"You, you ruined other people's families, is it still reasonable for you to be a mistress?"

Peng Man was like a rooster with its neck strangled, and the few remaining chicken feathers on his body were blown up and he jumped with his feet to attack!


Su Haitang was too lazy to argue with the idiot, and even got angry at Xu He, who was spoiled by his wife without any limits. She turned her head and looked away from this annoying couple with a cold face.

"Instructor, deputy battalion commander, if I have nothing else to do, I'll go back first. I don't want this kind of farce to happen again! Defamation of reputation is a crime, and there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Don't take my kindness and tolerance as cowardice. What I respect is the identity of a military wife, and please ask some people to be worthy of this title!"

Su Haitang uttered harsh words, and after getting Lu Zhaowen's permission, he turned around and left. Nian Wangchun could still vaguely hear his complaints.

"Lao Lu, why did you just tell her to leave? This matter hasn't been explained clearly yet..."

It turned out that the deputy battalion commander asked her to come?

Su Haitang let out a breath, and his congested chest relaxed a little.

I guess Xu He still has some brains.

I hope the battalion commander can work harder to restrain Peng Man, who is full of confusion.

Imagine yourself as a miserable heroine and live your life like a bloody TV series, just to give her some free time!

Paranoia of persecution!

Su Haitang strode out of the camp headquarters, took a deep breath of the cold air, and then realized that snowflakes were falling again in the sky.

Su Haitang stretched out her hand childishly.

The light snow flakes touched the palm of my hand and quickly melted into little water stains.

Life is short and wanton, but there is no turning back.

Su Haitang was a little dazed for a moment, staring at the military camp with shining stars in the dark night.

Perhaps, her previous life was like this snow, which melted away early regardless of her will, leaving only thin and shallow traces that no one cared about.

Or perhaps, her life is also full of unforeseen circumstances and precarious situations, but since she has chosen this path, this path of life, the path of the military, she should go on it freely!

Even if it stops suddenly one day, I won’t regret it!

To sing during the day, you need to indulge in alcohol. Youth is a good companion for returning home. She is now the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, uh, ninety o'clock? Eleven o'clock?

No matter, in short, she was born in a good time, she should not waste her time, she should live in the present, live a wonderful and worthwhile life!

Who is Peng Man? Do you have anything to do with her?

Su Haitang smiled brightly and ran away in the wind and snow, leaving all the unnecessary entanglements behind him.

Nian Wangchun glanced at the slender shadow that quickly blended into the wind and snow, then looked back worriedly at the brightly lit window.

"Old road, let's just leave like this, is it really okay?"

"It's going to rain. Mother has to get married, and honest officials can't stop doing housework. Just let them make trouble. Let's go. It's snowing heavily. It's dark and the roads are slippery. We'll find your little pony soon, but don't throw it."

Lu Zhaowen also looked back, shook his head and strode home.

"Hey, what the hell is this? This Su Haitang is too restless."

Nian Wangchun sighed heavily and followed anxiously.

The wind and snow became more intense, blurring the bright windows of the battalion headquarters office building, and chilling everyone's heart.

"Peng Man, is this how you miss me?"

Xu He gritted his teeth and looked in disbelief at the woman in front of him who had been caring for him for almost ten years.

Why does he feel like he doesn't recognize her anymore?

"What do you want me to think? It's you who changed your mind."

Peng Man cried aggrievedly, her red and swollen eyes filled with endless tears.

"I changed my mind? Ha, okay, I changed my mind. Well done to you, Peng Man."

Xu He gritted his teeth and his eyes were so full of hatred that he wanted to kill someone, but he still restrained himself from getting angry.

I always give in when facing her. This habit has been ingrained in my bones for almost ten years.

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