Spoiler For The Multiverse: The Start of the Live Broadcast of Marvel

Chapter 211: Is Electroman your big fan? Norman Osborn

  Chapter 211 Electric Man is your fanatical fan? Norman Osborn is dead

  Johnny the Ghost Rider sat on the sofa and laughed, raised the bottle and took a sip of beer, then looked at the screen with disdain and said, "Are you talking so arbitrarily, mustache."

   "It seems that you have had a smooth life all your life, right? From your handmade suit, I can see that you should be a powerful, rich and powerful master!"

  Tony raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "So what?"

   "It doesn't matter, I just feel that you **** doesn't understand human suffering."

Johnny sneered: "Who's superhero road is smooth, the enemies each of us face are not wicked criminals, or those vicious evil creatures, just to fight them, we have already done our best. Now, at this time, how dare we let our loved ones get involved?"

   "What's more, her father has lost his life to save himself."

   "So, Spider Boy, don't just listen to this dude's advice. I bet that with his attitude and way of dealing with people, he will definitely suffer a lot in the future."

When Tony heard the words, he immediately retorted: "You can fart, it's obviously your own weak chicken, and you can't protect your relatives to say such negative things, what I said before is correct, people with this attitude, Just a coward."

  Johnny sat up immediately when he heard Tony's mockery of himself, and stopped sending text messages, but quarreled with Iron Man in the chat channel with voices.

   And listening to their abuse of each other, everyone in the live broadcast room also kept silent.

  Tony's words are a little too ideal, and Johnny's words are also too pessimistic, of course, this is also related to the situation between the two of them.

Just like Tony, who owns high-tech equipment in his identity. Although the US government covets it, it does not dare to rob it. As for the swords and lights behind the scenes, Tony can deal with it by himself. department.

   And when the little spider inherits Tony's legacy, once he has an accident, he will face the siege of the whole world.

   So did others.

  Superpower is one aspect, but the most important thing for superheroes is the ability to protect themselves and their families.

   And this is difficult for many people present.

  Extraordinary Peter slowly narrated his above thoughts, and these points of his also made Tony gradually quiet down.

Ignoring the last voice Johnny sent, Tony Stark struggled for a while, and finally patted the extraordinary Peter on the shoulder: "Forget it, Peter, I understand what you mean, but I still reserve my opinion. "

  Transcendent Peter nodded seriously: "However, this is just the trouble that I will suffer in the image. Now, I will not be so cowardly at all. I am the man who controls the entire spider army."

  [Gwen's breakup did not make Peter too disappointed. Because of graduation, he freed up more time to fight crime, which also caused a trend of polarization in society's attitude towards him. 】

   [But Peter didn't notice this. In his spare time as a chivalrous man, he would still stand silently at a high place, watching over his beloved girl. 】

  【And on the other side of the city, Max Dillon is happily starting his day because today is his birthday. 】

  【It's just that his good mood was snuffed out by his boss the moment he entered the company. 】

[Because the Osborne Group is preparing a large project to supply electricity to the whole of New York recently, the entire Osborne Group has entered a state of emergency mobilization, and when Max's boss saw him, he casually reminded him One sentence: "You're late!"]

   [Max explained the reason to his boss in a panic, and also reported his achievements: "I didn't even notice that the power grid was designed by me!"]

  [His boss immediately turned around when he heard the words, looked at Max and said with a provocative smile: "Of course I know, I'm still Spider-Man!"]

   [But he didn't know, such words immediately irritated Max. He grabbed his boss's collar, gritted his teeth and angrily scolded him for pretending to be Spider-Man, and threatened to screw off his boss's head. 】

   [With a pause in the screen, the screen flashes back to the state where the boss asked Max to go back to work. 】

   [It turned out that the roar and ruthlessness just now were just the imagination of Max Dillon. 】

  Wanda: "...After a long time, it turns out that this guy is not only your fan, but also your fanatical fan!"

  The extraordinary Peter scratched his head embarrassedly: "Maybe, I haven't noticed it, but my heat on the tubing is quite high."

  Wolverine bit the cigar: "But you, a fanatic, seems to be mentally abnormal."

Falcon Sam took a piece of grass in his mouth and said, "It's nothing. Who hasn't imagined some violent images in their minds. To be honest, when I train every day, I think about kicking me hard. Instructor's ass."

   Mage Mordo also said at this time: "Huh? By the way, I remember Sam, you seem to be a fan of Team America too."

"No no, he's not!" Tony chuckled: "It's Phil Coulson, I remember in Avengers 1, he wanted Team America to sign his own set of Collector's Team America cards. Come on, tsk tsk, I feel happy when I think about this scene at the time."

"There is such a story, Stark, you are wrong, how can you miss the story!" Strange also smirked: "It seems that I have to spend 50 points to watch it again if I have a chance. Don't read the story of Avengers 1, it's too hilarious."

Phil Coulson raised his brows calmly, and then looked at the gazes cast by everyone in the barn, he simply spread his hands: "Why, why are you looking at me like this, is star chasing a very bad thing? Shame? Don't you have idols?"

   Hawkeye smiled and waved his hand: "Of course not, but I heard a joke, and I don't remember who spread it out first..."

With a smirk on his face, he glanced at Black Widow and Hill without a trace, and finally turned his attention to Coulson: "I heard that your cellist girlfriend looks like a girl from a certain angle. Kind of like Captain Rogers? Is that a rumour?"

  The Winter Soldier glanced at Coulson in disbelief, and couldn't help sighing: "Damn, is this true?"

  Colson suddenly shouted: "Nonsense, I want to sue you for defamation, you are defaming me!"

  [The screen turned, and downstairs in a luxurious residence, Harry Osborn returned to his home in a car, and led by a middle-aged man, he saw his dying father lying on the bed. 】

   [But the reunion between father and son after a long absence was not so pleasant. Looking at his blue-faced father, Harry Osborn was very excited and accused him of sending him to boarding school when he was a child. 】

   [But Norman Osborn dismissed this and sat up straight and sneered: "So, are your hands twitching now?"]

  【"When you are lying on the bed and feel your hand start to twitch, it hides under your skin, waiting for the time to show up... Show up to tell you your true face!"]

   [Harry looked at his father silently, it was hard for him to imagine that when Norman Osborn spoke to him in such a fierce tone, his eyes were actually shedding tears? 】

  【"Retroviral Proliferation Disease~"】

[It seems that his vicious attitude towards his son has just drained his last stamina, Norman lay back on the bed and stared at his son: "I forgot to tell you, this is a genetic disease, it is our family's disease The curse will begin to manifest at your age."]

   [Looking at Harry's silent appearance, Norman raised his head and said, "Show me your hand."]

   [Harry stretched out his right hand wordlessly, just as his father said, at this moment his hand was shaking uncontrollably. 】

[Norman reached out and held his son's hand. Unbelievably, Norman Osborn's hand didn't look like a pair of human palms at all at this moment, it looked more like a pair of demons' hands. Hands, even nails are so sharp. 】

   [He held a metal device and handed it to Harry's hands, and told his son that this was his life's achievement, and he hoped that Harry could complete the research that he could not complete. 】

  【And after such a hasty explanation of his last words, Norman completely lost his movement and passed away. 】

  Tony: "Aside from the horrible appearance of Norman Osborn, just listening to his last words, I still think of my father."

Bruce Banner didn't pay attention to this aspect. He looked at Norman's claws on the screen and said curiously: "However, what's wrong with his hands, radiation? Or a biological experiment? It won't be him. Modified and injected with Dr. Lizard's potion, right?"

"I think it's very possible!" Strange put his finger on his temple, and after about ten seconds of recollection, he finally remembered the picture: "Before Peter was bitten by the spider, that... Dr. Radha met with Kang. Dr. Nas, and mentioned a sentence that he was dying... This is him, I think it is Norman Osborn."

   "It is precisely because of his urging that Dr. Connors will speed up the experiment of the medicine and inject it into himself."

The little spider waved his hand and interrupted the discussion between the two: "I don't think it's right, have you forgotten? In the previous spoiler image about me, there is also Norman Osborn in the world of Peter II. He also has a nickname called the Green Goblin, and this dead Norman, doesn't his hands look exactly like the devil?"

   "Could it be that they are all the same and turned themselves into green demons during the experiment?"

  Mage Mordo shook his head: "I don't think so. You came in late and didn't see the previous spoiler. In fact, Norman actually appeared in the ending easter egg of Transcendent 1."

  Reed Richards: "You mean, the old man with the top hat standing in the dark?"

   Mage Mordo: "That's right."

   (end of this chapter)

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