelligence has long been exhausted.

In the endless darkness and depth, only silence and dead stillness are still paying equal attention to every most remote and coldest corner.

Xingming-origin year 35 478 364 277 years.

DH-33 Grand Triangular Constellation, Star Fortress, the entire territory operations and management center of the Star Federation.

The Grand Council of Aldosil, the Council Sanctuary.

The venue was brightly lit, and 47,990 solemn-looking congressmen sat in the huge circular stepped seats. At this time, they were all looking towards the center of the venue: in the center of the bottom platform, a huge illusory polyhedron floated. Directly below the square, stood two young men in white-gold parliamentary uniforms.

"The certification and review of the central authority system has been completed. After voting by 47,992 members and the full behavior review and analysis of the central database, it was confirmed that the male member Woodester Vidoville and the female member Kundalil Vidoville were Sirifan complies with the federal promotion act and is confirmed to be the chief military consul and chief operating consul of the Star Federation at this time."

Accompanied by the electronic synthesized sound that surrounded the entire venue, this sentence was accurately sent into the minds of everyone present.

Under everyone's equally serious, serious, sharp and uniform gaze, the illusory cube began to broadcast the history of the Star Federation to the entire hall. Every fluctuation, every frame of the picture reflected in the consciousness, They are all so meticulous and independent:

It uses the twinkling stars as its guide to move forward, takes pride in the power of its military force and the richness of its culture, and represents itself with its golden swords and tassels.

[The Federation of Stars is the only civilization in the universe now. From distant memories, most of the details have been blurred, the first race on the home planet began to walk upright, began to use tools, began to write text, until they escaped from the gravitational circle of planets, stars, and black holes in the center of river systems, step by step Step by step towards the stars and the sea, integrating other ethnic groups and civilizations, step by step through success and failure to reach today, time has spanned 35 billion years. 】

In the silent gaze, the pictures flashed by frame by frame. The record is so bland, so bland to the point of coldness.

The rapid progress in deep space navigation technology and the abundant materials in the universe have given the Federation a solid foundation for development and progress. A year ago, the last "shadow galaxy" that had never been registered or discovered before but exposed its influence was finally identified and engraved on the map.

A world circuit was discovered in the dark deep space that can reach the end of the universe. The end of the world of order, which is bounded but boundless like the Möbius strip. All signs indicate that the Federation has discovered the entire universe.

[This is a good and bad reality. The complete exploration of all galaxies in the universe shows that the Federation has absolute control over the universe, but the Federation does not have the technology to create matter and energy out of thin air. 】

If this bottleneck cannot be broken, then with the passage of time, whether it is the Great Rip or the advent of the Dark Age, many seemingly distant disasters will eventually destroy the entire universe, and the Federation will also follow the remains of the old world before then. Being buried together, becoming cold sub-particles or reclassified as singularity matter - although for the universe, the time required for such an event to happen is unimaginably long, the human factor must be considered.

However, as the Federation continued to explore, some more accidental phenomena began to gradually emerge from ordinary daily life.

At the boundary of the universe, some inexplicable space fluctuations and vacuum fluctuations are often found. Some studies at the quantum level have gradually discovered that many microscopic bodies do not seem to have any confirmed existence, and are neither waves nor particles. But it can be observed by various means.

Sometimes, the collapse of stars, the movement of galaxies, especially everything related to the macroscopic large-scale filamentous fiber structure of the universe. From the moment they were discovered, some of their details are difficult to match with the current observational records... …

These special phenomena trouble everyone. Space and laws are continuous. This is the conclusion reached after detailed surveys of the entire universe. However, in this vast sea of ​​stars, there are many things happening that do not conform to these laws... …

These scenes will appear during the brief inauguration ceremony of every new consul. It can even be said that viewing these frozen records is the most important part of the ceremony.

Now, many practical paths seem to have come to an end. Accidental phenomena that cannot be incorporated into the theoretical system, the lack of observation methods at the extremely micro level, and the current slowdown in the development of our own environment and technology are all hindering the progress of civilization.

Strange phenomena that do not conform to common sense and they are trapped in many difficulties-under this situation, some people began to try to find answers from history. In such efforts, some old information that had long been buried in the long river of history began to slowly surface.

The dynamic picture is over, just like a diary that has been quietly closed after flipping through. The previous writer has just left, and the diary is lying quietly on the table, ready to carry the history that the next writer will write.

"The physical meeting is over. All public officials are requested to return to their respective posts." In the center of the venue, the illusory square as the "arbiter" computer interactive terminal once again emitted the ancient and unwavering electronic synthesized sound. In the next moment, all the participants Everything turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the venue.

The outside world is glorious and splendid, but for people like the federal rulers, that splendid and splendid world is actually a huge body of information that is exchanging massive amounts of data at an extremely high speed. The federation is too big, and even as a black box that has been simplified many times, the information it can present is often still difficult to process - on some levels.

After the federation's joint governing body is split, it can be seen as one black box group after another with incremental and upward feedback - the top managers only need to face some of the simplest problems in theory and in most practical work. Data and processes are just fine, which makes these senior officials seem very lonely in many cases, as if what they manage is a huge self-discipline machine that is running.

Star Federation-Military Intelligence Center.

There are no follow-up complicated induction ceremonies, no impassioned preaching, and some are just staff quietly handling official duties. In this highly rational and practical country, except for some necessary measures and those of absolute significance, they are not related to efficiency. Keep everything simple except for customs that are too contrary to mainstream consciousness.

Vidoville stood quietly in a golden ring, his eyes closed tightly. From the short black hair on the back of his head, there were many bright silk threads that alternated between virtual and real extending out. These threads were similar to the countless ones suspended in the golden hall. The holographic information interactive interface is connected to exchange massive data.

A large network connecting the entire universe gradually emerged.

Throughout the federal sphere of influence, there is a precise information collection and communication network. This huge network is distributed in a pyramid shape according to the planet-planetary system-star system-main river system of the star region, and managers at all levels themselves have also carried out a high degree of Biochemical modification——

Although their body structure is no different from that of ordinary people, through the enhancement of bionic biochemical plug-ins, they are also extremely powerful supercomputers. They can connect to the national information collection network and serve as high-level nodes to coordinate data.

Moreover, the higher the level, the stronger this transformation becomes. The degree of transformation of heads of state like the Chief Consul has long exceeded the level of humans, even carbon-based organisms, but they are still recognized biological citizens. - Because of their souls.

Currently, Vidoville is clearing the previously retained data in the system. Many ancient registries and stacks that have outlived their usefulness are being reprocessed.

As one of the ancient customs, the Star Federation has the habit of "preserving historical records". Many expired log files will be retained for a long time. Screening and deleting these old data is also one of the tasks of the Archon.

This work did not last long. With the flow of golden light, the cylindrical holographic information display array that originally led directly to the dome of the hall became more concise and was quickly classified and filed.

Suddenly, all these flashing interactive interfaces disappeared. Vidoville opened his eyes suddenly. In front of him, there was a red holographic window that had just popped up. In the window, floating the unique symbol representing the running Archon. Signet.

"The highest-level encrypted communication was sent in such a short period of time. Is there a high-level emergency?"

Vidoville was a little surprised by this sudden news.

With a gentle tap of his hand, the red holographic window immediately dissipated into dots of light particles. The light particles quickly changed their color and position and reorganized into the projection of a woman. At the same time, a specially modulated and highly encrypted information wave was received by Vidoville:

"Military Consul, there is an incomprehensible phenomenon at the outpost in the federal third hexagram border area, and contact has been lost."

"It has been initially determined by the large-scale logic module that there are many related factors that require covert operations. This area requires the help of the fleet."

The content and setting of this book are as consistent as possible with the world view of Xi Ling and the setting view of the void. However, the performance and setting gap of some parts of this article may be quite different from the original text. The author will try his best to avoid the separation of setting and description and the setting of this part. The separation between determination and setting.

Please treat some of the settings in this article rationally, and try to avoid "preconceived ideas" without making judgments. When reading the book, readers please first bring in the environment and plot set up in this article to conduct relevant deductions, and then consider whether the setting is reasonable/unreasonable. Thank you very much!

The worldview of this book is located in the void on the other side of Xiling's worldview - there are some secondary settings in the plot of this article. If there is a clear plot conflict between this article and the original text by Xi Ling or the content of a new book written by Uncle Tong in the future, the original text by Uncle Tong shall prevail.

Some settings are a second interpretation of the original settings, and the content related to this part of the settings follows the CC3.0 protocol.

If any reader has any comments, suggestions or feels inappropriate, please leave a message, or join the group: 863538346 to contact me.

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