Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 553: The Forerunner's Expectation

"You can't fight every fight for someone else."

A familiar and gentle voice came from the depths of the void and reached Joshua's mind. He smiled softly and said helplessly, "Everyone has their own trials, and this is the one that belongs to you." Brandon. Joshua, you have to believe in the strength and belief of your comrades-in-arms, he can solve this trouble."


If he hadn't heard the owner of the voice, Joshua would never have stopped his assault, but since he already knew the identity of the other party, it seemed redundant to continue to attack. Standing in mid-air, Joshua looked down at the earth. On the pale snow field, the dark and dirty field of resentment was rapidly expanding. Now it has become a huge quagmire occupying a vast area several kilometers in radius. Countless ferocious giant beasts and The monster struggled in it, venting its evil and filthy resentment and anger, distorting everything around it.

If it weren't for the advice of the sages, Joshua would never have allowed such an unstable factor to act recklessly in his own territory, not to mention if no one stopped the spread of this territory, at the speed of this quagmire of resentment, within ten minutes it would be destroyed. It can spread to the periphery of the densely populated main city, engulf and pollute most of the satellite city building circles, and cause a catastrophe with at least 100,000 casualties. Part of the resentment that the sages had carried in the past had this terrifying power.

But that voice is right, he really cannot fight for everyone, everyone has their own responsibilities that must be shouldered—since this is a trial for the holder of the Double Blades of Order, the fighters will not intervene , but waiting for his friend to return in victory.

"However, if the safety of civilians is threatened, then I will still take action."

Said softly in his mind, Joshua answered the voice of the sage: "As long as this filthy domain spreads around the main city, I will completely wipe it out. At the current speed, it will take about ten minutes. It's a test for Brandon."

"You won't have a chance to make a phone call."

The gentle voice didn't explain too much, he seemed to firmly believe in the blond swordsman: "Look, Joshua."

And as the words of the suspected sage's existence slowly fell, a chaotic frenzy suddenly rose in the dark and deep quagmire. Thousands of monsters roared in unison in this filthy field, making silent roars, and in these turbulent Uneasy, in the center of the monster that seemed to be coming alive, Brandon's figure seemed to be completely engulfed by darkness, without any reaction. Joshua flew along with the tide. He watched indifferently as the demons rapidly expanded the boundaries of the filthy domain. Time passed by every minute. In the past, when the border of this domain was about to reach the villages and towns around the main city of Moldavia, he clenched his fists, ready to gather strength and stop it.

But at this moment, the dark domain suddenly stopped its own expansion steps, and the black wave of resentment on the edge was about to shoot at a forest covered with frost and snow, but it was frozen in place as if time had been stopped, and then, At the very center of the field, two bright and pure sword lights lit up in the deepest darkness, tearing apart the gloomy black mist of resentment, and displaying a tired figure in front of the soldiers.

"Thank you, Joshua!"

Trying his best in the spiritual space, Brandon finally broke free from the curse of resentment from countless monsters and beasts, and was entangled with nearly endless, howling soul fragments all over his body. After smashing and obliterating, the swordsman raised his head and looked at Joshua who was high in the sky. He showed a tired but pure smile: "Next, leave it to me!"

At this time, Brandon's eyes were shining with a faint blue light, which was the talent born with death and resentment since he was a child. These were eyes that could look directly at destruction and nothingness. Using this power, the blond swordsman scanned the countless monsters of resentment in front of him. These seemingly powerful beings were full of gaps and black spots representing 'death' and 'death'. There is no doubt that if these monsters were the main body , then Brandon would not be able to defeat them no matter how hard he tried, but all the illusory soul fragments in the dark field now, so it would not be difficult for the swordsman to destroy them.

Panting for a moment and recovering some strength, Brandon gripped the hilts of the two swords tightly, and then stepped out, turning into a blue-gray light and galloping towards the endless monsters surging in the quagmire. Around this light, The silver and white sword lights are intertwined, like jumping arcs of light, and wherever the arcs pass, no matter whether it is a violent sea monster or a strange multi-legged monster, they are all wiped out without leaving any trace. debris.

"I didn't have this kind of trial back then."

Seeing Brandon fighting with many resentful monsters in the dark field, Joshua couldn't help frowning, and complained with some dissatisfaction: "It's not a good thing to favor one another than another."

"Ordinary people would not take the initiative to pursue such a difficult trial. What's more, you are now a legend, no matter how difficult the task is, it is nothing to you."

The gentle voice smiled, and then patiently explained: "The Double Blade of Order is the only weapon among the relics left by the sages back then. It is the power to kill and suppress evil, without any other elements. So those who hold it need to go through more trials than others."

"Those who hold the double blades of order must not be hindered by a little bit of resentment. Even if they can't control them, they must be suppressed. If Brandon can't complete this, then the double blades will seal themselves and wait for the next step." A worthy successor."

"What a demanding request."

Even though he said that, Joshua didn't feel wrong in the slightest, he even nodded his head with a look of reason. But then, the soldier realized something was wrong: "Wait... you are not a sage?"

Based on what the other party said just now, he could of course hear that little grammatical difference.

"Of course I am not." After a pause, the gentle voice was a little confused and replied gently: "I am the spirit of inheritance condensed from part of the memory of the sage, that's all, how could it be a great sage... You are the inheritor of the Azure Orb, so you should have been in contact with my kind, why do you still have such doubts?"


At this moment, Joshua was in no mood to observe Brandon who was fighting on the ground. He frowned and looked at his palm. In the middle of the palm with a thin layer of silver light flowing faintly, there is a small crown imprint, which is the power left by the former Azure Orb.

This is totally different!

Recalling the scene when he first had contact with the sage fantasy in the Azure Orb, Joshua's heart would still be a little shaken. What he saw at that time was definitely not the spirit of inheritance that he is today, but It is a genuine 'Sage's Childhood' form! Whether it's posture, language, demeanor or strength, the illusion in the Azure Orb is countless times stronger than the current gentle voice. This is undoubtedly the difference between the real product and the inherited spirit, but why?

Why was it that what he saw at the beginning was a real part of the sage, but what was in the double blades of order was just the manufactured spirit of inheritance?

Memories flashed quickly, from the very beginning, when Joshua met the sage for the first time in the Ural Fortress, until he returned from the world of Grandia, Joshua was absolutely convinced that it was indeed the memory of the real sage in the past, It can even be said that it is a part of the other party, rather than the shadow he created. When moving the survivors of the Grandia world into the world of Karlis, the power of sages among the four inheritances also helped him fulfill his wish.

"Wait, it seems to be that time!" Finding something wrong, Joshua recalled the original scene in his mind: when he returned to the Mycroft Continent with the spark from the world of Grandia, the Four Legacy The remaining power of the sages in the things helped him move the survivors into the world of Carliss, but after that, the four forces disappeared—Joshua originally thought that they had been consumed too much, so he returned to the things of inheritance to warm But now it seems that the real power of the sage should have completely left, replaced by this specious spirit of inheritance.

Feeling that the flames of his hometown have been restored, he is sure that his inheritors have enough power to protect themselves, can get out of their infancy and live independently, so have they taken back their power?

After slightly understanding the sage's thoughts, Joshua remained silent. For some reason, he was a little disappointed. The warrior also thought that one day he might be able to consult with the phantoms of the sages in other inheritances, but now it seems that it is impossible. force.

It seems that there is no way to really see the sage, this legendary figure.

Because of this unexpected discovery, Joshua could only watch Brandon fighting with many resentful monsters on the ground in a little disappointment. On the earth, the swordsman's skills are superb to the extreme. Even in the face of several powerful ancient evils whose strength is not weaker than his own, he can maintain an invincible situation. In addition, he has the magic eye that can directly stare at death. , as long as he catches the flaw, no matter how powerful the monster's remnant soul will be instantly shattered and dissipated, but now Brandon is almost exhausted, even with the strength of his ultimate warrior, he can only pant , messed up the breathing rhythm.

——If there is no accident, then Brandon should not be able to kill all the resentment monsters by himself.

Joshua made some pityful calculations, then shook his head: "He spent too much energy in the illusion at the beginning, and as a result, he lacked the physical strength to completely destroy the enemy in the real world. It seems that this trial, He might fail."

The Spirit of Inheritance did not reply. And Joshua didn't take it seriously, although he was willing to help his friends, this aspect was an exception. Perhaps the current Brandon does lack the accumulation of time in his previous life, and he is not enough to become the true inheritor of the Double Blades of Order, so what if he waits a few more years? Although it is said that the Twin Blades of Order will seal themselves and choose the next inheritor, who said that Brandon cannot continue to be the next successor?

Failure is nothing, it can even be a catalyst for growth.

For some reason, in Joshua's field of vision, Brandon, who was struggling to fight with many demons in the dark field, gradually overlapped with a white Balrog who was fighting wits and courage with countless demons in the abyss. , the soldier thought it was a hallucination at first, but then he reacted, this is the power of steel resonating with the Syndicate again, at this time the Balrog was already able to escape with ease under the pursuit of many demons, and even killed him in the middle With one or two leading powerful demons as its own strength supplement, it is devoutly grateful in its heart for the knowledge and power given to it by the 'Shocking Demon' all the time.

Joshua turned off the message transmission a little funny, and continued to look down at Brandon fighting with the remnants, but after a few seconds, he suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky, his eyes sparkled with surprise. .

"Yes, there is also the resonance of the power of steel!"

He muttered to himself first, and then laughed excitedly. The soldier raised his right hand, and he clenched his fist tightly. In his hand, the authority of the Burning Soul King, which represents the inheritance of sages, was flashing rapidly, which even made Joe On Xiuya's right hand, traces of flames like ceramic cracks appeared. Joshua didn't care about this, he continued to look at the sky, the light in the red pupils seemed to be able to penetrate the barrier of the world, looking directly at the multiverse.

The King of Burning Souls is the power to burn flames and reshape the world order. It originated from the initial fire, but it is also closely related to the power of steel. This power directly comes from the inheritance of the sages and is now taking root in Joshua's body Among them, sharing weal and woe with him, the warrior got a sliver of inspiration, without hesitation, he mobilized most of the steel power in his body to resonate with the source of the King of Burning Souls, the power of the sage.

Powerful power was released wantonly from Joshua's body, even slowly melting the snow within a radius of tens of kilometers, and the entire Moldavian territory became warmer as a result, as if coming from deep winter to spring, and The spirit of the warrior also broke through a burst of pure white light in a burst of agitation similar to a cross-border communication syndicate, but the sense of difficulty was a million times stronger than before, and reached the other end of the multiverse.

He saw a figure made of the purest light.

That figure stood in the dark void, headed towards the other side of the multiverse against the light of the surging demon tide. Countless dark evil things and horrible disasters that only existed in the depths of the void passed by, but He couldn't hurt him at all. By this figure's side, the distance of thousands of worlds was crossed in an instant. Among them, worlds were destroyed and worlds were reborn, but none of these could attract the other party to stop and watch .

However, now, it seems that he has noticed something. This human figure slowly stopped the footsteps that would not stop even if the world was born and died. The peep that has been waiting, but has not appeared for a long time.

Turning his head, he smiled and looked at the void, while at the other end of the multiverse, Joshua also stared at the void calmly, and the two looked at each other for a moment.

For a moment, and only for a moment.

At this moment, Joshua was able to see that the direction in which this figure of light is heading is the brightest place in the multiverse. In the place where the radiance occurred, spots like sunspots disappeared, and it was because of this that the great tide of demons sweeping the world broke out, as if to expel the darkness that blocked the radiance.

A moment later, the fragile link was broken, and Joshua, who could only maintain the moment with all his strength, took a step back slowly, almost failing to maintain the flight in the air, but even though he was so exhausted, he did not show the slightest sign of pain, Instead, he had a happy expression on his face.

"I saw 'Him'."

Joshua muttered to himself: "He is still walking on that 'road' and has not stopped."

Although he didn't know anything else, and he didn't even have any communication with Him, but for some reason, Joshua was suddenly full of motivation, which hadn't happened in a long time since he rekindled the flames of the Mycroft world. The power that emerges.

To be able to see means to be able to chase. Being able to chase means that one day, he will be able to catch up. The same should be true for the sages, who joined hands with the gods to save the entire world from destruction and left behind many inheritances. He must also be looking forward to the latecomers who can follow in his footsteps and join him. shoulder to shoulder.

Lowering his head, Joshua looked at the dark field where Brandon was fighting, but to his surprise, the blond swordsman who could barely maintain his invincibility at this time got a force from nowhere, almost like The killing machine usually suppresses and beats the remnants of resentment and evil. If there is no accident, this trial that should have failed seems to be completely over within a few minutes.

Scanning around, the soldier nodded, and he got the answer: Not far from the edge of the dark field, the purple-haired countess was bringing her two daughters to the periphery of the battlefield, and the soldier could vaguely hear "Come on, Dad!" ’ With such an immature and enthusiastic voice, the sudden strength that burst out of Brandon’s body immediately had a reasonable source.

"Somewhat ordinary." The voice of the inheritance spirit reappeared, and he sounded quite happy: "Isn't it?"


indeed. Whether it is fighting against evil gods, saving the world, sacrificing oneself, sealing the land that is full of malice to life, or leaving a legacy so that the beliefs of all living beings can be passed on from generation to generation, these are all developments that are so ordinary that history repeats itself over and over again. The sages thousands of years ago were moved by these things, and the same will be the case thousands of years later.

Joshua watched this scene, he was silent for a while, then smiled and said softly: "But, I like it very much."

that's enough.

——Volume Nine, Legacy of the Gods·End

5000 words, Chapter 2, asking for a monthly pass!

The last writing is a bit confused, and I will revise it tomorrow. The mediocre volume of transition and ambush is finally finished, and I can write the big plot of the multiverse...

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