On the screen, a completely new image begins to appear.

[Surprisingly, the picture on the screen is first focused on a small child. 】

[This little boy is only a few years old at most, but his face has already appeared gloomy. 】

[Behind him, an old woman is sitting in a wheelchair.] 】

[As if on a whim, this child threw away his building blocks, walked behind his grandmother, and ...... her directly. Pushed down the stairs along with the wheelchair. 】


[In the midst of the screams, watching his grandmother roll down to the end of the stairs, the little boy smiled smugly.] 】

After a few years, the little boy grew older, but the desire to kill in his heart was not alleviated in the slightest. 】

[One day he broke into the bathroom, threw a hair dryer plugged in with electricity, threw it into his mother's bathtub, and electrocuted his mother to death!]

[This little ghost seems to want to repeat his father's old tricks, but the stout father is not so easy to deal with.] 】

[The father not only beat the child severely, but also sent him to a notorious orphanage. 】

[In the orphanage, the child, Casady, was subjected to inhuman abuse. 】

But it was here that she met another little black girl. 】

[That little girl has extraordinary superpowers, and her screams can be turned into ultrasound waves and cause terrible damage!]

[These two little ghosts, who are hated and hated by the world, lick each other's wounds and finally come together. 】

[But because this girl's ability continues to get stronger, they still can't last long between them after all.] 】

[That night, the pair of imps, who have become boys and girls, are talking to each other through the walls of the orphanage. 】

"The doctor said...... My mutant abilities are constantly growing. "】

[The black girl said in horror:]

"They're going to take me away...... They said they were going to send me somewhere, so you have other people like me......"]


【Teenager...... Cletus Cassady roared angrily:]

["No one can take you away from me!"]

[That night, a group of wolf-like guards stormed the black girl's room and took her to a prison van......]

["Francis !!"]

[Through the bars, watching his beloved being robbed, young Cassidy was so angry that he almost went crazy, but he couldn't do anything. 】

[However, black girls are not so easy to deal with.] 】

[In the prison car, she directly showed her superpowers, attacked a police officer with a powerful sound wave!, and tried to take his pistol!]


[In horror and pain, the officer pulls the trigger and knocks down the black girl with a single shot. 】

[When the girl woke up, she found that she had been placed in a mysterious research institute and was packed in a transparent box.] 】

[In this place, her ultrasonic abilities are completely unleashed.] 】

[Time flies, more than ten years later, the girl who was locked in a glass cage suddenly read a news from the newspaper. 】

[Her lover...... Cletus Cassady has turned into a bloody serial killer and has been arrested by the police!]

[Now, he is sitting in prison awaiting the verdict.] 】

Seeing this, someone in the live broadcast room suddenly changed color.

"Mutants??damn it!"

Magneto's face suddenly became gloomy, and he clenched his teeth tightly, looking extremely annoyed.

He didn't care if the guy named Cassidy lived or died.

But this is clearly a mutant black woman...... But he was locked up like a guinea pig by the people of these research institutions!

One level is more than ten years!

And, depending on the situation, he is obviously not the only mutant in their research institute that is concerned!

Magneto has always considered himself the savior of mutants, this kind of thing...... How can you bear it?

At this moment, there were also people in the chat group bubbling.

Deadpool: Cletus Cassady, I think I've heard of this guy. Seems to be a fierce serial killer.

John Constantine: What? You've heard of him? Could it be...... Does this venom live in your plane?

Deadpool: Wowhaha! I think it's a possibility!

Deadpool: After all, you see, the girlfriend of Cassidy, the serial killer, is actually a female mutant.

Charles Xavier: Damn! Is it Weapon X behind this research institute? Or is it Essex?

Charles Xavier: These human ...... Why can't you just let us go?

Magneto: Charles, do you still keep this naïve thought?

Charles Xavier: You should have been clear about it for a month. Our goal is the same, and that is to build a nation that belongs to mutants!

Magneto: Hmph, I hope you'll walk the talk.

Meanwhile, Eddie Bullock's apartment.

"Huh, mutants, Deadpool?"

Looking at the scrolling barrage below the screen, Eddie Bullock looked confused, as if he had no idea of such an unfolding.

But he was a veteran journalist after all, so he quickly came to his senses and quickly picked up the laptop next to him.

"Deadpool? Isn't this the notorious mercenary?

Looking at the various introductions of Deadpool on the page, Eddie only felt a slight chill in his vest.

This guy's murderous deeds don't seem to be much better than that Cletus Cassady.

And when he thought of Casade, Eddie Bullock was a little puzzled.

This serial murderer was indeed arrested not long ago, but what does he have to do with Venom?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Although Cletus Cassady was arrested by the police, the authorities have never been able to find the remains of those who died under his hands, so he cannot be sentenced to death. 】

[But one day, Cassady in prison suddenly changed his mind and asked to meet a famous reporter...... Eddie Bullock. 】

[Although Cassady has been locked up in prison, Eddie, who is a coward, still doesn't dare to see the other party. 】

[While Eddie was talking to the police officer who was handling the case, the venom in his body began to move. 】

[It turns out that there are only two things that Venom depends on for its livelihood, one is the human brain and the other is chocolate. 】

[But Eddie never dared to release venom to go out and eat people, even if it was a villain on the street!]

[So Venom, who has been hungry, is now a little hungry, and he wants to eat when he sees someone, even if the other party is a police officer!]

[In the bathroom of the police station, Eddie and Venom also have an argument with the happy enemy.] 】

[Venom's body came out of Eddie's body, and he shouted with an unhappy face:]

["Let go of me, we should go out to protect the city, eat some bad guys, and fill my stomach by the way!"]

[Looking at the frightened Eddie Bullock in front of him, Venom already had a bit of disdain in his tone:]

["I was supposed to spread my wings and fly high, but I was led by you coward...... Can only crawl on the ground!"]

[If Venom first arrived on Earth, he just ate it when he saw people, and after following Eddie for so long, he seems to have become some kind of ...... "middle and second disease superhero". 】

[When he hears that Add has a chance to meet the serial murderer, Venom immediately insists that he agree.] 】

[After meeting with Cassady, the serial murderer wants Eddie to publish a small poem in the newspaper for him.] 】

[This poem is actually a signal he sent to his black girlfriend.] 】

[Cassady has always believed that that black mutant girlfriend must still be alive somewhere!]

[As he leaves Casady's cell, Add glances over the wall and discovers...... Cassady used tools to carve a series of bizarre murals on the walls. 】

[These murals are just graffiti in the eyes of ordinary people. 】

[But who would have thought that Venom, an alien symbiote, would write down all the details of these murals like a camera.] 】

[After returning home, Venom manipulated Eddie's body and perfectly reproduced Cassady's mural on the drawing paper. 】

[The performance of the great detective "Conan Venom" has just begun. 】

[After drawing a picture of the sea with his body, Venom quickly manipulated Eddie to search the Internet. 】

[Unexpectedly, the first photo that popped up turned out to be exactly the same seaside scenery!]

[After Eddie revealed the relevant information to the police, the police really exhumed a large number of Cassady's victim bodies on this beach. 】

[With these corpses, the judge can also successfully convict Cassady of death!]

[After this incident, Eddie Bullock suddenly became famous and became a well-known reporter on the street!]

[Despite his success, the relationship between Add and Venom is problematic.] 】

[Suffering from the venom of the "second disease in superheroes", he clamors every day that he wants to go to the streets to eat the brains of bad guys. 】

[Don't dare to eat people, Eddie can only take Venom to the grocery store opened by "Mrs. Chen" to buy chocolate, but Mrs. Chen tells him that the chocolate is sold out!]

[In desperation, Eddie can only take the venom to the chicken farm to steal chickens to eat!]

[After eating the chicken, Venom is still indignant.] 】

[It thinks...... I'm so powerful, but I can only use these low-level creatures to feed my stomach!]

[And at this moment, Eddie Bullock's ex-girlfriend called to meet him, and the delighted Eddie thought it was ...... The ex-girlfriend is going to get back together with herself. 】

[But she didn't expect that she wanted to tell Eddie that she was engaged!]

[This time, Eddie Bullock seems to be really proud in the workplace, and he is disappointed in love......]

[At the same time, in prison.] 】

[Knowing that he was sentenced to death, it was actually Eddie Bullock's credit!] Casady was furious and sent a postcard to Eddie and invited him to watch his execution!]

[After reading Casadie's postcard, Eddie decides to go to the prison and meet the serial murderer for the second time.] 】

[Who knew that this time they met, Cassady kept using words to stimulate Eddie, and even attacked his family. 】

[Personally attacked by the other party, Eddie, who is a coward, hasn't said anything yet. The venom of the temper tantrum has exploded!]

[He directly put his tentacles into the cage, grabbed Cassady's body and shook it from side to side.] 】

["You bastard, if you dare to talk to my friends like this, I'll kill you!"]

[In this physical conflict, Cassady was so fierce that he actually grabbed Eddie's hand and bit it hard!]


[Just as Eddie was bitten and screamed by Cassady, the bloodthirsty serial killer suddenly felt that something was wrong. 】

[He has tasted the blood of many people in his life, but Eddie Bullock's blood seems to be different!]

["Eddie Bullock, you have a big secret in your body!"]

[Watching Eddie leave the prison, Cassady wiped the few drops of blood from his mouth.] 】

[At this time, he was surprised to find that the few drops of blood left by Eddie Bullock in his mouth seemed to come to life and were growing strange flesh... Bud!】

[Looking at the strange residual blood in his hand, Casade actually swallowed it in one bite!]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Starlight: Oh my God, what's wrong with this guy's brain? Swallowed that disgusting thing.

Venom: Shut up! What's so disgusting, it's mine...... It's mine......

Halfway through, the venom actually got stuck.

Wanda Maximov: What's yours? That lump of meat... What exactly is a bud?

Venom:............ Forget it, it doesn't matter if I tell you.

Venom: In the world of our symbiote, and on rare occasions, a part of our body will read out and become a second individual!

Venom: I've seen someone split a symbiote into two and it turned into two symbiotes!

Morty: Symbiote, what is this? Where did the monster come from? Or is it an alien? (⊙o⊙)

Venom: What a monster? I'm a righteous hero who eats the brains of the wicked!

Morty: Huh?( ̄△ ̄;)

Star-Swallowing Daughter Ganata: Symbiotes can reproduce this way......?

Ganata, the Daughter of the Swallowing Stars: I knew ...... I shouldn't have eaten all the symbiotes on that comet last time, I should have left some of them to farm.

Venom: What? Symbiote on the comet? Eat up? What are you talking about?

Garnata, Daughter of the Star Swallower: Don't worry. Little one, you and I are not in the same universe.

Garnata, the Daughter of the Star Eater: And a small one like you wouldn't even have enough snacks for me.

Venom:............ (⊙_⊙)

At the same time, Eddie Brock suddenly felt the venom in his body suddenly quiet down.

And, with some kind of telepathy, he actually felt a hint of ...... Fear!

At this time, Eddie suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but scream.

"Oh no, if that Cassidy guy does get another symbiote, will he escape from prison?"

At this time, the venom in his body suddenly said in a sullen voice:

"Add, are you a show in your head? In our world, you haven't been bitten by that madman, where did he come from?"


Realizing that he was watching the video too much, Eddie couldn't help but smile as if laughing at himself.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After returning home, Eddie Bullock and Venom have a big fight. 】

[Add blames Venom for being too impulsive and almost leaking the secrets of the two of them.] 】

[As a journalist, Eddie knows a lot about the dark side of the beautiful country. 】

[If the secret is exposed, they may even be caught doing human experiments!]

[And Venom is also very angry!]

[He thinks...... I'm angry for Eddie!As a result, this kid not only didn't appreciate it, but actually scolded him!]

[The dispute between the two eventually turned into a quarrel, and the quarrel further deteriorated into a fight!]

[Of course, Eddie Bullock can't beat Venom, but he also knows Venom's weakness, so he found an opportunity to activate the alarm and use noise to drive Venom out of his body!]

[Thinking that he was finally out of Venom's big trouble, Eddie lay on the floor with a smile on his lips.] 】

[But just then, he heard a loud noise coming from downstairs.] 】

[Eddie ran out of the window to take a look, and suddenly a look of horror appeared on his face.] 】

[I saw the venom attached to another person, smashing Eddie's baby frantically...... Ducati locomotive!】

[It seems that this is his means of venting his anger.] 】

"Don't smash it. Add let out a heart-rending scream!]

["I'm going to smash it."] Venom shouted. 】


["I want it!"]

[After smashing Add's baby motorcycle to pieces, Venom possesses another woman on a bicycle.] 】

[Before leaving, he didn't forget to give Edhibi a middle finger, and left a sentence by the way:]

["Sprinkle the oil!"]

[Now, Add and Venom, the two enemies seem to have finally separated!]

Seeing this, in the apartment, Venom began to scream again:

"Add, you unconscionable bastard, you want to break up with me!!"

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