Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 705: proud priestess

"Benefits? Are all human beings degenerate to this level?"

Tasimma was obviously not quite used to it, or rather didn't like this naked way of talking. Her brows were furrowed, and her eyes revealed undisguised disgust.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shrugged his shoulders and retorted: "No! This is not a debauchery!

On the contrary, it tore off all ethical and moral disguise, allowing human beings to return to the most primitive and essential state of competition, instead of foolishly thinking that they are the masters of the world and the most favored creation by the gods.

Do you know how the history of Indian civilization went extinct?

Because they were too naive, they mistakenly believed that the European colonists were a group of friendly neighbors, and even helped them gain a firm foothold in the Americas at a critical moment.

But how do these guys repay the Indians?

They provoked wars to frantically kill their benefactors, plunder wealth and land, and finally shamelessly set up a day called Thanksgiving to commemorate the Indians who helped them and offer a reward for the scalps of the Indians.

The slaughter finally stopped until the Indians were no longer numerous enough to threaten the dominance of European settlers.

So tell me, do you prefer the former approach of being intimate on the surface, but secretly stabbing at every opportunity to cooperate, or do you prefer to put your interests in plain sight and let us all know what we want from each other? "

Constrain the thinking and behavior of human society through ethics?

Hearing this old-fashioned argument, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but want to laugh.

Perhaps in ancient times when the speed of information and knowledge dissemination was relatively slow, this kind of social structure could barely be maintained, but with the rise of the Age of Navigation and the strong influence of the Renaissance movement, the subconscious desires of many people were completely released. .

In pursuit of power and wealth, European colonists attacked and occupied areas with relatively backward military technology in a way that was almost dehumanizing, and even did not mind massacres of millions of indigenous peoples.

Many people may think that the total number of people who died in the first and second world wars is quite terrifying, but few people know that from the Portuguese navigator da Gama bypassing Africa and arriving in India, until the outbreak of the first world war , the European colonists killed many more indigenous peoples than the two world wars combined.

But unfortunately, the essence of the conflict between civilizations is that the weak eat the strong. the right to be heard.

In the face of this cruel reality, who would believe that ethics can restrain a person's behavior?

Not to mention ethics, many times the law can't, and the only thing that can restrain behavior is force, overwhelmingly fearful force.

Only when a person clearly realizes that when he does something that violates the interests of others, he will pay a heavy price, even death, will he subjectively have the idea of ​​stopping immediately.

Tasimma clearly felt the irony revealed in Zhang Cheng's tone, raised her chin slightly and responded proudly: "We are the children of the Sun God! We have a sacred and noble blood flowing in our body! We will never be the same as you fallen ones. , willing to become a greedy beast. I can cooperate with you, but only in my own way."

"Your way?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes! My way is fair! You make your own demands first, and then I will decide what you need to pay in exchange. If both parties agree, the transaction is established, and if one of the parties disagrees, the transaction is void." Simma succinctly articulates her cooperation framework.

I have to say that although her way of thinking and values ​​are very backward, her mind is not stupid at all, and she understands the danger of rashly forming a close alliance with a stranger, so she decisively chooses to maintain her independence.

Zhang Cheng squinted his eyes and stared at the other party, before nodding after a full minute: "No problem! Follow your words! But before that, I need some basic information from you."

"No! As I said just now, you can ask for what you want, and then I will decide what you want to exchange. Important information can never be free." Tasimma quickly rebuffed.

"Damn! Well, it seems that I really want to have no second choice. Tell me, if I want to know the news about the city of gold, what do I need in exchange?" Zhang Cheng's pupils flashed a bit of chill, Immediately pretended to be helpless.

no way!

After all, this priestess who maintains a state of soul in front of her is just a projection of consciousness. Even if she turns her face and uses violent means, it cannot guarantee that she will be able to obtain the corresponding information.

At this stage, apart from patience, he really can't come up with any effective countermeasures.

"I want a body! A body that can fully accommodate my consciousness and part of my strength! First of all, she must be a woman, secondly, she has the blood of Inca sacrifices, and finally she must be no more than twenty-five years old." Hastily made a request.

Obviously, she is very cautious and wants to use this method to gain a general understanding of the current world, rather than rush out of the cage that has imprisoned her for thousands of years.

After all, the cage imprisoned her and protected her at the same time. She would only choose to leave if she was safe.

"Yes! But it will take time!" Zhang Cheng undoubtedly sensed the other party's thoughts, and quickly gave a positive answer.

"Thirty days! I'll give you thirty days! At the same time, I can tell you the secrets of the city of gold in advance. But you have to remember that if you fail to fulfill your promise after thirty days, then our cooperation That's it." After speaking, Tasimma raised her hands against the smooth walls of the guest room and started waving them, chanting some jerky and incomprehensible syllables.

Just a few minutes of effort!

A large picture like dried blood began to fill the entire wall one by one~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The pungent **** smell could be smelled even from several meters away.

Before Zhang Cheng could find any clues from these messy murals, the original stable form of the priestess burst open with a bang, and then re-condensed into Yelena's appearance.

Obviously, she exhausted the magic energy connection she absorbed not long ago, and the connection of consciousness was cut off, and she could only temporarily retract it.

At the same time, Yelena's soul slowly returned to her body, jumped up from the ground suddenly, and asked in horror, "You... what did you do to me?"

"Relax, I didn't do anything, just borrowed your soul to talk face to face with the owner of that statue for a while. Come, come closer, and I'll give you what you long for, even among the myriad of supernatural abilities. The power of the former soul..."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng grabbed Yelena's slender neck, and with the help of the magic crystal that was embedded in the skull, he continuously strengthened the potential that had been awakened in his soul. After about two or three minutes, the latter fell into a semi-conscious state because he couldn't bear the huge pain.


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