Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 493 The other side of Principal Su

"Don't you think it's very down-to-earth to say this?" Su Haitang was a little embarrassed and forced to explain.

"Very cute." Classmate Man is a considerate and good person.

The two of them broke up at the stairs on the third floor, with Gypsophila making the gesture of the sixth floor, and Su Haitang smiled and waved goodbye.

"Excuse me, is Principal Su here?"

Su Haitang felt that with Su Junyue's status, there might be a lot of social activities, and there would be more at the end of the year.

She is the kind of person who would call in advance to make an appointment, but something unexpected happened and she was already late!

But the one I want to see is the principal! A more authoritative existence than a teacher!

Su Haitang anxiously asked a kind-faced lady first.

"Are you Su Haitang? Principal Su has been waiting for you all morning."

"Ah, I'm sorry, something happened at the last minute and I didn't have time to call and explain." Su Haitang bowed slightly, which sounded like sophistry.

"You don't need to explain to me, the principal is here, you can go ahead." The lady was indeed kind, smiling and pointing to the door of the principal's office.

Su Haitang thanked him, took a deep breath, walked to the door of the plain office, and reached out to knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The gentle voice was familiar. Su Haitang took a breath and forced a smile to enter.

"Sorry, Principal Su, I'm late."

"Don't be nervous, sit down." Su Junyue put down the book in his hand, stood up and poured a glass of water.

"I was also rash, are you in trouble?"

Su Haitang was flattered.

"Thank you! No, no, I'm honored to have the opportunity to meet you again so soon."

Su Haitang took off the backpack behind him. It was made of white canvas fabric and had a simple and clean shape. There was a bright red five-pointed star hanging on the zipper.

"This is your jade ring, return it to the original." Su Haitang opened the crimson velvet cloth, revealing the emerald jade ring wrapped inside, and carefully placed it on the coffee table in front of him.

Then she took out another bottle of canned assorted fruits and smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you very much for taking care of me yesterday. I will buy some cans for you to add to your lunch."

Su Junyue put on the jade finger ring. After wearing it for so many years, she felt a little uncomfortable once she left it.

He picked up the can, looked back and forth, rummaged for the opener with great interest, and was about to open the bottle to serve the guests on the spot.

"How do you know that I want to eat this? I happen to be a little hungry. Let's satisfy my craving first. Then go to my house to eat at noon and try my lover's cooking. She always stops me from eating too sweet food, so let's take a few bites secretly. ."

Su Haitang felt very happy!

She was a little embarrassed about giving gifts. As Cheng Yuanzheng said, these well-informed people would not be able to take ordinary things seriously.

Later she decided to deliver canned goods.

Anyway, her superficial identity is that of a poor soldier. Why is she showing off? It's not offensive. As long as it comes to your mind.

It is quite easy to manipulate the canned food. Su Haitang understands the value of his spiritual spring water, so he feels at ease with this gift.

She believed in the quality of these people, but she didn't expect Principal Su to be so generous and supportive, and she felt a little embarrassed.

"Isn't this bad? It's too intrusive."

Su Haitang revealed the original plan. "It's rare to come to Imperial University. I also want to have a meal in the cafeteria and experience the atmosphere of a prestigious school."

"What delicious food is there in the cafeteria? Big pot rice. Come and eat at my house. Your aunt gave you the order in the morning and make her specialty beef stew with potatoes! It's been a while since I've had it. I'll take advantage of you."

Su Junyue didn't show up at all. She even called her your aunt instead of my lover.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey." After saying this, Su Haitang couldn't refuse, so he agreed generously.

"I can't find the screwdriver, so it looks like I have to take it home." Su Junyue smiled and shook her head, looking regretful.

"I'll give you a vaccination in advance. Your aunt, who is several decades old after watching your game, also calls you an idol. She may ask you to sign an autograph and take a photo with her later. Don't be scared."

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