Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3415: The 3403 announces the priest 1

Bai Wei slowly walked to the front of the stage, took the microphone from Yuan Xi's hand, and looked around at a circle of people. At this time, the audience was quiet, and the audience was silent, waiting for her to speak.

Bai Wei began to tell how he felt through the entrance to Mount Sumi, and then went to Sumiyama – at the threshold, in the middle of the illusory and colorless days.

Because of her inspiration, she came to this place through the void and embarked on Mount Sumi.

"Between the water and the sky around Mount Sumi, it is the place where the gods are. In the past thousands of years, the prophetic powers and demigods that have truly risen to the illusory, pure and pure land have come here and become the gods of the gods. Breaking into the forbidden land of Sumiyama will immediately trigger attacks by the gods. No one can hold it, even if it is the Promise Ghost King and the Emperor of the Skull.


In the grass outside the palace wall, Ye Shaoyang, Sibao, Lao Guo and Wu Jiawei, together with melons, hide in them. When I heard Bai Wei said here, Ye Shaoyang could not help but scream.

Several people looked at him inexplicably, only Lao Guo sighed and said: "I didn't expect it."

Four treasures look at him and look at Ye Shaoyang, saying: "Don't play dumb, what do you mean?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Xiao Xu betrayed us and told Bai Wei about the description of Sumiyama - probably told Yuan Xi, and then Yuan Xi told Bai Wei. This is something that is outside!"

The four treasures understood what he meant and asked: "You said, about the scene of Sumiyama? Will they really go there?"

"Please, do you think anyone can find a critical entrance?"

Lao Guo inserted a sentence, "It is right that Xiaoxu said that it is correct, but I guess that 80% was put out by the Yuan Xiong brothers and sisters. Xiaoxu, the child I believe, he will not be a traitor."

Ye Shaoyang said: "It is best."

In fact, regarding the situation of Sumiyama, Ye Shaoyang is not afraid to leak out. He is worried that Chen Xiaoxu said this, and other things will be said, such as the news of his return, after all, Chen Xiaoxu knows quite a lot of secrets. But in the end, he still hopes that he has not looked away.

Several people continue to listen to Bai Wei to speak:

"I am a nine-day mysterious woman. Naturally, I will not be embarrassed by the gods. So I am on the top of the mountain of Sumiyama. There are all kinds of majestic laws, and it is hard to say. Under the light of the gods, I completely awakened. ......"


Someone suddenly interrupted her under the stage, and everyone turned around and saw that it was Jianyang.

He actually made a disaster at this time!

Everyone knows that their brothers are unhappy, knowing that they will definitely jump out against it, but did not expect that early in the day, Bai Wei’s words have not been finished.

Bai Wei stopped talking and looked at him.

Jianyang Road: "I would like to ask the nine-day mysterious woman, what is the name of the mountain, please tell us how, by the way, how do you wake up?"

Bai Weidao: "Can't say."


"The miracles can't be said with people. Not to mention that they are in such a large audience."

Jianyang listened to this, but it was stuck at the same time. He did not expect Bai Wei to resist this kind of words. In his thoughts, Bai Wei will certainly make up a lie and tell me how this is to be a mountain. Although they have never been to Sumiyama, as long as they are fabricated lies, then There will be loopholes and contradictions. Jianyang has always been known for his eloquence in Buddhism. Just let him seize these loopholes and fight with her. In front of so many people, even if she can’t prove that she is fake, at least It can also make her ugly and fight her prestige as a "nine-day mysterious girl."

As a result, people did not pick up the move and lifted the crisis with a reason that he could not refute.

Jianyang was speechless, looked at Jianming around him and shrugged his shoulders.

Bai Wei continued to talk about it. She said that she listened to the gods, got the content, and translated the language that adults can understand. It is a sentence: "Sunrise morning and grass shine."


In the grass, Ye Shaoyang snorted again and looked at Lao Guo. Lao Guo looked helpless and Ye Shaoyang was indignant. "I didn't expect him to even say this!"

Lao Guo frowned. "I still don't believe that Xiaoxu will leak secrets. Maybe... they sent something evil, and lurked around us. I heard what we said. For example, the shadow we encountered in the past. class?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged: "If it is a regenerative reappearance, it should be their boss. Where is the willingness to sell them to them. It is impossible. With my current strength, no one can touch it silently except the level of the ghost king. I am not around by me."

Above the dojo, everyone listened to the gods that Bai Wei said, and they whispered.

Wang Xiaobao turned to look at Chen Xiaoxu. Chen Xiaoxu shook his head and said that he did not say it himself. However, he heard the gods and his heart was shocked. He believed that Bai Wei was a nine-day mysterious woman. She said that she really went to Mount Sumi. It’s okay to get the same gods as myself, but why is it not a bad word, after all, the gods are loud and screaming, this sentence is not directly expressed by God, but after listening to the experience, it gives its own translation.

It seems that there is a classical Chinese, different two people are translated into vernacular, as long as they are not translated wrong, the meaning must be the same, but it is difficult to have a word is not bad, right?

Not to mention that the content of the gods is conceptual, transformed into human language, and there is no standardized translation result, so... is it too coincidental?

"Sunrise morning, the grass is shining. This sentence is a comment on the name of the person, but this is only the first sentence of the god, and there is content after that... Well, because the so-called god, God makes me directly perceive Their thoughts, many places can not directly translate, I directly say the result, the so-called human priests, not just one person, but two, this comment is used to open, respectively, refers to two people, the gods I have already told me their name."

Jianyang heard this and said: "You are contradicting this statement. Since God can tell you the name directly, why do you have to make this god, for fun?"

Bai Weidao: "The gods are used to prove the identity of the human priests. The gods are not for me. They are for the world. Let you believe that these two are human priests. In addition, if I have an accident or delay. Awakening, the world is fortunate enough to be able to go to Sumiyama, and to hear the gods to find the priest."

Jianyang was circumvented by her logic and was speechless for a while.

"There are many loopholes! It’s really full of loopholes!"

Ye Xiaomu shook his head.

Sibao smiled and said: "But you can't deny that this girl's eloquence is good."

Lao Guodao: "It doesn't matter with the mouth. It must be that the Yuan Xi brothers and sisters taught her in advance. They have enough time to fabricate everything, and logically let this matter pass the question."

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