Spider demons have attributes

Chapter 168 The Unemployed Spider Demon




In the dazzling light,

The cube-man guard Murphy was blown away directly, his body embedded in the ground, and a long ravine was dragged out of the ground.

Then the whole person fainted,

The armor on Murphy's chest was shattered, exposing his chest of flesh and blood. There were still various toxins, corrosive fluids, electric currents and burning disgust remaining on the wounds. Although the healing speed was relatively slow, it looked like Murphy was not dead.

The blade storm slowly stopped,

Horn's true form appears,

The wanderer guards all stared at the Spider Demon Horn in disbelief.

A guard went over to check on Murphy and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, Murphy is still alive. He just fainted from the strong impact."

The guards looked at each other. Who would have thought that a small spider could explode with such powerful power?

The passengers watching the excitement cheered,



"Awesome, little guy."

If you succeed in challenging the guard, you can skip the level and enter the mission hall. This is a rule set by the wanderers. However, it has been too long since no monster has been able to successfully challenge the guard, so this rule has gradually not been mentioned again.

until today,

He was successfully challenged by a little spider demon who only had the strength of a scroller.

It immediately caused a sensation among travelers,

Later, a wanderer in a gorgeous robe even walked out of the mission hall. He asked the guard captain about the situation in a low voice, looked at Horn with a slightly surprised look, and then returned to the hall.

Horn was panting. He used too many abilities at once and consumed more than half of his physical energy. The nutritional attributes stored in his body began to replenish his physical strength.

Although blood thirst can be used to quickly recover,

But now it’s better to keep a low profile,

Being surrounded by so many challenger monsters, Horn felt a rare sense of embarrassment. Fortunately, the challenge was successful, and the wanderer guard Murphy was quite powerful.

He took all the damage directly, but he didn't die, and the opponent fainted. It was not entirely knocked down by his attack, but more caused by some of the accompanying mental attacks and invading toxins.

Other covert attacks cannot be detected by other bystanders,

At the same time, as the attacker, Horn can clearly feel the defensive strength of the Rangers guard, and the opponent is not slow, so he can dodge it if he wants to.

Generally speaking,

This attack was not as successful as it seemed,

It seems that he underestimated his opponent and overestimated himself.

but no matter,

Just that blow just now was enough to prove that he had the strength to be a challenger.

Horn shouted to the Ranger guard: "Hey, can I go in now! Rangers, do I have the strength to be a challenger?"

A colleague was knocked unconscious.

The Ranger guards did not show anger, but rather admired the little spider.

The guard captain ordered his men to take the fainted Murphy down for treatment, and then said with a smile: "Little guy, you can go in. In order to avoid trouble, you can freely enter and leave the mission halls on the first to sixth floors of the camp with this sign in the future."

A simple wooden sign was thrown over.

Both sides are blank,

It just smells like homeless people.

Take the sign,

Horn stepped into the mission hall step by step under the gaze of guards and onlookers, feeling like walking on a red carpet.

Various major events happen every day in the camp.

The news that a Wanderer Spider Demon successfully challenged the guards spread quickly and subsided quickly. Not long after, the monsters in the camp were no longer discussing the Spider Demon.

And Horn,

After entering the mission hall, I was completely lost.

The hall is decorated with space magic,

The actual space inside is much larger than the building looks from the outside.

There are monsters everywhere,

With the level of the red challenger, sometimes you will see guys with full level come and go.

Occasionally, there are a few wanderers who are responsible for entertaining, but the wanderers are only responsible for entertaining those guys who seem to have a strong background or strong strength.

Someone like Horn, who relies on leapfrog challenges to get in, is obviously not on the list of entertainers.

Horn had to figure it out on his own.

There are columns with task lists posted everywhere in the hall, divided into several areas.

There are two types of monsters entering the hall,

One is to have a clear purpose, go straight to the target area after entering the lobby, release the corresponding task or receive the task.

The other type are guys who have nothing to do and want to come in and try their luck to make some money. They will wander around various areas to see if they can encounter suitable tasks.

Because there are too many areas,

You won’t be able to finish your shopping if you wander around.

So some guys go to the special window opened by the homeless to ask, report their needs, and see if there are any suitable tasks. Of course, this consultation requires payment.

Horn was accustomed to this. After all, he had seen many tricks in his previous life, and he was very familiar with the homeless method of making money.

He walked around for a while first,

I randomly checked the task list posted in the next column.

What are included in it: "Looking for teammates to join the adventure in [Senland Castle]", "Purchasing two thunder demon hearts at a high price", "Looking for experienced people in the soul replacement ritual", "Searching for any information about the Abyss Silver Knights at a high price", "Purchasing "Psychic potions that can be used by the Challenger Eldar" "Hire two Hell Openers"

There are all kinds of tasks here, including finding teammates for various adventures, buying potions, monster news, flesh and blood, and ritualists.

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For Horn, these tasks are basically not something that a guy of his level can undertake.

A bit asking for trouble,

No wonder the tauren shop owner laughed so heartily when he heard that he decided to do tasks in the camp.

too difficult,

These tasks,

There are even guys in there who have posted extremely rebellious tasks like "Kill Two Wanderers".

But the wanderer didn't care at all,

Horn has gained more knowledge. No wonder Bai Lin once described the wanderers as "a group of mercenaries whose belief is wealth" before he came.

Horn wandered around, but never found a suitable mission. He was too weak, so he had no choice but to go to the exclusive window opened by the Rangers to ask.

"Hello guest."

A female wanderer was in charge of reception. She was a guy with a black elf look.

It is the most pleasing monster that Horn has encountered so far. It would be perfect if he could cover up the unique smell of the wanderer.

Horn asked: "Are you a dark elf or a wanderer."

He had read a description of the Black Elf clan in a book, and the girl in front of him fit the bill very well.

The elf girl smiled and said: "I used to be a black elf, but now I am a glorious wanderer. How can I help you, Mr. Spider Demon?"

Horn couldn't help but remember that he heard that the conditions for the birth of the Wanderer clan were very strange. They did not have a fixed race, but transformed other races into their own clan.

It would be nice if I could eat a few strays.

But now I'd better get some money first.

Horn said: "Is there any suitable mission for this spider demon?"

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