Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 279 God indeed did not abandon her!

Su Haitang immediately smelled a strong smell of conspiracy.

But now she is in trouble. There was no injury on her body!

"I want to see Chief He Junfeng."

Su Haitang didn't resist, he stretched out his hands and let Brother Bing tie them tightly.

"I will ask for permission."

The young leader glanced sideways in the rearview mirror and said nothing.

The truck started bumping along the narrow mountain road.

Su Haitang was so distraught that he couldn't figure out how something as unbelievable as an imposter could happen!

Could it be a particularly bloody car accident that disfigured the face?

Didn't the mastermind behind the scenes consider her as a variable when he designed this plan to hide the truth?

Or was her kidnapping part of the plan?

If they kill her to silence her, they won't be afraid that the imposter will be exposed.

So now that she is saved, how can she reveal the true identity of the impostor?

Could it be Ji Fengyun who is behind the scenes? Or is it that the entire Ji family behind him is involved?

There is no need to ask about the motive, she should not have saved the old man of the Ji family!

However, Ji Fengyun was still talking about luck and fortune-telling, which made her stunned for a while!

She also laughed at people who were stupid, and sent a good noble son from the imperial capital to the mountains to learn Taoism. After learning, his mind was full of nonsense and he didn't know what to say;

In the end, I found out that she was the stupidest one!

Why do you trust others so easily? Haven't you had enough?

Su Haitang, how many lives do you have left to play with? wake up!

Su Haitang felt deeply regretful and her mind was in a mess.

What if the Ji family really wants to capture her, covet her space, and find out some secret about immortality?

Only the Ji family has the ability to lay out such a big picture in a short period of time!

We even found a substitute!

You must know that besides being stupid, there are many smart people in her family. It is really not easy to completely hide it from them!

what to do? Why did she fall for Ji Fengyun's trick?

What an upright and venomous little Taoist priest is obviously a two-faced dramatist! Oscar owes him a statuette!

Su Haitang was vomiting so much that he wanted to vomit blood and was in a state of chaos!

"You..." Where are you taking me!

The second half of the words was stuck in his mouth with a handkerchief, and Su Haitang gave up completely.

Unable to talk or ask for help, Su Haitang calmed down.

Don't panic Su Haitang! So many people haven't beaten you to death. You must be blessed by the halo of pig's feet and the theorem that pig's feet are immortal. You will be fine!

Su Haitang tried her best to calm down, but the communication space was fruitless. She was not discouraged and tried to force out the spiritual spring water.

My fingertips felt moist for a while, it worked!

Su Haitang felt happy and tried to force out a bit of cold spring water again.

The cold feeling rushed to my fingertips instantly!

Su Haitang was moved to tears!

God helps those who help themselves, and indeed God has not abandoned her yet!

With the life-saving trump card in hand, Su Haitang became calmer. Now that she's here, she'll be content with it, but she wants to see what other conspiracies and tricks are waiting for her!

Seriously, killing people feels bad.

She didn't want to attack the police unless she had no choice but to attack her comrades.

The most important thing is that she is now alone. Faced with such tight guards around her, even if she wants to break out, it will be very difficult.

She didn't want to be treated as an enemy and die in disgrace.

Even their identity was taken away.

She will really die in peace!

Su Haitang calmed down and waited for the opportunity.

Chu Beiwang glanced at her in the rearview mirror, then looked away slightly, looking at the lush pine forest beside the mountain road.

"Be careful! There's something going on!"

Chu Beiwang shouted loudly and fired a warning shot!

Gunshots rang out, the wheels were hit by stray bullets, the truck jolted violently and slid diagonally down the mountain road!

"Jump out of the car!"

Chu Beiwang shouted and reached out to grab Su Haitang in the back seat, but his hands were numb and numb from the sudden drop in temperature in the car.

Su Haitang had already forced out the cold spring water, freezing the cable ties binding his hands, and then forcefully tore apart the frozen cable ties!

Then she knocked over the little soldier next to her who was shot and fell, but still insisted on raising a gun to fight back. She snatched his gun and rushed out of the car door with others!

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