Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 707: unexpected encounter

The subtropical storm raged for three days in the Caribbean Sea, before finally leaving on the fourth day and continuing toward the east coast of North America.

Although the wind and waves on the sea were still very strong, Zhang Cheng, who was pressed for time, could not manage this small difficulty and directly ordered to leave the port again and head towards the designated sea area.

But this time, Yelena did not accompany her, but stayed alone in San Juan to discuss hotel prices with a rich Latino.

When this is done, she still needs to fly to Peru, the birthplace of the Inca civilization, to find young girls who meet the requirements, so she handed over the command of the combat members to an Eastern European strong man named Jager.

The 35-year-old veteran who served in Lithuania during the former Soviet Union has participated in many KGB secret operations and has very rich combat and command experience.

But unfortunately, with the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, one of the two poles of the world, the three Baltic countries have declared their independence and embraced NATO with open arms, becoming a member of the capitalist world, and have set off a fanatical rejection of the Soviet-era physique and personnel at home. mood.

It can be said that all those who worked for the Soviet Union were subjected to an almost ruthless purge, and even if they narrowly escaped, they would face the tragic situation of starving and freezing because they could not find a job.

Ordinary people are still like this, and Jaeger, who works for the KGB, can be imagined.

In order to survive, he even had to disguise himself as a homeless man and compete with wild dogs on the street for food. In order to support his children, his wife had to rely on selling her body in exchange for money to maintain a minimum level of living security.

As a certain Russian president said in the future, the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century.

People who haven't experienced it themselves will never be able to imagine how hard it was for the people of the lower classes after a huge empire collapsed, and they still haven't recovered even after ten or twenty years.

Because of this, Leonid was able to raise his arms and immediately recruit a large number of talents he needed from the corpse of the Soviet Union.

Looking at a small ship that was approaching on the rough sea, Jaeger took a deep breath and ordered his men in a very serious tone: "Go! Inform the boss that there is a ship of unknown origin that wants to approach us. . Also get the helicopter up and ready for combat right away. Remember, don't screw it up, this is the first time I've been a commander in the organization."

"Don't worry! With our weapons and equipment, you don't have to be afraid even if you encounter pirates. The battle can be resolved in five minutes at most." The latter shrugged nonchalantly.

"Don't be careless! Boss is not an ordinary person, so his enemies will not be too ordinary, you better have a mental preparation." Jagger reminded in a low voice.

"Understood! No one wants to die! Although that pension is really tempting."

The man in the tactical bulletproof vest then joked, quickly relaying the order over the radio, before running into the yacht's captain's cabin.

He didn't say a word of nonsense at all, and gave a military salute and said loudly: "Report! We found a boat of unknown origin not far away approaching!"

"Small boat? Is it a pirate?" Zhang Cheng put down some of the frescoes he had deciphered and raised his head showing a hint of surprise.

Although the Atlantic Ocean used to be the most rampant place for piracy a hundred or two hundred years ago, after the end of World War II and the United States officially established its dominance in the sea, the number of pirates in this waters has dropped sharply. It is rare to hear of ships being attacked by pirates.

"Not sure! But from the outside, the speed of the other party's ship is not fast, and it has not been refitted and reinforced. It is unlikely that it is a pirate. Moreover, we have also observed that the hull structure has some damage, such as the previous experience. The ravages of a few days of storms." The man gave the answer in English.

Hearing that it was unlikely that they were pirates, Zhang Cheng lost most of his interest and continued to ask, "Did they communicate by radio?"

As we all know, almost all ships have corresponding radio equipment. If a ship is approaching another ship, it must indicate its intention by radio, otherwise it will definitely be suspected of being ill-intentioned and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"No! Personally, I think their radios are probably broken, so I want to ask us for help. Do you think they should come here, or should they be driven away by helicopter?"

"Well... let them come. If you really meet a malicious idiot, you can just take the opportunity to have some fun, right?" Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment, and soon a malicious smile appeared on his face.

"Hey! You're right! I'm starting to expect these guys to be a bunch of stupid pirates now."

After all, the fully armed man turned and left the captain's room, standing on the deck to contact the helicopter that had taken off.

About seven or eight minutes later, a scarred boat slowly approached the yacht.

Of course, this small size is only a reference to a luxury yacht with a length of more than 200 meters.

In fact, this is a scientific research ship about 60 meters long, with a lot of interesting equipment and about a dozen crew members.

These guys have obviously experienced the previous tropical storm, so they look very embarrassed.

"Who are you?" Jagger, the commander, jumped onto the deck first and asked loudly in a not very friendly tone.

At the same time, the helicopters in the sky and the fighters on the yacht also occupied favorable positions, aiming at the unlucky people on the deck who were like refugees.

"Oh - God! Don't... don't shoot! We're just a group of academics and staff filming a short documentary about protecting marine life." A young girl in a bikini hurriedly answered loudly with her hands raised.

In front of the dark muzzle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not many people can keep their cool.

What's more, these people in black combat uniforms are obviously quite professional, maybe they are the special operations team of a certain country's government.

"Shooting a short video?!" Jagger subconsciously glanced at the equipment placed in the cabin, the vigilance in his eyes dropped a little, and then asked: "Then why are you approaching us?"

"Please! There was a problem with the radio equipment on our ship, and as a result, the storm warning was not received. Then, the positioning and freshwater devices were also broken during the storm, so I had to ask you for help." The girl explained helplessly.

Just when Jaeger wanted to send someone to check whether these self-proclaimed victims were hiding dangerous objects such as weapons, he suddenly heard Zhang Cheng's voice: "Let them come up, I Know a few of them."

"Know?" Jagger was obviously stunned.

"Yes! Did you see the Asian man in his fifties in the crowd? He's my father in name..."


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