Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 678: Persuasion (below)

"What does it feel like to go up and down fast?

Do you know, as long as you come on more frequently, your body will inevitably be damaged, or you will be paralyzed on the bed, becoming a semi-vegetative person who can't even move your fingers.

When you're desperately trying to hide from the mastermind behind the scenes, it's best to think about the wealth and influence that the Harrison family has accumulated over hundreds of years, and then think about your other promising son who has just stepped into politics, two young beautiful daughter. and two grandchildren and four granddaughters.

Oh, almost forgot, you have three **** mistresses and two illegitimate children.

If you insist on maintaining your current uncooperative attitude, I don't mind at all arresting them all in a heart-wrenching human tragedy.

In fact, as far as I know, there is much more to human fear than death.

For example, watching his descendants die one by one under cruel torture, the tragic mourning of their last moments of life always echoed in his ears.

Or let the dirtiest, ugliest guy repeatedly abuse his beloved woman or daughter in front of someone.

Believe me, that feeling is simply beyond the human will, and even the coldest blooded person will have a nervous breakdown and either go completely insane or become an emotionless walking dead.

Tell me, dear Mr. Eric, is this the result you want?

Watching the Harrison family disappear completely from the world?

Please don't think this is just an empty threat, I have enough power to make it a reality at any time.

Make your choice now! "

As the last word fell, Zhang Cheng stopped talking nonsense, just stared at the other party's eyes that revealed extreme inner struggle.

After about two or three minutes, Eric finally took a deep breath, his eyes were full of red bloodshots, and asked in a hoarse voice: "What guarantee do you have? As far as I know, the guys in the underground world are all paranoid and Madman, in your conception, revenge has always been about eradicating the roots without leaving future troubles, and some will be relegated to terrifying contract slaves."

"I didn't expect you to know a lot about the underground world." Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise, followed by an unhurried reply: "Yes! All of the things you said are the characteristics of the underground world. But there is only one The place is wrong, that is, what I am doing now does not belong to the category of revenge, you are not qualified to be my enemy, even if you hide in the dark and control your little mouse, you are not qualified to be my enemy. "

"No...not an enemy? If you are not an enemy, you treat Kasa like that! He is still a child! But you ruined him! Let him live rather than die!" Eric, who was mixed with anger and fear, trembled involuntarily. .

"Please! Your son is seducing my girlfriend! Test my character and heart! Tell me if someone seduces your wife for months and keeps testing whether she is deep inside you.挚爱,你会怎么做?别告诉我你会仅仅是给对方一个警告,亦或是派人揍他一顿就完事了。以哈里斯家族的作风,这个倒霉蛋恐怕直接人间蒸发的可能性比较Bigger. Don't look like that. In my eyes, the Harrisons are no different from ordinary people."

After that, Zhang Cheng turned around and nodded to Yelena and the members of the special operations team who had boarded the Kun-style fighter, indicating that the other party could retreat.

Because at this moment in the sky in the distance, you can vaguely see the police helicopters are rapidly flying in the direction of the villa, and there are not only one, but six, almost all the helicopters that can be mobilized in Boston, one is did not fall.

It is estimated that if you don't hurry up now, you will be ready to release missiles to knock down all the opponents in a while.

Although the Kun-style fighters lead the current world's dual stealth system (radar stealth + visual stealth), it should not be a problem to kill a **** path.

But that means that a jet aircraft that is decades ahead of the current world's technology will be exposed to the public eye, and it will be very troublesome to solve.

The driver of the Kun-style fighter is undoubtedly very aware of this. He closed the hatch, turned on the stealth system, and quickly flew towards the sea. After a while, he disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared. the same.

Seeing that the police helicopter was getting closer and closer, Eric understood that there was not much time left for him. After hesitating for a while, he finally made up his mind, gritted his teeth and pulled out a wrinkle from behind the amulet hanging around his neck. Crumpled photo: "Here! There's an address on it! My great-grandfather, Benjamin Harrison, lived there on weekdays."

"Benjamin Harrison? The twenty-third president of the United States! If I remember correctly, he was announced dead in 1901, which means he is one hundred and seventy years old this year. This is not normal. The life expectancy of human beings!" Zhang Cheng deliberately pretended to be surprised.

In fact, since the two met, he has been spying on each other's thinking and memory through psychic powers, and he has obtained a lot of useful information. If it is not for fear that forced cracking will trigger some special magical effects, he would have read it violently. got it.

"My great-grandfather made an agreement with an angel to continue to support and expand the influence of the church in exchange for the blood of heaven. So normally, he can live at least five hundred to a thousand years." Eric said quickly explained quickly.

"That's it! Very good! On behalf of the Supreme Council of North America, I thank you for your intelligence and support, and assure you that our grudge ends here. Remember, your great-grandfather is dead as of today, I'm the real backstage for your Harrison family, get it? Plus, you should know what to do with the police and the press that's coming, I don't want the big news the next day."

After saying these meaningful words, the lens at the top of Zhang Cheng's hand with the highest authority suddenly flashed a dazzling light, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared.

Realizing that his life was out of danger, Eric subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and desperately crawled back to the living room despite the pain of his broken leg, wrapped a pistol that fell to the ground in a tissue, and aimed at his son who was smirking and giggling. , closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.


After a gunshot ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Casa fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

"I'm so sorry, child, I can't save you, the only thing I can do is to end the pain and send you out of this dirty and sinful world..."

After all this was done, Eric threw the gun forcefully to the fountain not far outside, closed his eyes and waited patiently for the police to arrive.

He understands that revenge is almost impossible, so he keeps hypnotizing his brain, forcing himself to forget his anger and hatred, and carefully observe the situation.

If the great-grandfather who was hiding behind the scenes and controlling everything is really killed, the next thing to do is to fall back on the murderer who killed his son. Only in this way can we ensure the continuity and survival of the family and ensure that the power in his hands will not disappear.

Otherwise, those old monsters hidden behind the scenes would not mind standing on the corpses of the Harrison family to complete a new division of wealth and power...

.. m.

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