Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 664: Return of the Fire Lord

At 3:30 in the morning, near a remote and desolate beach on the outskirts of Los Angeles, the City of Angels, two drunk young men and women were lying naked on a flat beach chair, doing some physical and mental exercise that men and women like to see.

Due to the quietness of the night, the two of them did not hide at all, but completely released themselves. Under the extreme excitement, a large number of filthy words jumped out of their mouths one by one.

Just as they became more and more excited and excited, there was a violent shock on the ground.

next second...


With a deafening sound, the cliff not far ahead suddenly collapsed, and the entire sky seemed to be torn apart by a terrifying force!

Then came a shocking sight that the young couple will never forget!

I saw a huge monster as tall as a forty-story skyscraper squeezed out of the gap!

It not only has the appearance of a demon described in religious books, but also burns with green flames all over its body, instantly evaporating all the surrounding sea water into water vapor, and even the beach and cover melt under the terrifying high temperature, forming hot magma.

"Oh - my God! Richard! Tell me, are we having a strong hallucination after taking too much powder just now?" the woman asked in a voice full of fear and trembling.

The man called Richard quickly slapped his mouth hard and shook his head in astonishment: "No, my dear. Although I also hope this is an illusion, it is obviously not."

"Sheet! Is this the doomsday judgment mentioned in the Bible's Revelation? Or is the devil going to launch a full-scale attack on the human world?" The woman asked several questions in a row.

Since alcohol and drugs were still affecting the brain, despite seeing the terrible sight, instead of turning around and running away, she took the initiative to stand up and stumbled towards the scene of the incident naked.

"Doomsday judgment? Demon invasion? Who cares! I don't mind being a demon believer at all, as long as they give me great power..."

The man's brain is obviously not very normal, while muttering, he chased after him.

When the two of them ran to the front, they felt the amazing heat emanating from the green flame, and then they suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, gradually regained consciousness, and their lower body was uncontrollably incontinent.

"Huh? Human!"

Icarlet, who had just left the prison, lowered his head and looked at the two guys who were drenched in excrement and urine in front of him, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Late...Good evening! Great Demon King! I am your most loyal believer and admirer! Please don't kill us!"

No way not to tremble!

This **** monster is a horrible monster that only appears in games and film and television works!

Especially the terrifying green flame that melts hard stone and gravel in minutes.

"Devil? No, I'm not a demon. I am the flame of wrath and destruction, the most powerful spirit in this world, and all beings made of flame must obey my orders." Icarlet explained, shaking his huge head. road.

Although under the distortion and corruption of fel energy, its heart is filled with anger all the time, eager to kill and destroy, but its reason and wisdom have not disappeared.

"Essential... spooky?"

Hearing that the terrifying big guy in front of her was not a demon, the woman finally regained a little courage, raised her head and stared at those terrifying eyes.

"That's right! My name is Icarlet, and you humans used to call me Ifrit. Tell me, humans, are you willing to become my followers and dedicate your loyalty and soul?" Icarlet said bluntly Report your name.

You must know that in ancient times, no matter whether it was a **** or a variety of powerful magical creatures, they controlled human beings in this way, making them submit to their feet, and offered all kinds of food and wine.

"Ifrit?! You are the king of fire elves in Arabian mythology!" The man had obviously heard stories about this, and his mouth closed in surprise.

In contrast, the woman's response was more agitated, clenching her fists and asking, "Is it any good to be your believer?"

"Of course! I will give you the power of flame! In the future, even if you jump into the magma to take a bath, you will not be burned at all, and you can control the flame to burn the enemy. The most important thing is that this power will transform the physique of mortals, Make it have a longer lifespan and a face that will not age until death." Icarlet raised the corner of his mouth and smiled and offered the condition.

"Never age?! Yes! I will!" The woman was afraid of missing something, and immediately nodded desperately.

"I'm willing too!" Not to be outdone, the man raised his chest and patted his chest hard.

Whether it is supernatural power, or longer lifespan and never-aging appearance, it is a fatal temptation that is difficult to low-grade for ordinary people.

In addition, the attitude of young people in the United States towards faith has long been less religious than that of their ancestors. Otherwise, there would not be cults blooming all over the United States. Only you can't imagine, and there are no strange beliefs that they can't create.

"Very good! Then accept my gift! Remember, you must create a sect, and make sure more people know my name..."

As the last word blurted out, two small flames instantly got into the foreheads of the young men and women.

Just when the two of them wanted to ask something, a strong burning sensation spread all over their body. They didn't even have any room to resist, they fell directly to the ground and began to scream in extreme pain. The skin also quickly turned red, like a cooked crab~www.wuxiaspot.com~hot! hot! hot!

Indescribable heat is transforming the bodies of young men and women in a form invisible to the naked eye, and at the same time invading their souls.

Zhang Cheng, who was hiding in a dark corner, watched this scene and couldn't help laughing and teasing: "Icarlet, are you planning to develop believers in the world? I want to remind you that the world today is not foolish tens of thousands of years ago. In the barbaric era, the more developed the region, the more difficult it is to maintain pious beliefs."

"Faith? No, I don't need faith, I just want to tell all those who are hiding in the dark that the great Fire Lord is back."

"So this is an announcement? You want to see if the gods do anything interesting when they hear the name Icarlet?"

"Yes! If those gods are really still alive, then when they hear my name, they will be eager to track down and see if they are true. And you, you will be able to follow these people and find the hiding places of those gods. where..."

.. m.

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