Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 317 Awakening

Starfall 833, April 15th, late at night.

Northland, Lord City of Moldavia, Lord Mansion.

There was still a bit of chill in the spring night, and the moist fog spread in the deserted streets and alleys. The whole main city was silent, except for the sound of patrolling guards walking, nothing could be heard.

The second half of the lord's mansion, which was originally destroyed by the assassination of the abyssal dragon, has been repaired. In order to cover the potholed ground, the craftsmen also transplanted a light feather tree with silver leaves to the backyard.

4 The legend of this beautiful plant was born when an angel came. Its leaves can naturally absorb magic elements and convert them into positive energy to release. In the dark, countless silver leaves are like angel feathers. Release the holy light.

Because leaves, roots, and tree hearts can be used as magical materials to make high-level scepters and sacrificial items. The light feather tree is a strategic item at the national level. It is extremely precious, and it cannot be bought even with money. Planting such a magical plant can fully prove the identity and status of its owner.

Silver leaves fell from the window, and the faint white light reflected on the window sill and shone into the quiet room.

In the afterglow, a silver-haired girl could be seen sitting by the bed, holding a small knife in her hand, frowning and peeling an apple.

Although the girl's technique was a little rusty, the actual result was quite good. Although some flesh was removed, the shape of the remaining apple was still intact. Putting the peeled apples on the side plate, the girl turned to look at the sleeping man on the bed.

On the face composed of countless rigid lines, the warrior's eyes are tightly closed, but just like a sleeping beast or a napping wolf, the man's face is full of vigor even though he is sleeping, making one's heart palpitate.

At this moment, there was a soft sound from the door, and the silver-haired girl turned her head to look, and then saw her younger brother walking in slowly with a pot of incense that was rising from the smoke. After walking a few steps into the room, he saw the fruit plate beside the bed, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Sister, the master wakes up and doesn't know when, why are you peeling apples now?"

"I'm happy! Wouldn't it be okay to practice in advance!"

Annoyed, she retorted in a low voice. Ying rolled her eyes and noticed the incense on the other party's hand. She asked curiously, "Wait, Rin, is this from the Bishop?"

"Yes, I heard that this incense can calm the mind and soul, allowing people to better enter a state of meditation and communicate with gods."

Rin put the incense on the bedside, white smoke curled up, and then turned into a fresh and faint fragrance, which spread throughout the room. Smelling this smell, the black-haired young man murmured softly: "Of course, it can also make you sleepy." The revival of the soul... Although I don't know if it will be useful, I hope the master can wake up soon."

Ying also nodded silently, and the two watched the sleeping man on the bed, waiting quietly.

This is the third day of Joshua's coma,

Three days ago, everyone returned to the Mycroft Continent through the passage of time and space. They quickly realized that they were located in the southern forest of the Great Ajax Mountain Range. There was also a low cry from the direction of the volcano, and the lava furnace that had been dormant for four hundred years spewed out a black smoke column that reached the sky, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur.

That was the intention brought about by the closure of the space-time channel inside the volcano. The Father of Nature closed all the space-time channels of the entire Ilgna world before he fell asleep. There was a reaction.

Although the Father of Nature healed Joshua's body, his soul was still dormant. After Lolanda confirmed the safety of the soldier, he immediately ordered Hei Qi to return to the main city of Moldavia and returned to the city. Afterwards, the paladin immediately went to Bishop Artanis in the cathedral.

Although they are both gold-level, when it comes to healing and soul abilities, paladins can't keep up with a priest even riding a horse. However, after a detailed investigation, Bishop Artanis also shook his head regretfully. Joshua is in good health. Incomparably, although there is a strange reaction in the depths of the body, it is definitely a benign change. There is only one reason why the soldier is unconscious now, and that is his soul is still lost in the darkness.

This is a common occurrence. It often happens to warriors who received timely treatment after being seriously wounded to the point of death. Their bodies were intact due to healing spells, but people fell asleep as if they were dead. This is because their The soul has not yet discovered that it is not dead, but is still trapped in the border between life and death, and cannot return.

"Although I don't know what you have experienced, Joshua's awakening has nothing to do with anyone. You can only wait and wait."

These are the words of the old bishop. It may be a week, a month, or even a few years. The longest awakening process was the head of a knight group in a kingdom in Xishan. Waking up from this deepest nightmare.

Perhaps because of witnessing the horror of life and death, and understanding the truth of the other side and the present world, this knight broke through the original realm within seven days after waking up, and then advanced to legend within five years, sheltering that Kingdom two hundred years.

Joshua must have woken up sooner than him, but he didn't know when exactly.

So, until then, the boys and girls will be waiting.

However, this moment came sooner than they thought.

Because Rin told the apples to be spoiled if left for too long, eat them quickly if you want to eat them, so Yingzheng picked up the apples on the plate with some hesitation. A pensive black-haired boy.

——Although I want to serve the master a plate of fruit when he wakes up, it is indeed too early. In this case, I can only eat it myself in order not to waste it!

Thinking about it carefully, what Rin said was indeed true, so she became cruel and pointed at the apple and took a quick bite.

Mmm - very sweet!

Originally, the girl's heavy thoughts dissipated a little because of the sweet taste, biting off the flesh in small bites, the silver-haired girl couldn't help but wonder where the apple came from, next time she has a chance, she must buy more.

The owner has always been the type to eat everything, so it is difficult to know what ingredients the other party likes, but no matter what, no one will hate sweet fruits!

On the other hand, the black-haired boy slightly opened his eyes, looked at his sister's appearance, and gave a faint smile.

But when the girl was enjoying the delicious fruit, there was a sudden movement on the bed, Ying subconsciously looked up, and in the darkness, a pair of red pupils were staring at her with a slight smile.


Holding a half-eaten apple in her hand, the silver-haired girl immediately sat up from the head of the bed. She groaned inexplicably, and said in a short and tense voice: "Master! You, are you awake?!"

Because it was too sudden and her mind was in chaos, Ying subconsciously handed over the half-eaten apple in her hand, and said incoherently: "Well, master, do you want to eat apples?"

"No need, just see how happy you are eating."

The warrior who woke up from the illusion of the steel python sat up on the bed. He rejected Ying's apple, and at the same time he touched the head of the red-faced silver-haired girl. Joshua turned to look at the same girl. Dumbfounded and surprised, Rin said to his two weapons in a gentle voice: "Keep you waiting, I woke up."

And in the other hand he clenched tightly.

An incomparably cold steel cube was slowly turning with a silvery white light, as if it contained incalculable authority.

Today, I conceived the plot of the next volume, so the update is a bit small, but I can get up quickly if I straighten it out!

I'll see if I can write the character cards of the protagonist and the group later... I don't know if you want to read it, if you don't want to read it, I won't write it...

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