Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 416: Tower 1


When Zhang Cheng passed through the portal, he was surprised to find that the tall tower standing in the endless void was expanding outward, extending a radius of more than ten kilometers, and these lands were not dry soil or stones.

Every time it extends one meter, all kinds of flowers, plants and trees will quickly grow from the soil, and there is even a clear stream flowing slowly along the set channel.

It can be said that in addition to the absence of various animals, this can already be called a miniature world.

Feeling the fragrance of grass and trees in the air, his chaotic thinking seemed to become sober, and he touched the eredar's unique tentacles on his chin and muttered to himself: "Interesting! It turns out that this is the core of the Devouring Fragment World. The reason?"

But before he could further observe the changes around him, a dazzling white light suddenly shot out from the top of the tower!


Zhang Cheng, who had no time to dodge, was immediately attacked, kneeling on the ground in pain and screaming.

After a while, his strong demon body began to shrink, and the Fel and Shadow slowly retracted their left eye again.

After about five minutes, he finally returned to his human form, gasping for breath.

There is no doubt that compared to the powerful eredar demon, the human body is undoubtedly very fragile, which makes him strongly uncomfortable.

But soon, he was attracted by the brand new portal towering in front of the tower.

It was a white world, a world of ice and snow, a world full of savagery and wildness...

Just when Zhang Cheng was trying to distinguish whether this was the province of Skyrim in the classic game The Elder Scrolls, or a fantasy game or just somewhere in the work, the originally closed gate of the tower suddenly opened with a creak!


A hulking puppet composed entirely of metal came out from the inside, bowed politely, and then greeted with an urn: "Welcome, new master. I'm Norson, and I'm in charge of helping you manage the Tower of Time and Space. the first floor."

"Northern? Can you tell me what you are?" Zhang Cheng reluctantly got up from the ground and asked in a rather weak tone.

Obviously, he wants to see whether the big guy in front of him is just a magical creature with a primary intelligence level, or a most advanced magical creature with a soul.

After all, although the two sound similar, they are fundamentally different.

The former is like the artificial intelligence that scientists are studying. Although it seems to be very powerful, whether it is learning ability or logical operation, it relies on imitating human beings to complete, and does not have a real sense of self-awareness.

But the latter is to use extremely powerful spells to create a new life with independent consciousness, thinking, and infinite evolution possibilities, just like the gods in countless myths and legends who created humans.

"Me? As you can see, I am a metal construct, and at the same time a powerful golem. The body adopts the most advanced technology of the ancient Imaskar Empire, which can almost resist advanced enchanted weapons and all magic below the ninth ring. Attack, and if necessary, steal magic from the opponent and release it..." The metal puppet calling himself Northam began to talk about his origins.

But for some reason, it never mentions who its creator is.

After all, according to Dalaran's magic theory, the body is usually the one who creates and awakens the construct, and the construct will regard it as its own master, and will always take the person's orders as the highest order priority. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng immediately interrupted the rhetoric of the construct, and asked curiously, "Northern, do you remember your creator?"

"Creator?" The huge metal puppet fell silent when he heard this question, as if searching in the deepest memory.

After a full minute, it shook its head regretfully: "Sorry, I don't remember. I only remember that the last order I got was to obey every master who can open this door."

"So how many masters have you served?" Zhang Cheng asked again, narrowing his eyes.

"Sorry, don't remember..." The golem shook his head again.

Apparently, an incomparably powerful force forcibly distorted and modified part of this golem's memory.

This also means that it is impossible for Zhang Cheng to get any answers and clues from the other party.

However, he had long expected this to happen, so he didn't show much disappointment. He walked through the spacious entrance on his own, and while looking at the furnishings on the first floor of the tower, he said without looking back: "Northern, tell me. , is there anything interesting on the first floor?"

"Look, this is the alchemy test bench with the most comprehensive equipment! At the same time, there are tens of thousands of magic potion formulas and hundreds of preparation techniques. This is the enchanting bench. With its help, you can easily Magic items just got more powerful! Here is the forge, you can smelt any kind of magic metal and shape it into the shape you want. And here is the energy transformation pool, which can convert any form of energy into your Required attributes..."

Following Northam's enthusiastic introduction, Zhang Cheng quickly figured out the situation on the first floor of the tower.

There is no doubt that this is a place to conduct various magical experiments and forge weapons and equipment, and it is also a relatively safe haven.

At least compared to the magical version of Earth that is full of dangers, there is no need to worry about attacks and interference from the outside world.

In addition, the energy conversion pool also gave him a bright feeling.

Although the specific working principle is still unclear, this thing confirms his universal energy plan from a certain aspect.

Since there is a magic device that can convert energies of different attributes into each other, it means that he can also do it, but he has not found the trick yet.

When Zhang Cheng was completely immersed in the surprise brought by the first floor of the tower, far away in the corridor of a high-end hotel in Tirana, the capital of Albania, a small European country, Lavern was concentrating on this game of chess.

The person sitting opposite is none other~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is Faust who disappeared into the fragmented world not long ago.

But at this moment, he couldn't see the slightest bit that he had just experienced a defeat. He picked up the "Queen" and moved it slightly forward by two squares, and said with a smile: "General! You lost again."

"Damn it!" Lavern pushed down the "eaten" **** beside him angrily.

But before he could admit defeat to the "king", a pale-skinned young man suddenly rushed in and whispered a few words in Faust's ear.

The latter's expression suddenly became weird, and it took about two or three minutes before he sighed with a wry smile: "My old friend, I'm afraid you won't believe it when you say it, there is a small change in the war game. Just fifteen minutes ago , the entrance suddenly closed without warning."

"Close? Didn't you go "in person"? Could there be an accident?" Laverne's eyes became sharp in an instant.

"Ah, yes, I did go "in person". If nothing else, it should be that "me" who was killed by someone I don't know..."


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