"When they discovered this way of making money, they got out of hand." Chen Mingyue had a sarcastic smile on her lips.

"I have two babies in three years and three in five years. My mother's stomach is not idle, and they don't have to go hungry anymore."

"Later, they even sold their children and became famous. Overtly and covertly, they got a lot of matchmaking clients. They made more money, and their expenses also increased, but they still couldn't save money."

"Then they discovered that boys were easier to sell than girls and more valuable. When they got me, they had even worse luck. They couldn't sell them for several years."

Zhang Xiaochen held her hand distressedly, but only held a cold one.

Chen Mingyue took out her hand, took a sip of the hot water from Su Haitang, and calmed down her excitement.

"My parents were so angry that they couldn't sleep for most of the year, and they lived a tight life. They were even more unkind to me, a loser."

"Later, it was my grandma who reminded them that it's not easy to sell girls in takeaways, but they are very popular in the village. As long as I grow up, there are so many bachelors in the village, why don't they rush to marry me?"

"My parents were inspired and discussed it for half a night, and suddenly they came up with a charter. They wanted to arrange a marriage for me and receive a bride price."

"But the people in the village are too poor to take the blame, and they all have little savings. No one can stand their lion's mouth."

"My parents made another plan. They didn't want to do money-losing business, so they simply listened to me and saved a mouthful of food to raise me up. They asked me to inherit the mother's business and continue to generate income for the family."

Everyone gasped and looked at Chen Mingyue's indifferent expression in surprise.

"I've never given birth to a child, don't worry." She smiled with a bitter smile.

"My parents are used to eating and being lazy. Even if they wanted to raise me to make money, how could they feed me well?"

"Anyway, being half-starved and half-fed probably brought me up. When I was nine years old, someone in the village finally became jealous of my family's business and secretly started selling children."

"But they couldn't give birth to children like my mother, and they couldn't sell the goods as well as my brothers and sisters, so they started thinking about my sister and me."

"This time I was sold by my parents for a good price, a full thirty yuan!"

Chen Mingyue's face was full of sadness, with a mocking arc on her lips.

"Thirty yuan, so they gave me away to a forty-year-old bachelor. My parents ate meat for half a month and made two new sets of clothes."

"Mingyue, stop talking." Zhang Xiaochen couldn't listen anymore, and the soft-hearted Ai Xiang Guo Yuanyuan covered her mouth and cried softly.

"Some wounds can only be healed by facing them squarely and squeezing out the pus and blood. I have been corroded for too long, and my mind is almost distorted." Chen Mingyue smiled and drank another large mouthful of water.

"My past is quite miserable, which sounds a bit unbearable, but I still have a future, and I can't be trapped for the rest of my life because of those rotten people and rotten things."

"I can trust you. I'll just say it this time and I'll be free."

Everyone was silent, admiring her courage and silently expressing support.

"I got married. I was force-fed a bottle of liquor and sent to my husband's house. The marriage was consummated that night." Chen Mingyue's expression was a little numb, but the hand holding the cup was white and green.

"I was only nine years old at that time, my body hadn't grown yet, I hadn't had my period yet, so I couldn't have children at all."

"My husband's family thought I was a freeloader and felt sorry for the large sum of money they borrowed as a gift to marry me to alleviate the famine, so they pimped me and forced me to sleep with others, and they took the money."

"This is a crime!" Wang Keying slammed the table!

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