Actually, Kurumi Tokizaki came to his senses and wanted to go straight back to his bedroom.

However, she never imagined that after the picture in her mind, so much time would pass.

Gojo Shun came back directly!

But when you think about it, it's also a very normal thing.

Even if it is a thought, even if it is a fragment, it takes a long time to look back on a person for more than ten years.

Even,Because of the characteristics of Kurumi Tokisaki itself,Maybe this time has been shortened a lot.。

Gojo Shun looked at Kurumi Tokizaki's exposed left eye, and while he was surprised, he also seemed to feel that this was a reasonable thing.

It's also called Kurumi Tokizaki.,Has the same appearance.。

And that spell spirit mad three also reminded Gojo Shun more than once to be optimistic about her.

In such a situation, how can Kurumi Shizaki, who seems to be an ordinary person in front of him, really ordinary.

The appearance of this kind of thing in her is also a predictable thing.

Gojo Shun's surprise gradually dissipated, and he looked at Kurumi Tokizaki's left eye and asked, "You made that cup in the kitchen?"

"Hmm. "

Shi Qi's body trembled a little, and tears gradually swirled in the girl's eyes.

"I... Isn't it becoming a monster too? "

Gojo Shun looked at the girl in front of him who seemed to be broken at the touch of a button, reached out and touched her head, and said, "Don't think about it." "

"But now, I'm exactly the same as that spell spirit!"

Kurumi Tokizaki's voice raised.

"When I look in the mirror, it's not me, it's the spell spirit!"

Xu thought that he had been discovered by Gojo Shun, and the girl's mentality collapsed directly.

"That's right, you say that, and remind me. "

Gojo Shun nodded, as if he thought that what Kurumi Tokizaki said was very reasonable.


Kurumi Tokizaki's expression froze a little.

I don't know why, when Gojo Shun said this, she felt like she was emotionally broken and acted like a stupid person.

Besides, he really wants to kill himself!

Gojo Shun smoothed the girl's hair, as if he was petting a cat there.

He still has a hand in appeasing the fried kittens.

"So, you think, are you?".

Maybe it's because Gojo Shun's touch worked, and Kurumi Shizaki gradually calmed down.

"I hope not. "

Kurumi Tokizaki was in a low mood, and she rested her head on Gojo Shun's left chest.

It's as if the smell of a man can calm her down.

"But the truth is, I seem to have a deep connection with that spell spirit. "

"Just now, I seem to have used her abilities. "


Kurumi Tokizaki thought of a terrible answer.

"Perhaps, you're one of that guy's doppelgangers too, and even you're her body, right?"

Gojo Shun said the answer in the girl's heart.

When he heard Gojo Shun say it, Tokizaki Kurumi's body trembled visibly.

She rubbed five Shun forward.

Seems to want to bury himself in his body.

"If, yes. Shun, will you kill me?"

"It depends, if you're obedient, help you keep it in captivity, and it's okay to be a small pet. "

Gojo Shun said this, and I don't know if it's a joke or the truth.

"You're a sorcerer, is it really appropriate to say that?"

Kurumi Tokizaki raised his head, a smile in his teary eyes.

Although it felt like the other party was just there to comfort her, she was still quite happy.

Gojo Shun shook his head and said seriously, "You may have some misunderstanding about sorcerers, sorcerers have never been good people. "

"In order to achieve their own goals, they can even sacrifice the lives of others at will. "

Gojo Shun is not wrong about this.

Think about it carefully, why can't the current spell masters, who can suppress those spell spirits with bad means, raise their heads?

Excluding the fact that there are masters of the level of Gojo Satoru, it is more that the methods of the sorcerers are even worse.

It's not just spells, they even use the firepower of the ordinary world.

To sacrifice some ordinary people.

As long as it achieves their purpose.

And when it's over, they will not only not be punished, but will be rewarded.

That's the reality.

Maybe the students of the Spell High School don't see it very well, but they are still very enthusiastic.

But he, who has been following Satoru Gojo all the year round, knows this very well.

Therefore, when someone says that the technique he is studying is vicious, he often finds it ridiculous.

Gojo Shun lowered his head and put it in Tokizaki Kurumi's ear and said quietly, "Similarly, I'm not a good person. "

His voice became muffled.

Or even... Something evil.

"Normally, for curses that interest me, I stay and study them myself. "

Shun Gojo's left hand swept lightly across the girl's cheek and then lifted her chin.

The misty white six eyes stared at the left eye of Kurumi Tokizaki's clock.

For a while, it was hard to say who the spell spirit was.

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