At the gate of the General Administration of the Mirror Investigation of Hong Kong and Guangdong City, on the street opposite, at least four or five hundred people have now gathered.

There were also a lot of cars parked in the middle lane, which directly blocked traffic, but no one honked.

Everyone wanted to see what would happen to the demon Ling Qingquan in the end!

And now, these people are all closing their eyes.

This is true for pedestrians on the road or car owners.

The owner of the car sitting in the car stepped on the brake with his right foot!

If the reporter on the scene is there and captures this situation, it will be 100% in the headlines tomorrow.

"Mom, my eyes can't see!"

All of them:......

"What a strong glow!"

"We don't seem to be dead!"

"It doesn't seem to have exploded!?"

"Are you stupid, can we still talk after the explosion?"

"It's a flashbang!"

After a brief moment of stunnedness, scattered voices were heard in the crowd.

Many people who were close to the explosion point were filled with the joy of the rest of their lives, and for a moment, they thought they were going to die.

After all, someone with a bad taste deliberately made a flashbang to look like a retro grenade.

Of course, not everyone has been tricked.

"For at least ten seconds, you must not open your eyes!"

Guan Feng carefully counted the time in his heart.

He dared to snatch the box, all because he had exchanged opinions with Zhong Chumin on the way here before, and concluded that there could be no bullets in the box that Ling Qingquan was holding with 970 in his hand!

Otherwise, with so many innocent people involved, no matter how confident he was in his skills, it would be impossible for him to do so.

He is responsible for the lives and property of the people!

And just now, the moment he saw the bomb thrown out of the box, he realized the possibility that the Dark Enforcer had placed a flashbang, and closed his eyes for the first time!

He was going to close it for at least ten seconds before trying to open it.

His approach is actually crooked!

Inevitably, there was an accident, Xu Luo placed three flashbangs in the box given to Ling Qingquan, and placed them in a special way.

When the box is opened, one of the ejection devices is triggered.

As long as the lid of this box is opened in the usual way, the flashbang in it will fall in a given way.

In addition, Xu Luo also dealt with the explosion time of the three flashbangs, one exploded instantly after touching something, one exploded after two seconds, and one exploded again after four seconds.

The duration of the flash is in line with the standard standard of normal flashbangs, which is five seconds for a little closer, three seconds for a little farther, and not much for any further away.

In other words, from the first flashbang explosion, the area will continue to glow for the next ten seconds.

In addition, after the flashbang explodes, it will make a loud noise, which will inevitably attract the attention of others.

Therefore, in the next ten seconds, as long as you look towards this area, and people who are within a certain range, will definitely be deprived of vision.

Of course, the power of these three flashbangs is not as powerful as the authentic flashbangs, after all, Xu Luo doesn't want many innocent people to be hurt in the eyes or even ears.

Ten seconds is the time for Xu Luo to give himself action!

In these ten seconds, no matter whether the crowd around him has been hit or not, it is enough for him to do everything he wants to do!


After counting ten seconds silently in his mind, Guan Feng happened to feel that his eyes should have dissipated, so he opened his eyes to look at the surrounding situation.

Sure enough, there was no bright light, and Guan Feng was overjoyed.

But he didn't go to see Yada and the others, nor did he go to see Ling Qingquan.

After the flashbang appeared, he had already guessed the dark law enforcement calculation, and the results of these five people were now self-evident.

What he wants to do most now is to find the Dark Enforcer!

This dark enforcer is definitely on the scene!

"Nope! No! No! "


"Worthy of the Dark Enforcer!"

After checking the four directions quickly, Guan Feng found no trace of the dark enforcer.

The situation now is that there are people standing around, and these people are all standing there with their eyes closed and waiting for their sight to return because they saw the flash.

One by one, these are ready-made obstacles, and it is impossible for the dark enforcers not to take advantage of them.

Even, this may have been part of his plan.


Guan Feng sighed in his heart.

He wasn't obsessed with catching the Dark Enforcer.

Gathering his mood, he finally began to check the situation of Ling Qingquan and the four ink dog people.

At this glance, his pupils suddenly shrank!

I saw that these five people who were not far away from each other had something similar to a card stuck in their necks at this time.

The cards are embedded directly in their throats, and (ajfi) doesn't look shallow in depth!

Not only that, but the five of them were manually shrugging and pulling it, unable to lift it, and it looked like they had been removed!

"Is it to prevent them from taking the card off their necks early?" The closure instantly gained insight into the intentions of the Dark Enforcer.

Recalling the movement just now, a look of realization flashed in his eyes: "He must have inserted the card while scrapping the other party's arm, so the other party failed to scream!" "

"What a powerful means!"

"How much strength and precision does it take to remove the arm and insert the card?"

"The most impressive thing is the speed!"

"All five of them were in the same situation, all of them happened in less than ten seconds, and it took time to leave, it's terrible!"

Guan Feng's heart was shocked.

At this time, there are also some other people who have opened their eyes one after another, these are people who are not deeply recruited, or who react relatively quickly.

After they opened their eyes, they discovered the situation of Ling Qingquan and the others in a daze.


"What's going on!?"


"Who did this!?"

The crowd resounded with the sound of gasps one after another.

The current situation of Ling Qingquan and the five of them is too weird and miserable, but it makes them feel very happy!

At this time, Ling Qingquan looked at the box on the ground with a pale face, and there was indescribable horror in his eyes.

He hasn't lost it yet.

Generally speaking, after a human throat is cut, the whole process of death takes a very short time, generally speaking, that is, a few seconds to more than ten seconds.

This is completely different from poultry animals such as chickens, geese, ducks, etc., after these animals have their throats cut, it takes a little longer to die, and even more than ten minutes.

Therefore, people are very fragile, especially the throat is definitely an Achilles heel.

People who have their throats cut often don't even have time to shout for help!

But Xu Luo, of course, would not let Ling Qingquan and them leave so easily!

Now, the situation of Ling Qingquan and Yada and the other four ink dog people is completely different from the situation of ordinary people who have their throats cut.

Although more than ten seconds have passed, they are still alive, their thoughts can continue, and they can even feel pain, and they have to reach out to remove the foreign body from their necks.

But their hands can't move!

They can clearly feel that their lives are passing by every second.

But they could stop nothing.

And they also realized that it was the card stuck in their necks that kept them alive, and if this card disappeared, they would die in a short time, the kind that the king of heaven could not save when he came!

But that clear pain made them want to die like this.

"Ah Feng, what do you think?" Zhong Chumin didn't know when he came to Guan Feng's side.

"The Dark Enforcers don't want them to die simply." Guan Feng said firmly.

"The way of adjudication is also understood, it is a mobile phone film!"

"I don't know it's that simple, right?"

"Yes teacher, I found out that he is actually telling us another thing in the form of a ruling!"

"We missed a chance to catch him!"

"Let's save people first, although they are criminals, they can't be sentenced to death!"

"Teacher, shouldn't you use it?"


"Look!" _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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