Special Female Soldier

Chapter 1480 Discharge Immediately

Chapter 1482 Discharge Immediately

"I promise, I didn't tease her on purpose." Mu Lin said hastily after hearing this.

Lin Yanxi snorted coldly, "That's your unconscious teasing, which is even more deadly."

"Besides, who are you, Mu Lin, let alone a little nurse, even a celebrity who has seen the big world."

Mu Lin almost cried when he heard that, "Heaven and earth conscience, this time it's really not the case."

After speaking, she sat up directly, and said to Lin Yanxi, "Just now you saw how she treated you, in fact, she recognized me and has been asking me about you."

"Really?" Lin Yanxi raised her eyebrows and asked in a cold voice.

"Of course it's true." Mu Lin hurriedly assured her, but before she could say it, she noticed that there was a little smile on the corner of Lin Yanxi's mouth, and suddenly looked at her, "Are you kidding me?"

Lin Yanxi burst out laughing, "It's quite fun."

Mu Lin was helpless for a while, but looked at her and smiled helplessly, "But you still look pretty when you're jealous, keep it up."

Lin Yanxi glanced at him, "I don't have the time to be jealous of you every day when you're a sweet potato."

"One day when I get jealous, I won't lose my temper. You have to ask about my sniper rifle."

Mu Lin was choked up when he heard this, and hurriedly waved his hands, "Forget it, I don't have the ability to dodge your sniper rifle now."

But after joking, Lin Yanxi looked at his bandaged wound, and couldn't help asking, "How is your injury?"

"It's fine, they've almost recovered, and they should be discharged from the hospital in a few days." Mu Lin said indifferently.

Lin Yanxi said directly, "Don't think I didn't hear what you just said."

"You have a good memory, don't you?" Mu Lin said helplessly, "But it's really not as exaggerated as she said."

Lin Yanxi nodded after listening, "Since it's not so serious, it seems that you don't need it too much this holiday."

Hearing her words, Mu Lin came back to his senses and immediately asked, "What holiday?"

"The captain felt that I was too tired from so many tasks in succession, so he gave me a few days of rest." He said and glanced at him, "And you were injured again, so you wanted to give us a fake together, but now it seems You don't really need it, so I'm the only one going to rest."

After hearing this, Mu Lin hurriedly lay back on the bed, "Oh, my wound hurts, I can't get up."

Seeing him express it directly with actions, Lin Yanxi couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help nodding, "That's right, he has the potential to be a dramatist."

Mu Lin smiled smugly, "No matter what, I've been with so many actors for so long, I'm sorry for myself if I don't learn a few tricks."

While talking, she still looked at Lin Yanxi in disbelief, "That stingy captain really gave us a vacation?"

"Of course, but if you say that about him, if he hears it, I can't guarantee that it will happen." Lin Yanxi looked at him amusedly.

"That's right, this holiday is void." But at this moment, a voice came from outside the door.

And along with the voice, was the face they were familiar with and could no longer be familiar with.

"Big... Captain." Mu Lin suddenly smiled wryly, and suddenly thought why he was so memorized today!

Looking at Gao Zhi, he couldn't help but said, "Captain, I still have injuries on my body, so I won't get up and salute you."

As he spoke, he pointed to his own wound, "Look at how serious it is, if it is a little bit off, the whole shoulder will be useless."

Seeing this rascal, Gao Zhi shook his head helplessly.

Ignoring the rogue on the hospital bed, Gao Zhi turned to look at Lin Yanxi directly, "Why do you think you chose such a rogue?"

Without waiting for her to answer, he thought for a while and couldn't help asking, "Why don't we change now?"

"What's the rush? Let me tell you that we are now legal and protected. You are destroying the military marriage, even if you are the captain!" Mu Lin became anxious when he heard his words.

Seeing his expression, Lin Yanxi couldn't help laughing, and said directly, "You can see that he is a rascal, that's how he got me."

A conversation made Gao Zhi helplessly laugh.

Naturally, Gao Zhi came to see Mu Lin, and seeing that he was in such good spirits at this time, he knew that there was nothing wrong.

Looking at the two of them, he sighed softly, "You don't have to go back to the camp after Mu Lin's injury is healed, just go home or go out to relax."

And speaking of this, he couldn't help but look at Mu Lin, "I'll leave our eldest lady to you, how you brought it out, you have to bring it back to me, and it should be even better."

"Don't worry, I promise to complete the task." Mu Lin laughed when he heard that.

Lin Yanxi was not in a hurry to leave, but sent Gao Zhi out, looked at him and smiled, "Brother Dazhi, thank you."

"You don't need to thank me." Gao Zhi shook his head, "I just want you all to be well."

"Xiao Xi, promise me that when I see you again, you will be in the best condition."

Lin Yanxi was silent for a while, then laughed, "I understand, I will definitely try my best."

"Okay, from now on I don't want to see you anymore." Gao Zhi said and waved at her directly, and left by himself.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Lin Yanxi couldn't help sighing with emotion, but she also felt a little warm in her heart.

But I can't help but think to myself, maybe it's really a little too hypocritical, there are so many people who love her and care about her, why should she care about those?

The past is in the past, and she not only defeated the American drug, but also defeated herself.

She was even luckier than her father, having caught up with such a good time, not only could she continue to stay in Blood Blade, but she would not be discriminated against, so what else could she think about?

Thinking of this, Lin Yanxi smiled lightly, turned around and walked back.

But he didn't expect to see that Mu Lin had already changed out of his hospital uniform as soon as he entered the ward, and he had already finished his military uniform.

"What are you doing?" Seeing this, Lin Yanxi couldn't help but hurried forward.

But Mu Lin said directly, "Get out of the hospital!"

Seeing Lin Yanxi's expression, he couldn't help laughing, "Don't worry, I asked the doctor, and they agreed."

As he spoke, he explained directly, "The doctor said that no bones were injured, so even in the hospital they are still being raised. It's rare to have a vacation time, so you can't waste it in the hospital, right?"

"Help me pack my things. We'll go back right away. I want to spend more time with you during the holiday."

After hearing what he said, Lin Yanxi finally understood what he wanted to do, and she felt helpless, "Even if this is the case, it's not two days away, right?"

"It's not bad, who knows when he will suddenly repent and call us back!"

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