Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 422: When the conspiracy is in progress (middle)

As a humble and always overlooked figure, what happens once he gains power?

Just look at the way Akar Kessell is talking nonsense at the moment.

This idiot fully embodies what is called ugly human nature, what is called a villain's success...

Zhang Cheng finally watched his clown-like performance patiently, and then left the sky over Bryn Sand and threw it at the entrance of the Magic Crystal Tower. He disappeared from everyone's sight with the help of the hill. .

At present, many people may think that with the support of the powerful power of the broken magic crystal and the endless army of monsters, Akar Kessell will be able to sweep the northern land and become the supreme ruler here.

But he knew very well what happened next. When the sun went down, the dark elf ranger Drizzt would start to summon Ertu, and use the special ability of the magic machete to kill the powerful Balor. expelled from the material world.

Without the help of the cunning demon, Akar Kessell will soon fully expose his shortsightedness and stupidity. Under his control, the powerful artifact Shard Crystal will be defeated by a bag of flour.

This is probably the most humiliating one of Crissinibon's numerous failures.

Of course, as the price, Akar Kessell will be abandoned by the broken magic crystal and become that humble magic apprentice again.

All Zhang Cheng had to do was to ensure that this "history" that was destined to happen would proceed along a normal trajectory, and that when the broken magic crystals became unowned, they would take the opportunity to collect them.

Due to the influence of Neltharion's Tears, the whispers of the Old Gods, as well as thoughts of killing and destruction, were echoing in his mind all the time, so once he was not worried that this evil artifact would reject him.

After all, from the moment of its birth, Crissinibon was set up as a powerful creature that obeyed the ultimate evil and pure chaos.

Although it has a very high intelligence, it can never be independent, and can only rely on other intelligent life to exert its own power.

Although there are many times, the broken magic crystal prefers to manipulate those weak-willed guys, but it does not exclude serving powerful and evil dragons and demons, especially when there is no suitable candidate for the time being.


In the evening, as the sun faded to the horizon, Drizzt Do'Urden had finally found a hidden gorge behind the cliffs that he planned to use as a place to summon Ertu.

The main reason why he chose this place is that half of the entire area is covered by the arc formed by the cliffs. With the huge size of the Balor, it is impossible to move freely, let alone take advantage of flying.

In addition, this place is still behind the high wall on the side of the mountain, so even if you stand at the top of the magic crystal tower, you can't see what happened here.

It has to be said that as a ranger, he made the most of his advantages in observing and utilizing the terrain.

But it's not over!

The dark elf ranger took out his dagger and carefully carved peculiar incantations along the cliffs and the ground where the summoning ceremony was held.

Perhaps with the baptism of time, the symbols he learned from his evil compatriots a long time ago have become blurred, and at the same time, the depiction is not perfect, but protection is better than no protection.

After finishing the last incantation, he took out a small statue from the package and placed it in the middle, calling in a low voice, "Guan Haifa!"

Soon, a black panther with a magical aura all over his body jumped out of the other world, staring at two sharp eyes and began to look around, as if looking for traces of the enemy.

"Come here!" Drizzt beckoned at the big cat.

He understood that his time was running out, so he didn't explain anything, just wanted his partner to help test the protection of the spell.

Without any hesitation, the black panther immediately obeyed the master's order and moved forward with graceful steps.

But before it could take two steps, it immediately hit the invisible wall, and then stopped to let out a low growl full of doubts.

Just as it was trying to concentrate on breaking through this fragile barrier, Drizzt immediately raised his hand to stop it: "Enough! Enough my friend, you've done a great job, I've got the answer I want."

However, neither one person nor one leopard was found. In a corner not far away, there was a pair of eyes hidden in the dark watching them silently...

Soon, the dark elves, who thought they were well-prepared, began to summon demons.

Coincidentally, Ertu was staying in the magic crystal tower, staring angrily at Akar Kessell playing with the demented human girl.

Under the hard performance at all costs in the afternoon, this idiot-like mage apprentice screwed up almost everything, and due to the excessive waste of energy, the other two of the three magic crystal towers have completely collapsed, collapsed, and turned into pieces. A pile of worthless pieces.

As for his suggestion and the broken magic crystal, this guy with extremely fragile self-esteem was ruthlessly rejected as a sign of some kind of power grab.

If it hadn't been for Crissinippon's complete abandonment, the demon from the invincible abyss would have ripped apart Akar Kessel, and then extracted his wretched soul to torture him for a thousand years.

So when he heard someone summoning him, Ertu not only did not resist, but happily left the magic crystal tower and crossed a large plain to the north, intending to make good use of the summoner to vent his inner anger.

When it retracted its wings and landed on the low hillside behind Kane's giant cone, Zhang Cheng, who had been waiting in the dark for a long time, showed a sneer on his face, and murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Now The necessary actors have finally arrived, let me reveal the so-called fate for you..."

The voice just fell!

He slowly took out the Soul Messenger from the magic backpack he carried with him, and his black pupils flashed with light full of chaos and destruction.

"Huh? How did you become like this?" The magic sword undoubtedly sensed the change in its holder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The tone was full of seriousness and vigilance.

"Why, isn't this what you want me to be like?" Zhang Cheng asked blankly.

"No! You are wrong! Although I want to be a member of the evil, I never want to be in this way. Your soul is being invaded by an alien force, which is affecting your thinking and... …”

Before the envoy could finish speaking, Zhang Cheng rudely interrupted: "Enough! I know my state very well, so I don't need you to remind me. You just need to fulfill your promise and tell me what real power is. What is the secret hidden under the heavy veil!"

"I refuse! I'm not going to tell you anything until you're awake. But I can remind you that part of the truth you're looking for is hidden in the unknown corners of the world. Go and explore! Maybe you will lose yourself in the process, completely consumed by madness and destruction; maybe you will slowly regain your senses. In any case, I will very much look forward to you seeing your final transformation."

After saying these meaningful words, the magic sword fell silent again...


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