Spider demons have attributes

Chapter 114 Advancement

"Is it because of time?"

Horn ran back to the stone man's den,

The once bustling stone men and monsters have now all turned into rocks, bathed in the sun.

Pick up a stone,

Horn hesitated for a moment before eating the obviously lifeless stone.

The stone that was once part of the Stone Man's body would break if Horn's teeth were bitten into it.

As for the rocks after the stones disappeared, Horn could chew them as easily as breaking clay.

"It has indeed disappeared."

Horn was confused and was thinking about why the stone man had such a change.

My fanboy Michelin's voice rang in my ears, "Based on the spider demon's observation, this supervisor will now go back and report to the corpse puppet elders that you are indeed infecting Master Sonny's statue, and I will report it truthfully."

After saying that,

Michelin directly chose to teleport away without any other hints.

In its heart, it still hopes to know what kind of trouble Mr. Horn has encountered, but Michelin feels that its first priority now is to complete the undercover mission.

With such a high level of consciousness,

Michelin has no involvement in anything and will only make false claims in its reports. After all, as far as Michelin knows,

The Corpse Puppet people are actually pessimistic about the prospect of destroying the Sonny Colossus.

Whether it is using the power of infection from Lord Hickmos or other ongoing plans, most of the corpse puppets have no hope.

Because Corpse Puppet has experienced countless failures in this matter and has never succeeded.

The corpse puppets' plan to destroy the statue of their father is more like something they do for the sake of doing it.

After all, the corpse puppets can't do anything else except this.

After arranging for the ghoul successor Horn, the corpse puppet elders have already begun planning the next large-scale ceremony.

It is said that he is preparing to summon some powerful force to violently destroy the statue.

As for the ghouls,

The corpse puppet elders may have thought that the spider demon couldn't escape, so there was no problem in letting the spider demon wander on the ground.

Perhaps tens of thousands of years, millions of years, hundreds of millions of years later, the pure-blooded ghoul they had forgotten could bring them a surprise.

This is the current attitude of the top management of Corpse Puppet.

If Elder Bai Lin hadn't had a better "friendship" with Lord Horn, maybe he wouldn't even bother to send a so-called supervisor.

Michelin is a smart white devil who figured out the intentions of the elders, so he dared to lie in the report. If the superiors were more serious, he would definitely say a lot of bad things about Mr. Horn in order not to expose his undercover identity.

"The spider demon has been exploring ways to infect the colossus on the ground. He works seriously, but his attitude towards our corpse puppets is still very bad. My subordinates suggest that the power of this bastard spider demon be taken away and replaced with a better container."

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Michelin mentally drafted what he was going to say later, and then moved towards the temple, preparing to make a report.

Horn didn't care at all about what happened between Michelin and the corpse puppet elder in the Titan coffin.

He's still studying the stone men.

After eating a lifeless stone,

Use attribute swallowing,

No properties were extracted from the swallowed stone.

To confirm,

Horn took stones from different locations, ate them into his stomach, and used attribute devouring to still not be able to extract any attributes.

Now it is basically certain that these stones are ordinary stones.

Horn's heart sank,

Quickly return to the Corruption Pool you just excavated.

The little briquettes were still protecting the corruption pool hand in hand. There were several dead low-level demon insect corpses nearby.

They are all white-named monsters,

With the small coal briquettes having the advantage in numbers, there is no big problem in group fighting a few white monsters.

As soon as I saw Boss Horn,

The little coal ball calmed down its "brutal" expression, put on a flattering look, jumped on the back of the spider demon boss, and chattered,

Some even pointed to the missing corner of their hair, seemingly complaining and claiming credit at the same time.

"I know, I know."

"I understand it's not easy for you to protect these pools. Let's talk about playing games later."

Push aside the crowded briquettes,

Horn walked to the Corruption Pool and picked up a corroded corpse of a stone man. "Could it be that this thing has also turned into a pile of ordinary stones? Then didn't my previous battle go to waste?"

I feel a little uneasy,

After all, it was a monster that had to be hunted after hundreds of deaths. If it turned into a pile of ordinary rocks in the morning, it would be a real loss.

Swallow the softened little stone corpse into your belly,

The soaking time isn't nearly as long as the heat, so it's still stiff to swallow, but at least it doesn't taste like ordinary stone, which is good news.

"Petrified Armor +1"

"Petrified Armor +1"

"Petrified Armor +1"

"Moonstone +1"

"Moonstone +1"

"Moonstone +1"

Fortunately among the misfortunes, at least the attributes of the stone man after killing it were retained and did not turn into ordinary stones.

Horn continued to soak for a while,

After softening the stone man's corpse to the optimal level for consumption, Horn also took a few pieces of other monster flesh and blood and mixed them for consumption.

After completely swallowing an entire stone man,

Huondu's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and a large amount of hunting experience continues to impact the peak strength of believers.

He could feel that the power in his body had already exceeded Believer lv100.

But the threshold of [believers] is like a dam that intercepts floods, trapping the power overflowing from the body.

Horn had no choice but to accumulate the power accumulated in his body by continuing to hunt other monsters.

This feeling is completely different from when I broke through [Lost].

There was absolutely no hope of breaking through [Lost One] back then. No matter how much strength I accumulated in my body, I could not break through the shackles.

And this time,

Horn felt that he was just a little bit close.

Every time I swallowed a monster and extracted its attributes and power, I felt like I was getting closer to that threshold.


Just a little bit,


Keep eating!

The spider demon is hunting every monster in sight like crazy.

The surging energy made Horn not feel tired at all, and his mind was filled with killing and swallowing more monsters!

Blood and mourning are the themes on the ground today,

Kill from morning to night,

Until the moonlight appears again,

Horn didn't even know how many monsters he had eaten. The ground was littered with broken bones, flesh, and leftover parts of their organs.

Previously, Horn thought he could eat everything in the world, but now, he feels a little "full."

When healed

The flood of power continues to impact, and the accumulated power will finally break the dam that prevents advancement.


A slight looseness in strength is like a crack in a dam,

All the power suddenly found an outlet for pouring out,

The surging and even bloated power in the body is dexterously and reasonably distributed to various parts of the body.

As if soaking in a hot spring, Horn closed his eyes comfortably, feeling drowsy.

The voice of King Mordiggian, the King of Ghouls, sounded in his mind.

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