Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 435: The beginning of chaos

In the evening, as the sun faded from the sea, a few men in grey cloaks gathered in an old warehouse on the pier, discussing the topic of betrayal and assassination fiercely...

"We can't wait any longer! Once Acklem Gris makes up for the lack of longevity, he will definitely cleanse the entire organization, and then no one will have to worry about it." A hoarse man warned sharply.

Another woman shook her head with an ugly face: "No! We can't act rashly! I believe you have also seen that Acklem Gris' spellcasting ability is far beyond ours, and any rash action will only result in is death."

"Death? It's better to fight to the death than to wait in situ! The broken magic crystal is a powerful artifact, and we must complete the plan before Acklem Gris completely controls it!"

"That's right! I agree! Don't forget that we have bought two of the most trusted followers of Acklem Gris, and as long as we kill the assistant who helps him manage the internal affairs of the spire, then we have a chance Enter his bedroom and launch a precise and deadly raid."

"Agreed! I believe that after he gets the broken magic crystal, he will definitely spend every minute and every second studying the spells for prolonging life. There is no extra energy to pay attention to what is happening in the organization, so tonight is the best time to do it. ."

"If that's the case, let's kill the assistant first tonight! Then get rid of Acklem Gris within two weeks!"

As the last word fell, the masked people participating in the discussion quickly disappeared without a trace using the power of magic.

Before each other, no one knew who they were, let alone their positions in the Arcane Brotherhood.

But there is one point, the death of the previous North Tower Lord, the shawl-clothed wizard Danteba, made these guys feel an unprecedented threat, so they planned to join forces to overthrow Aclem Gris' absolute rule over Luskan.

In fact, as early as several years ago, there were several high-level mages who hid in secret and planned, and now they have to be activated in advance due to the appearance of Crissinibon.


Of course, none of this has much to do with Zhang Cheng.

He, who has become the new master of the North Tower, is sitting in his own room, constantly flipping through the magic books borrowed from the library.

These include "Introduction to Planes and the Universe", "Discovery and Formation of Half-Planes", "Characteristics of Elven Magic", "The Difference Between Arcanists in the Age of Nethril and Modern Mages", "Deep Analysis of the Magic Web", etc. Twenty or so boring theories that most mages rarely touch.

It has to be said that, as a continent where many advanced magical civilizations have appeared, the system theory derived from Faerun, both in depth and breadth, far exceeds that of Dalaran, the magical city of Azeroth.

After all, the latter has defined magic as a terrifying force that attracts demons and disasters from the very beginning, and set up many obstacles in the process of research, for fear of accidentally attracting the invasion of the Burning Legion, or the second outbreak of undead natural disaster.

However, the former regards magic as a neutral energy without any inclination of good and evil, plus powerful spellcasters can travel to other planes or planets in the multiverse through some advanced teleportation spells, and over time they form. Different civilizations like the Silk Road on Earth learn from and communicate with each other.

Take the spells with the creator's name in the spell book as an example, at least one-third of them come from a mage organization called Eight Leaves in the Grey Eagle World.

Therefore, if Azeroth is compared to a magical civilization developed in a relatively closed environment, then Faerûn is a magical world born through continuous learning and optimization in an open environment.

However, since every brilliant magical civilization comes to the end, there will be a series of terrifying disasters, which will eventually lead to the loss of a large amount of precious information. Therefore, the magic of Faerûn is not very developed at present, and some places are even a little ignorant and backward. .

But this does not mean that those once brilliant magical civilizations have completely disappeared.

On the contrary, lost civilizations and knowledge are hiding somewhere in the world, waiting for adventurers and careerists to discover.

This is why, Zhang Cheng, who has always liked to be alone, wants to annex and transform a force. He needs enough manpower to help him find the technology and knowledge left over from ancient times.

Just when he had just forcibly suppressed the burning desire for destruction in his mind and was about to seize the time to read the next book, a woman's voice suddenly came in from outside the door.

"Respected Lord of the North Tower! I'm Sini, the apprentice of the spotted-clothed wizard Danteba, and I want to talk to you about something."

"Xini? Come in." Zhang Cheng recalled for a while, and soon recalled a woman with brown hair who was not very beautiful.


As he expected, the twenty-five-year-old Sini looked very ordinary, and she had not been dressed in any way. She could see a lot of freckles on her face, and only a pair of eyes that revealed strong intentions were impressive.

I saw this wearing a gray robe that symbolized the status of an apprentice, and bowed respectfully with one hand on his chest: "Good evening, Master, I'm sorry to disturb your rest so late."

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Cheng closed the book in his hand and looked at each other with great interest.

Although he has met many ambitious women before, most of them are more reserved and prefer to use men to achieve their goals, and there has never been one like Sydney's direct and undisguised.

"Respected Lord of the North Tower..." Sini said carefully.

But before she could finish speaking, Zhang Cheng interrupted with a chuckle: "You don't need to add honorifics every time! You can call me Mason Asprin by my name."

"Okay, Your Excellency Mason." Sidney shrugged helplessly. "As you can see, I used to be an apprentice to the shawl-robed wizard Danteba, and I managed to get where I am today with his strength. But he died this afternoon, so I need a new mentor. In return, you can Get my loyalty and everything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Oh? You want to be my apprentice?" Zhang Cheng had a playful smile on his face.

"Yes! Maybe you don't know it yet, just a few hours ago, many people outside started to connect in secret, wanting to take advantage of your unsteady footing to seize the position of the Lord of the North Tower, and I can help you save Get through this crisis." After saying that, Sidney raised her head, her eyes bursting with a strong desire for power.

She doesn't need to ask, she doesn't even know who the young man sitting in the chair is, she just wants to use this chaos to gain more benefits for herself.

"Help me?! Hahahaha!"

Zhang Cheng laughed uncontrollably as if he had heard some funny joke.

Laughing, he stood up, pinched the opponent's slender neck with his right hand, and lifted it abruptly from the ground, his eyes burst into flames of madness and destruction: "Who do you think I am? A clown, or a puppet at the mercy of others? No, my dear, I promise that whoever wants to deal with me will have to pay a very heavy price."


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