Special Years

Chapter 1191: 30,000 feet in the sky

Then everything went on in a kind of trance-going to the airport and being greeted in the international terminal.

The female soldiers came up with flowers and handed the bouquets to the chests of the peacekeepers. The fragrance of the flowers was refreshing and refreshing.

Then they started playing the national anthem, then announced the order to march, swore an oath to the national flag, and the leaders of the military region spoke.

This should have been a solemn and sacred moment.

But I don't know why, solemn is a little dazed.

I'm going to be a father too.

I'm going to be a father...

In fact, Zhuang Yan was completely unprepared.

To be a father is a very sacred thing when I think about it carefully.

That's your bloodline, in your wife's belly, he will come to this world ten months later, he will cry a lot as soon as he is born, and then he doesn't know anything, he will just look for milk everywhere.

When he was a little older, he began to babble and call you "Dad" in unfamiliar language, and then you have a responsibility on your shoulders, the responsibility of being a father.

The old saying in Chinese tradition that "it's the fault of not raising a godfather" makes you feel that you have a great responsibility for him, but being a father for the first time...


By the way, how can you be a father?

Zhuang Yan suddenly realized that he was a little flustered.

This is completely different from making a special operations mission plan on your own.

Raising a child doesn't require any firearms, nor does it require airborne, diving, sniping, and all other things that you are familiar with.

Zhuang Yan found that he didn't know anything about being a father, and he was even at a loss.

After getting on the plane in such a daze, Zhuang Yan suddenly felt a little regretful.

When I was at the base just now, I should have said a few more words to my wife, Lin Qingying.

I didn't seem to say anything before, but now I'm sitting in my seat, as if I want to say everything.

Looking out of the plane's porthole, the ladder was withdrawn, and the plane began to slowly slide towards the takeoff runway.

A reluctant attachment arose spontaneously.

This time, I'm going abroad, leaving my own country, leaving my own little home, for half a year.

Thinking of this, he quickly stared at the green woods inside and outside the airport and in the distance, and glanced greedily.

The plane started to accelerate on the runway. Suddenly, a force on the buttocks lifted the person, and the body leaned back slightly.

The huge plane soared into the sky and plunged straight into the blue sky.

The solemn nose suddenly felt a little sour, and he said silently in his heart: "Goodbye, motherland! Shadow, wait for me to come back!"

The division A330 passenger plane that I took this time was a civil aviation because it was on a peacekeeping mission.

The journey is nearly 20 hours in total, and there is a transfer to refuel in the middle.

This is much farther than the last time I went to country T and country E.

Since it was already night when we boarded the plane, there was no scenery to see, and it was pitch black between heaven and earth.

The cabin was very lively. Most of the soldiers went abroad for the first time and went to Africa for the first time, not to mention that they are still going on expeditions in the name of the United Nations peacekeeping force.

O United Nations!

In this world, isn't the biggest name in name the United Nations?

Although this signboard is less than a hundred years old, it is still golden lacquer.

Everyone swept the in-flight meals brought by the stewardess into their stomachs, and then began to refill drinks, one cup after another.

Some took out the MP3s they had already prepared, put on earmuffs and earmuffs, and leaned on the plane seat to enjoy the journey that took off halfway around the world.

Some people fell asleep with their heads covered, while others started to open the front screen in front, select their favorite movie, and put on headphones to enjoy the blockbuster.

Zhuang Yan was sitting with Xu Weiguo, and Xu Weiguo seemed to notice that Zhuang Yan was a little silent.

Ten minutes after the plane was in the air, Xu Weiguo finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Solemnly, why didn't you say a word tonight? This is not your usual style."

At first, Zhuang Yan was still looking out the window, a little lost.

When Xu Weiguo spoke to him for the first time, Zhuang Yan did not respond. The former had to bump him with his arm and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

No wonder Xu Weiguo was worried.

Zhuang Yan is the captain of the guard unit. He can't have any psychological burden. Once something goes wrong, it will affect the safety of the entire unit.


Zhuang Yan just woke up like a dream.

"It's nothing, just thinking about something."

"Is something wrong at home?" Xu Weiguo asked.

Zhuang Yan said: "The commander is still the commander, and Jiang is still old and hot. How did you guess?"

Xu Weiguo said, "I used to be a political cadre."

The conversation changed and he said, "After the farewell party in the morning, you are like this. Does your wife disagree with you?"

Zhuang Yan lowered his head slightly, smiled bitterly, and said nothing.

Xu Weiguo said: "Cough, it's fine, my wife doesn't agree with me. My daughter is going to take the college entrance examination next year, and I don't know if I will be able to come back on time before the college entrance examination. Alas... I said that day I wanted to go abroad for peacekeeping, and my wife even quarreled with me. Come on, say I have been for so many years, my family can't count on it at all..."

"Then why did you still go?" asked solemnly.

Xu Weiguo said, "This is an order from a superior. I can't go to the chief to refuse it. It's not right."

He didn't say anything big, but it made Zhuang Yan's heart warm when he heard it.

Um, it's just not right.

The reason is simple and simple, there is no high-profile door.

"It's not that my wife is against it, it's that I'm going to be a father." said solemnly.

Xu Weiguo's eyes lit up and smiled, "Ah? Congratulations!"

Zhuang Yan also sighed, moved his buttocks, and sat up straight: "Commander, I'm actually panicking, I won't be at home for more than half a year, not to mention, when I think of a little baby calling you Dad in the future, and then You also have to make him happy and feel a little scared all of a sudden."

"What are you afraid of?" Xu Weiguo said: "Normal people have this level, just like the first time you learn to shoot, the first time you dive, there is always a first time in everything, who isn't afraid the first time? Look back now. , are you still afraid?"

Thinking about it solemnly, he felt that what Xu Weiguo said was quite reasonable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So he nodded.

"Let's take a rest. We will transfer at W city on the way, and then we will start flying again. There is nothing to see at night, but the scenery is expected to be good in the daytime tomorrow. I will take a look at the scenery at dawn."

After speaking, Xu Weiguo also put on the blindfold, crossed his hands on his chest, leaned on the seat and started to sleep soundly.

After a few minutes, he snored loudly, and he actually fell asleep...

At twelve o'clock at night, the plane really landed in W city.

After filling up the fuel, it took off again.

After the special plane, it will fly about 11,000 kilometers, 13-14 hours, and span nine countries.

This is the longest flight.

Zhuang Yan took the opportunity to stop for refueling, stood up and moved his hands and feet in the cabin.

Sitting on the seat for a long time can easily cause numbness in the legs.

After taking off again, Zhuang Yan also put on a blindfold and began to fall asleep.

This sleep, I really slept like that. When I woke up, the stewardess who passed by the aisle said that the view over the Aegean Sea is beautiful.

Zhuang Yan immediately opened the gangway cover, and the sunlight came in all of a sudden, a little dazzling.

He frowned, and then solemnly saw the boundless sea blue below, and the unique Greek-style white buildings by the seaside were built along the hills, scattered in a dense step-like manner at the border between the mountains and the sea.


He couldn't help but let out a heartfelt admiration.


This is the fifth update last night.

Last night, I wanted to finish writing and then go to bed, but I fell asleep while writing...

Today's update belongs to today's update, this chapter is not today.



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