Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 354 Always imitated, never surpassed!

All the women in the family put pressure on them, and Mrs. Yu even mentioned that she would be a teacher and a mother forever. How could Su Haitang be able to bear it? She couldn't favor one thing over another, so she could only sit back and listen to Mr. Bai's passionate and frustrated talk. I made up a bunch of drawings.

Before he could appease the anxious and beauty-loving female elder, Mr. Bai looked at her sideways with his hands behind his back, blocked the door and told her the disciple rules at a long length, and his beautiful goatee was almost broken.

Come on, once a teacher, always a father, right? Understand!

Su Haitang was very discerning and made up for the cultural teacher's share. Thinking about it, he even painted the paintings of his grandparents and father.

Fortunately, men's clothing is relatively easy. Apart from suits, tunic suits, Tang suits, casual jackets, etc., there are not many patterns. Su Haitang painted it very smoothly!

After thinking about it for a while, Su Haitang silently prepared another copy for each of her cousin Ruyi, the Bai siblings, and her uncle, aunt, uncle, and uncle's family!

Just treat it as the first batch of new goods from the clothing factory, and your relatives are advertising models, and make a lot of money during the Chinese New Year!

When Su Haitang handed over a thick pile of design drafts to Cousin Bai, Cousin Bai deliberately took out his own portion and smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his eyes.

"You're such a loyal girl! When I put this outfit on, I will be Prince Charming himself, charming thousands of girls in the capital! I'll find a tailor to make it right now!"

Su Haitang quickly called him to stop.

"Brother, stop. This is the trade secret of our factory. It must be embroidered with our trademark to prevent counterfeiting. Why are you taking the initiative to leak the secret? Are you afraid that you are not the reincarnation of a boy who spreads his wealth?"

Bai Jingxian met his cousin's suspicious eyes, rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

"What, I'm in a hurry to wear new clothes. My sister specially designed them for me. I don't want to waste your thoughts."

"Besides, our factory has to recruit people through training and on-the-job training. How long will this delay take? I'm impatient."

Su Haitang had nothing to do with this cousin, so she sighed and gave him some advice.

"Ordinary workers who make garments in batches can be recruited slowly, and experienced workers can be put on the job first. In addition to the guaranteed salary, they will be paid by the piece to mobilize the enthusiasm for production. We must also focus on quality and not lose the brand."

"But that's not the most important thing. We have to recruit a few good tailors to be trainers first! Hire them with a high salary! I have to make my design draft without distortion as a demonstration, and I can also lead the employees to work."

"The most important thing is that they can do advanced customization, state banquet dresses and so on. This is the guarantee of reputation!"

Su Haitang mentioned the points carefully and sighed.

"Talent is the foundation of a company's competitiveness. There may be a few senior fashion designers among them who can create their own styles. This is all wealth!"

"Cousin, I'll buy horse bones for a thousand dollars, publish recruitment notices in newspapers, and ask people to go to various places to search for talents. Don't ignore the students at the Academy of Fine Arts. In short, this matter must be done immediately!"

"We can't wait for our new clothes to go out, and others will follow suit and rob us of our wealth. We are the first to eat meat. We have always been at the forefront of fashion and lead the aesthetic trend. Others can only follow behind us. Drink soup.”

Su Haitang waved his hand proudly!

"Always imitated, never surpassed!"

Bai Jingxian's blood boiled with excitement when he heard it. He felt that what he was holding in his hand was not a stack of drawing paper, but a treasure map that opened up a mountain of gold and silver!

"Handsome! Always imitated, never surpassed! Girl, you are so handsome!"

"Brother, I listen to you, I must do something famous this time! I am no longer a playboy, I am an industrialist! Boss Bai!"

Su Haitang took the opportunity to boost morale!

"I'm optimistic about you! You can't ignore the down jacket, collect the duck down! Let's give one to the National Winter Olympics team first, let's work together!"

Su Haitang patted him heavily on the shoulder and smiled encouragingly, but he was wailing in his heart.

Her aunt's towel!

Qin Shuang, I can only count on you!

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