Special Female Soldier

Chapter 712 Have you always been this good at drawing?

Calvin seemed to have figured it out, he stopped every time he rushed out, and happened to avoid the sight of a pirate.

A few seconds later, it accelerated and rushed forward again.

Traveling through the city controlled by seabuckthorn, but no one noticed it. This made Lin Yanxi secretly shocked, but she had to admire his ability.

In Lin Yanxi's sniper scope, Calvin rushed in without a sound, and then ran out without anyone noticing.

When he finally ran out, he saw that he got short and directly burrowed into the grass.

Lin Yanxi breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, but immediately got up and rushed to join him.

Seeing Calvin wriggling in the grass and crawling back from afar, Lin Yanxi wished she could throw the butt of her gun at him. When the man finally came, she held back, but still scolded, "You are too reckless, don't kill me!" ?”

Calvin laughed when he heard this, "How exciting!"

"Stimulate your size!" Lin Yanxi gave him a blank stare.

But the matter is already like this, it is useless for her to scold, she can only make a gesture, "Take it down first and then talk about it."

Calvin did not refute this time, but nodded with a smile, and the two stepped back one by one.

After finally reaching the safe range, Lin Yanxi stopped and approached Calvin, "How's the situation?"

But when Calvin saw her, he suddenly hugged her. Lin Yanxi didn't react, and let him hug her full. Seeing that he was going to kiss her face, she didn't hesitate at all, and fell over her shoulder. Throwing him out, "Why are you crazy?"

"I'm not thanking you." Calvin was thrown a few meters away, but nothing happened. He rubbed the place where he was hurt, and then said, "Fortunately, you didn't turn on the communicator just now, or We're both in danger."

Lin Yanxi couldn't help being startled when she heard this, "What's going on?"

Calvin stood up and reached out to pull her, but Lin Yanxi dodged it defensively. He shook his head helplessly and pointed in that direction, "Look at the tallest house in the northeast corner."

She glanced at him suspiciously, but Lin Yanxi still picked up the sniper rifle and looked in that direction. Sure enough, there seemed to be no difference on the surface, but upon closer inspection, there seemed to be...antennas under the bunker on the roof!

Seeing this, Lin Yanxi was startled and looked up at Calvin, "Is it a jammer?"

Calvin nodded lightly, "Yes, they are equipped with jammers and even signal monitors. This is not the equipment that ordinary pirates should be equipped with?"

"So I said it's a good thing you didn't turn on the communication just now, otherwise even if you didn't connect, you would definitely be exposed at such a short distance."

When Lin Yanxi heard his words, she also felt a wave of fear in her heart, but it didn't make her flustered, and immediately asked, "Is there any other unexpected situation?"

"That's right, I also saw the seal man." Calvin nodded as he said, and then realized that she didn't know who the seal was, so he could only say, "It's a mercenary named Seal The regiment is not small in size and has a large number of people, although it is not as good as ours, it is not bad."

Hearing that he still didn't forget to brag about herself at this time, Lin Yanxi was helpless and could only ignore it, motioning him to continue talking.

Calvin saw it, and immediately said, "It's just that they are suitable for fighting at sea, and we are more suitable for land. We haven't had any intersections, but we have heard of some famous battles of them."

"But now that they are here, they probably didn't go ashore to play after getting tired from swimming, right?"

Lin Yanxi knew what he meant, and thought for a while before asking, "So now we are not only facing the pirates under Shabuckthorn, but also a mercenary group with advanced equipment?"

"That's right, although I only saw a few people, I don't think it's possible for their people to appear here for no reason, and it must not only be these few people, but also the monitoring equipment should also belong to them." Calvin explained softly with.

After finishing speaking, he said, "And I noticed that all the mercenaries are near the monitoring equipment, and the defenses are the strictest there, and the possibility of hostages being held there is higher."

Lin Yanxi's expression darkened when she heard this, "If this is the case, people will be even more difficult to save."

But when he said that, he thought of something, "You just went in and made a big circle, didn't you just scout out such a little thing and came back?"

"Of course not." Calvin shook his head helplessly, "Let's find a safer place first."

The two then almost retreated back up the hill, but they were perfectly safe, with trees blocking the light and far enough away that they didn't have to worry about detecting the signal.

When Lin Yanxi was on guard, Calvin somehow found a pen and paper and drew in the dim light. He marked the buildings and personnel locations one by one.

Under normal circumstances, it is enough to simply mark it so that everyone can recognize what it is, but what Calvin drew is simply sketching.

It can be seen that he is not showing off deliberately, but is used to it.

Although the drawing was much clearer than others, it was completed very quickly, and the picture was sent back as quickly as possible.

Then he looked up at Lin Yanxi, "I sent the information back, and they will compare it with the building map of the base, and judge the approximate location of the hostages from the data."

Lin Yanxi didn't say much, just nodded, and slowly stepped back to take the blueprint in his hand, seeing his special mark, "These are all from the Seal Mercenary Corps?"

Calvin nodded, "Look at this area is guarded by their people, and there is obviously more advanced equipment here. It is very likely that the hostages are here, but the possibility of them making a fuss cannot be ruled out."

Hearing his words, Lin Yanxi raised her head and glanced at him subconsciously, "Do you still understand what it means to be called east and west?"

"Of course, I have a professional Chinese teacher to teach me." Calvin said proudly.

And after Lin Yanxi asked him, she looked down at the map again, thought for a while before saying, "Is this the case, just test them and you'll know."

Hearing her words, Calvin's eyes lit up, and he said expectantly, "I think so too, shall we act before dawn?"

Lin Yanxi nodded without any objection, "I think it's feasible, and when will I contact them again?"

"Two hours later, in addition to comparing this data, I also asked someone to adjust the data of sea dogs." Calvin explained to her, and found a comfortable position to sit there, "So we have at least Wait two hours."

Lin Yanxi also sat down after hearing this, leaning against the tree, and suddenly asked, "Have you always been so good at painting?"

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