
"It doesn't fit!?"

Hearing the conversation between Xu Luo and Luo Tao, the mirror inspector at the scene, as well as Lin Qin and others, all chewed on this keyword seriously.

If the reasoning in everyone's cognition is correct, the murderer's initial intention to target Jiang Wenjing was to kidnap, it must be to achieve a certain purpose, such as extortion.

In this situation, it is also appropriate to use the prey to describe Jiang Wenjing.

But for some reason, they felt that Xu Luo and Luo Tao didn't mean that.

Is it because of the phrase "it doesn't fit"?

didn't notice that someone in the crowd unconsciously lowered their heads after hearing Xu Luo's words, and the panic in their eyes flashed.

If Xu Luo was paying attention, he would definitely be able to find out about this person's abnormality, but unfortunately he didn't.

Without explaining too much, Xu Luo and Luo Tao tacitly exchanged a look, walked to the deceased's corpse and squatted down, and observed it up close.

Although the autopsy is the work of a forensic doctor, since he intends to make some discoveries or suggestions to Luo Tao, he definitely needs to observe the body himself.

"Jiang Wenjing's corpse doesn't have any anesthetics like high-concentration ether on the surface, right?" Fan his hand in the face of Jiang Wenjing's corpse, Xu Luo showed an expression on his face, and turned his head to look at Tang Di.

What state the deceased was in front of him, whether he was in a coma, and why he was in a coma, these information that needs to be known generally falls within the scope of forensic autopsy.

These news can play an important role in solving the case in the mirror investigation, generally speaking, the forensic doctor will take the initiative to mention it, but Tang Dian did not take the initiative to mention it just now, and the answer can already be explained to some extent.

"That's right, no residue of anesthetics such as ether was detected on the surface of the corpse." Tang nodded in affirmation of Xu Luo's judgment.

His affirmation made many people who didn't keep up with the train of thought frown subconsciously.

"Does that mean anything?" Liang Tian asked curiously.

"It shows that Jiang Wenjing is not being stunned by the outside."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because of the dosage." Xu Luo pretended to dig out his pocket, but actually took out an unused disposable glove from his carry-on space and put it on.

At the same time, he organized a language explanation: "People who often watch movies should know that if there is a kidnapping scene in the plot of the movie, the person who shoots it often covers the other party's mouth and nose with a handkerchief, which can quickly stun people, right." "

"Hmm!" Quite a few people nodded.

"Actually, this method is not scientific at all." Xu Luo shook his head with a smile and said: "Even if it is in the mirror inspection system, unless you have personal contact with it, or have the experience of the old mirror inspection envoy to introduce it, many newcomers don't know it." "

As he spoke, Xu Luo gave Qin Zhi a look.

Qin Zhi understood, took over the conversation and explained: "Drugs such as ether are called anesthetic drugs when they are used to make people unconscious. "

"But if someone uses a cloth with anesthetic drugs to cover someone's mouth and nose, causing someone to fall into a coma, the main reason is probably not anesthetic, but suffocation!"

"Suffocation!?" A lot of it is a feeling of cognitive disruption.

"Yes!" Qin Zhi explained solemnly: "The structure of the human body is very ingenious, when we fall into an emergency situation of insufficient oxygen supply, our human central nervous system will first stimulate a large amount of adrenaline and other hormones? "

"Hormones are created to greatly stimulate the body's functions, that is, to provide more strength to help people struggle with all their strength?"

"But if the situation does not improve after a period of time, that is, when others want to stun you, your crisis has not been resolved for a long time, and the body will instinctively change its state and switch from metabolic mode to energy-saving mode."

"The energy-saving mode reduces oxygen consumption, and the brain falls into a protective state to avoid consuming more oxygen, and it becomes unconscious!"

"This is how the way to cover the mouth and nose causes a person to fall into a coma!"

"And the process will take at least a few minutes!"

Need a few minutes?

Suffocation is the answer?

So is it really all a lie in the movie?

Qin Zhike didn't care about the "brokenness" in everyone's hearts, and continued: "After the human body is unconscious, if the mouth and nose continue to be covered, then the heartbeat will stop after a few minutes, and the person will die!" "

"At this time, if breathing resumes, the human body will enter a continuous coma."

"Of course, I mean without anesthetics!"

"But the case with anesthetics is more complicated."

"If it is a slow-acting anesthetic, that is, a low concentration of ether and the like, it generally takes a long time to take effect if you want to cause a coma, which does not meet the performance in the movie, in fact, the main factor that causes coma is suffocation!"

"If it is a strong anesthetic, it can be as strong as the level shown in the movie, and a dose of one or two can cause a person to fall unconscious in about ten seconds!"

"But when people encounter a sudden situation and suddenly can't breathe, they will instinctively take a deep breath, and breathe in several places, which means that they rarely only take one or two breaths."

"But once you take two more puffs of this dose, it will directly lead to human death, and no one dares to try it easily."

"And inhaling high-concentration anesthetics will cause irreversible damage to the human heart, lungs and brain, and it's best not to do it if you don't have a grudge."

Qin Zhi's explanation was very detailed and specific, and it was easy to understand.

In short, there are two ways to stun someone, one is faster and the other is slower.

Similar to the effect shown in the movie, a high concentration of anesthetic is required, but if you use this concentration, you are more likely to kill people than if you stun them.

Therefore, if you don't plan to kill people but plan to kidnap in the first place, people who understand it will not use high-concentration narcotics.

"I see." Liang Tian suddenly realized.

Since that chat the day before yesterday, her personality has undergone some subtle changes, and she has become more and more enthusiastic about solving crimes.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, she took the initiative to analyze: "The deceased Jiang Wenjing's nails are so long that they are not damaged in the slightest, it is basically certain that she should not have struggled before she fell into a coma, so she must not have been in a coma due to suffocation." "

This is very understandable, if Jiang Wenjing was in a coma because she had been suffocated for a long time, she would definitely struggle, and her nails were so long, how could she not use them to attack the enemy?

The longer the nails, the more fragile they are, and the slightest struggle can cause the nails to break!

Liang Tian's analysis continues: "Since it is impossible to be unconscious after a long period of asphyxia, it is an instantaneous coma, which requires the use of high-concentration anesthetics. "

"Although I am not very good at chemistry, I also know that the smell of high-concentration anesthetics must be pungent, so it is easy to make sure that there is no ether-like anesthetic on the surface of the corpse!"

"It can be seen that she is not stunned!"

"If Jiang Wenjing was indeed in a coma before she died, then there is only one answer left!"

"She's been drugged!"

"Slap~smack~smack!" Xu Luo applauded very applauded, and said with a smile: "The analysis is good, that's what happened." "

"What analysis is good, it's just learning and selling." Liang Tian was a little shy, after all, it was not easy to get Xu Luo's appreciation.

But what she said was from her heart.

It's not something to be proud of now that it's just learning and selling, and it's Xu Luo, it is estimated that he has already analyzed the answer after smelling it in front of the corpse just now, where are they still to discuss.

Thinking of this, Liang Tian reined in his mood and asked, "If Jiang Wenjing was drugged, it means that the deceased should know the murderer, right?" "

"I don't think it's possible for ordinary people to be stupid enough to eat something from a stranger that contains drugs that cause people to fall into a coma, right?"

This is the answer that Liang Tian deduced based on the clues that are now known.

In short, this is an acquaintance committing a crime!

"Not necessarily."

To everyone's surprise, Xu Luo actually shook his head.

Liang Tian, who was denied, did not get the slightest annoyance, but took out a mobile phone and asked seriously: "Actually, when you mentioned that the prey is not in place, I wanted to ask, what kind of framework do you set for the murderer?" "

Liang Tian knows that Xu Luo is a psychology expert, and he can also write psychologically, and now he probably has an image of a murderer in his heart.

Unlike Lin Qin, who likes to manually record Xu Luo's analysis and professor's ability, Liang Tian prefers to record the knowledge and clues that he thinks are useful on his mobile phone memo first, and upload them to the computer for centralized sorting when he has time.

"I need to make sure of a few more things."

Xu Luo didn't answer Liang Tian's question for the first time, he touched a certain place on the deceased's clothes, and sniffed it again.

"Sure enough.."

A hint of understanding flashed in his eyes, and Xu Luo walked to a mirror envoy next to him and took the evidence bag containing Jiang Wenjing's mobile phone in his hand.

After a few clicks, I found that the phone screen was locked.

"Do you know the password?" Xu Luo asked Bai Ruoshui.

In the morning, when investigating Wu Xinyi, he "accidentally" conducted a certain degree of investigation on the Shengshi Wenxuan Pavilion, and knew that the pavilion master had great authority in the Shengshi Wenxuan Pavilion, and he had all the news in the pavilion.

Jiang Wenjing is one of the famous prostitutes of the Shengshi Wenxuan Pavilion and one of Bai Ruoshui's followers, and she must have a comprehensive grasp of her various information.

“XXX!" Bai Ruoshui reported a string of numbers and gave it very simply.


Xu Luo retracted his gaze, clicked his finger on the phone a few times, easily opened the phone and clicked on a few APPs to check it.

Seeing the record he expected, a knowing smile appeared on his face: "Sure enough, it's the same as I guessed!" "

Returning the mobile phone to the mirror inspector, Xu Luo held his chin and thought for a while, and then said to Liang Tian: "Since you want to know, then tell you about it." "

As soon as these words came out, everyone else at the scene subconsciously pricked up their ears for some reason.

"Let's answer your question first." After organizing the language, Xu Luo looked at Liang Tian and said, "The deceased Jiang Wenjing should have drunk the medicine by himself." "

"But she and the killer shouldn't know each other."


Liang Tian's fingers moved, but he didn't know how to record it for a while.

It is not impossible that the deceased drank the drug that caused him to faint, but the premise is that an acquaintance committed the crime, which is still the case to solve the case, and the scope of the murderer can be determined.

But Xu Luo followed with a sentence that the deceased and the victim did not know.

How so?

PS: Today Kavin for a day, my brain exploded, and I have gray hair, this chapter is an extended version, take a day off, I hope you all Haihan!


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