Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 443: little lesson

.., Casting Heavens

"That's right! I know you're working for Bashar Puck in Port Karin, but that idiot obviously doesn't realize your true worth, as a killer ace. Otherwise you wouldn't have been sent to track down one. The halfling who stole the charm pendant. In my opinion, even a hundred pendants are not far from the huge gain you can bring yourself."

Zhang Cheng crossed his hands in front of his chest and gave the other party a very high evaluation.

In his eyes, the real purpose of a killer like Artemis Entreri is deterrence.

First, through a series of difficult assassinations, propaganda and hype, everyone in the surrounding area will have a strong awe and fear of him, and when everyone believes that as long as Entreri shoots the target, he will inevitably die, and the person who controls him will You can use this invisible deterrent to control many things, such as intelligence, and some dark transactions.

In this regard, the shadow thieves in the Amn area have done a very good job. They will set up a "star" or "example" every once in a while. Subordinates feel at ease.

After all, as long as the "star" hasn't fallen, it means that no matter how embarrassed the guild is, it hasn't lost yet.

But look what the stupid short-sighted Bashar Puck did?

He actually sent Artemis Entreri away from his lair to hunt down the halfling Regis, just to recapture the trash pendant that could barely affect an unsettled target. A chain of magic—friendship might be more effective than this one. better.

Changed to another guild leader who is a little smarter, I am afraid that he has already used his excellent killing skills to provoke a war that swept the entire underground world of Karin Port, and then continued to expand his territory and strength, and finally established the most densely populated continent covering this continent. City's criminal network.

But unfortunately, Bashar Puck is just a humble little guy after all, neither has the ambition to dominate, nor does he have a high enough vision.

It won't be long before he will be overturned by the big trouble he has caused, and he will become one of the other guild leaders who have disappeared in the long history of Port Karin.

Undoubtedly, Entreri saw the flames of madness and destruction in the opponent's eyes, and it took a full minute before he quietly probed: "If my answer is no, what would you do?"

Zhang Cheng smiled and spread his hands: "I can't do anything. In fact, I didn't expect to get your allegiance at the first meeting. Today is just a contact to let you understand that I have such an idea."

"Just contact?!" Artemis Entreri frowned subconsciously.

The reason is very simple. Among the many high-ranking people he has contacted, no one will easily let go of those who are unwilling to accept his "kindness", not to mention that he is still on the other side's territory.

"Hehe, please don't doubt my sincerity. You must know that you are a very important part of my future plan. Well, let's end today's conversation, you don't need to make a decision right away. Oh, By the way, if you don't mind, I'll take this girl away first."

After that, Zhang Cheng pulled up Katie Brie and made a gesture of turning around and leaving.

"Let go! She belongs to me!"

But before the two took half a step, the killer's eyes shot out a terrifying cold light, and he suddenly pulled out the dagger and stabbed it in a very strange posture.

"Sorry, she belongs to me now."

Zhang Cheng raised a finger without looking back, and sang a short and jerky spell in a low voice.


A clump of light composed entirely of energy shot out from between the fingers!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by a series of loud noises, Artemis Entreri had to give up the attack, kicked the table and rolled back, avoiding the pursuit of the energy bullet.

Obviously, this spell is a brand-new third-level spell created by combining the native arcane spells of Faerûn—magic missiles and arcane missiles commonly used by Azeroth mages, which not only increases the number of energy missiles released, but also increases their power. Comparable to a large caliber shotgun.

The hardwood table, which was enough to withstand the slashing of ordinary swords, was smashed to smash the first time it collided with the missile, and the floor was full of pits the size of the fists of adult strong men.

"Gildan, Sidney, teach him a little lesson, and let him realize his identity by the way. Remember, don't get maimed by accident."

After saying this, Zhang Cheng didn't give the killer a second chance to attack, he pushed open the door and disappeared into the darkness.

You don't need to ask to know that he doesn't like the arrogance and conceit that Entreri is showing now.

To be precise, what he needs is an obedient chess piece, a sharp blade hidden in the dark, not a guy with high self-esteem.

This will slowly change after Entreri meets Drizzt, and all he needs to do is wait patiently.

"Hey! As you wish, my lord." Gildan, eager for revenge, pulled out his long sword with a grin, and charged at a speed that surpassed the limit of his body.


With just one blow, he shattered the chair thrown by the killer.

Accompanied by strong emotional fluctuations, the battle-hardened veteran felt a powerful force flowing in his veins, and his strength, agility, and speed were greatly enhanced.

Although it lasted for a short time, it was undoubtedly a power he had never heard of, the power from a bottle of mysterious magic potion...

"how can that be!"

Entreri, who had witnessed the incredible scene with his own eyes, shrank violently, avoiding this near-fatal slash with his agile skills.

In his impression, except for power-type monsters such as ogres, there are not many humans who can split a hardwood chair with a long sword, especially when the two fought against each other not long ago. So exaggerated now.

"Hmph! How are you, are you surprised? Don't worry, the good show has just begun, I will return all the humiliation I received to you." Gildan sneered and pushed away to the outside. A happy smile appeared on the face of the customer who ran away.

You must know that a few hours ago ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the killer had a sharp blade around his neck, threatening his life unscrupulously, and now there is a chance to get the money back.

"Don't forget the master's instructions! He can't be maimed! He can't die!" Sini, who had never said a word, suddenly reminded.

"Understood! I didn't intend to kill him, I just wanted to give him a hard blow..."

With the last word out of his mouth, Gildan once again burst out with more than twice the usual strength and speed, letting the sharp dagger pierce his shoulder, and smashing his right fist into the opponent's face.

Just when Entreri tested his body and wanted to avoid the punch, he suddenly felt a puddle of water under his feet, and his body suddenly lost his balance.

next second...


He felt himself rise into the air, slammed into the left side of his face, and fell **** the bar counter. sib


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