Special Female Soldier

Chapter 133 You still don't want to go back

Although the racing equipment in the entertainment room is not as good as Lin Yanxi's own, there are also professional game simulation equipment. Even if it is not as good as driving a real car, it is much better than using a game controller.

And it couldn't be easier for Lin Yanxi.

On the game start screen, Lin Yanxi's car whized through, and then accelerated without hesitation.

"Are you crazy?" Seeing her speeding up, Liu Xia was startled.

"Open your own!" Lin Yanxi didn't even move her head, her eyes were fixed on the screen.

After accelerating on the straight road, she finally started to enter the complex terrain, but Lin Yanxi did not slow down at all. At a bend, Lin Yanxi suddenly made a sharp turn, and the car on the screen was actually drifting.

After that, they continued to accelerate and gallop forward without any pause. The onlookers behind them were almost startled, and then they looked at each other, and they could see the surprise of the other party, or they were already shocked.

Then the terrain became more and more complicated, but Lin Yanxi seemed to be having fun, turning the steering wheel skillfully, and the car on the screen was easy to control, no matter how difficult the bend was, she could easily pass through it.

"You..." Liu Xia was originally concentrating on driving her car, but seeing that point on the map pulled her further and further away, she subconsciously looked over.

But just as soon as she was distracted, her car suddenly lost control and slammed into the side, overturning directly.

And Lin Yanxi took this opportunity to directly cross the finish line.

"Yeah!" Although this result had been expected by her, Lin Yanxi raised her hand excitedly and took a picture vigorously.

She was under 18 years old before she joined the army, and she has never had her own driver's license. Although Lin Wannian indulged her, she did not dare to stick to breaking the law. Really go racing.

Li Fei knew that she liked it, so he personally found someone to order a professional simulator that could almost simulate a real car, and in order to let her feel like a racing car, he even bought more than one.

They were almost one for each of them, and usually when she was locked up at home, they would fight with each other.

People like them will have a stronger sense of victory and defeat, even if it is just a small game, they will compete to win.

After a long time, although she is not the one with the highest winning rate, she is definitely a master.

And opponents like Liu Xia are really far behind them, and it couldn't be easier to deal with them.

After winning the game, Lin Yanxi smiled and looked at Liu Xia after celebrating, "One dinner per person?"

They finally came to their senses and looked at her, "You...can drive?"

"I just turned eighteen this year." Lin Yanxi shook her head helplessly, she was thinking about it, but if she doesn't want to be beaten to death by her father, she should just play games honestly!

After hearing Lin Yanxi's words, several people no longer doubted her, but the more they were like this, the more surprised they were, "Then what's going on with you?"

"Genius!" Lin Yanxi said with a proud smile.

Several people immediately gave her a supercilious look, but Lin Yanxi was not angry, "What did you just say?"

Then he thought of something, smiled and stood up and patted Liu Xia, "You guys find a way to see how to get out, I'll ask Xiao Xiaoxiao to wash her face by the way."

"Cough..." Dong Li almost didn't choke on her saliva, "You haven't washed your face yet?"

"What kind of face wash during the holidays? If it's not that I can't sleep, I want to lie in bed and not get up all day." Lin Yanxi said without thinking, and while talking, she thought of something, "By the way, I just remembered , clearly said that it was because we dealt with the accident yesterday that we were given a holiday, but why is it that everyone is on holiday now?"

Hearing her words, everyone laughed together, "That's what the squad leader comforted you, even if it's the first time you encounter such an accident, you won't be treated like this."

"But you have to be thankful, if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have had this chance yet!"

After hearing what they said, Lin Yanxi sighed helplessly, "Well, otherwise I wouldn't have a chance to win the dinner."

When she brought up the matter just now, several people suddenly laughed bitterly.

Lin Yanxi did not lie, she had never cared as much as Xiao Xiaoxiao because she was young, so today she really didn't even wash her face.

But she came back to the dormitory mainly not for this.

Running to the dormitory, Xiao Xiaoxiao didn't even move, she was still sitting there playing with her mobile phone.

Seeing her like this, Lin Yanxi quietly stepped forward and slapped her fiercely while she was not paying attention.

"Ah!" Xiao Xiaoxiao screamed and jumped up, and then realized that it was Lin Yanxi, and subconsciously patted her chest, "What are you doing?"

"I'm not telling you, they may come back at any time, why are you still like this?" Lin Yanxi looked at her and shook her head helplessly.

Xiao Xiaoxiao smiled embarrassingly, "I forgot when I was absorbed in it, why are you back?"

Lin Yanxi shook her head helplessly, "Internet addiction girl..."

Then he patted her, "Put the phone away, they should be back soon."

"How do you know?" Xiao Xiaoxiao looked up at her hesitantly, "They are also on vacation today, what are they doing when they have nothing to do?"

"Uh...it should be because of my problem." Lin Yanxi said subconsciously.

"What are you doing again?" Xiao Xiaoxiao was startled, thinking she had offended someone again.

Lin Yanxi burst out laughing, "In your eyes, do I just cause trouble every day, and if I don't cause trouble, I can't live?"

"I didn't mean that either." Xiao Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, but after thinking for a while, she explained, "It's just that they are doing well, and now something is wrong after you go, is it because of you or something?"

Lin Yanxi rolled her eyes and told her what happened just now.

"Aren't you causing trouble?" Although Xiao Xiaoxiao said so, there was still a smile on his face.

"Don't get cheap and act good. Get up and tidy up and we'll eat their one-month allowance." Lin Yanxi ignored her, pushing her to sit up and talking.

Of course Xiao Xiaoxiao would not give up such an opportunity, but she still looked at her worriedly, "Are you going to recruit them again, are you afraid that they will retaliate against you?"

"Anyway, you will get revenge if you recruit or not. Besides, you just won a game, so there is nothing to worry about." Lin Yanxi didn't care.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Xiaoxiao sat up and changed her clothes, looked at her and said, "Don't forget, this is a military camp, who is not competitive, let alone a game with a lottery, even if it is a normal game. Competing with sit-ups, right?"

"It's true to hear what you said!" Lin Yanxi nodded deliberately, and then suddenly looked at her, "Since it's so dangerous, then you stay in the dormitory and don't go."

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