Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 477: each other's shadows

After passing through complicated tunnels and avoiding the endless attacks of the gray dwarves, Drizzt and his party finally reached the end of this adventure - Mithril Hall.

This is the legendary treasure land of Mithril, and it is Bruenor's childhood nightmare and the hometown he has been looking for for hundreds of years.

Standing in front of a huge and empty underground valley, the old dwarf pointed to the front and introduced to his companion: "This is Glen's Canyon! You can throw the torch down, and it will go out before it falls to the ground."

Several other people followed the direction of his fingers and soon saw a spectacular sight that they will never forget.

I saw a huge stalagmite towering like a mountain in the bottomless darkness. Only a lonely arch bridge connected the two sides. Countless gray dwarves smelted ore on the other side of the bridge with the help of the fire of the core of the earth. The mithril armor and weapons that humans in the surface world are crazy about.

In the deepest place below, will there be a chilling growl?

"My God! There are at least four thousand fully-armed gray dwarves here! Are you sure we're going down now?" Regis was trembling slightly all over his body.

There is no way not to tremble!

You must know that the gray dwarves are not the fragile human army on the surface!

First of all, they are completely immune to illusions, paralysis and poison, and have the same magic resistance as dark elves, although not as perverted.

Secondly, they also have innate spell abilities, such as Great Alteration and Invisibility once a day.

Finally, and most importantly, living underground for a long time has allowed them to evolve a kind of dark vision, which enables them to see clearly in the distance even if there is no light.

The halfling couldn't imagine the terrible disaster he and others would face once their whereabouts were revealed.

"Shut up! We have to go down! There's a **** enemy waiting for us to clean up!" Bruno roared furiously.

He was so excited that he ignored the warnings of his companions.

"Calm down! Calm down my friend! I know you want to take back your hometown, but..."

Before Drizzt could finish speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in the darkness, first kicking the barbarian off the edge of the cliff, and then pushing Bruenor towards the arch bridge, exposing him to the two gray dwarf guards. within the line of sight.

"Is there an intruder?!"

"Go! Kill him!"


The guard didn't talk nonsense, and immediately turned his axe and rushed towards Bruno.

Although the gray dwarves are cousins ​​of the dwarves, their relationship is not at all good, and even just seeing each other will break out an endless battle.

"Damn it! Be careful! Drizzt, he is the killer I mentioned." Katie Breele, who had seen the attacker's true face, immediately reminded loudly.

Entreri completely ignored the yelling girl, pulled out his weapon and bowed slightly: "Nice to see you, Dark Elf. Do you know? I observed you in the dark for a long time, including your Superb martial arts, and disgusting kindness. Today, let's decide the outcome."

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Drizzt also drew out his machete, cautiously raising his guard.

He could feel a fighting technique that was very similar to his own from the elegant steps of the opponent, a dance of death to be exact.

"Hehe, I was originally hired by Bashar Puck to help him get back the pendant that was stolen by a thief." Having said this, the killer paused deliberately and glanced back at Regis, who was shivering. .

The latter, as if being targeted by a poisonous snake, hurried back several steps, kept looking behind him, and could turn around and run away at any time.

Fortunately, Entreri's eyes didn't stay for too long, and he quickly continued: "But now, I have changed my mind, that is to kill you. By the way, it is best that the girl and the thief don't interfere in the relationship between us. Duel, or my new employers will kill them without hesitation."

"New employer?" The dark elf ranger quickly scanned the surrounding tunnels.

But unfortunately, he found nothing.

"Don't look for it! You won't find him unless he shows up himself. Now, let's start this fateful battle."

With the last word blurted out, Entreri leaned down like a cheetah, and quickly approached the dark elf's defense circle. The daggers and short swords in his hands flew up and down, piercing at a speed that could not be discerned by the naked eye, bringing up pieces of silver of light.

Not to be outdone, Drizzt swung the two scimitars out of the water, making a clanging sound of metal colliding, and occasionally a spark of sparks splattered.

The two who met their opponents were so focused that they didn't have the energy to take care of others, because they both knew that as long as they were a little distracted, the opponent would immediately end everything quickly.

"It's a wonderful match, isn't it?"

Just as Katie Brieer opened her bow and wanted to sneak attack, a man shrouded in a hood suddenly appeared and put a hand on her shoulder.

Undoubtedly, this move almost made the girl jump up in fright, she quickly stepped back several steps and asked loudly, "You... Who are you?"

"I'm a witness to this match, and anyone who tries to meddle is automatically my enemy. Beautiful lady~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Please put down your weapons, it's good for you and me ." Zhang Cheng, who had specially changed his appearance and voice, took off his hood and suggested sincerely.

"Regis! Come and help me!" Katie Brieer obviously had no intention of catching up and called the halfling to help, but she obviously underestimated Entreri's deterrent power.

Regis didn't even have the will to fight, and immediately turned around and ran towards the tunnel leading to the surface.

"Hahahaha! It seems that your friend is not ready to help you." Zhang Cheng laughed and threw out a bundle of ropes.

Before the halfling could run more than a dozen meters, he was tied tightly from head to toe by a rope that fell from the sky, and fell to the ground with a thud.

Activating the rope, a low-level spell.

Although it can't really threaten powerful enemies, it can be used to capture less powerful thieves more than enough.

"Wizard? You are a wizard!" Looking at Regis who was struggling on the ground, Katie Brie's eyes flashed with horror.

Growing up in Icewind Dale, she has never seen any magic at all. In addition, her adoptive father is a dwarf who rejects magic, so she has an innate fear of magic.

"Sit down and watch the duel with me in peace. I promise that after the winner is divided, no matter who killed who, you can leave safely." After that, Zhang Cheng grabbed the girl's hand The "Heart Piercing Bow" continues to appreciate the precise and deadly gorgeous performance of the two.

He could see that both Drizzt and Entreri had the ultimate muscle control, just like a sophisticated machine, until someone made a mistake if they were too weak...

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