Sniper Track

Chapter 100: binary star system

The purple thunderbolt is so familiar.

It can be said that it was the first time that Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye observed the peerless style of the fittest so closely!

Now, when I see this purple electricity again, time has changed.

Yujin Ding completely subconsciously used the power of the electric element stone of the "bending demon cord", and released special combat skills to contain the forward momentum of the three sword qi fragments.

When the shard was tightly wrapped and blocked by the purple light in midair, the sharp blade of the shard was less than five centimeters away from the indescribable vital organ under the Jade Golden Cauldron.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Yujinding's forehead, and his eyes were full of terror.

It's very dangerous, it's very dangerous... It's almost impossible to be a man!

I am not married yet! The old jade family is also counting on me to carry on the lineage!

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Yu Jinding, who came back to his senses, shouted: "Chen Xingxi, Chen Xingye, you two stinky brats, come here for me! You even used such a trick, today I want to tell you two, why Hua'er So red!

Everyone is out of fitness and mental strength, right?

OK! I use the physical strength of the second-grade peak, and still hang the two of you up and fight!

Come on, hand-to-hand combat, one point victory or defeat! "

Chen Xingxi smiled and waved his right hand lightly. All the power of shadows on the field began to gather towards the palm of his open right hand. On the ceiling, the power of shadows that wrapped the headlight bulbs was divided into several parts by Chen Xingxi. Peel off a little.

It is not easy for the eyes to adapt to suddenly entering a bright environment from a dark place.

Therefore, Chen Xingxi first peeled off a small piece of the dark shadow, "liberated" part of the light from the headlights, so that everyone's eyes could slowly adapt to the light from the dark place, and then, bit by bit, all the shadows were recovered.

Yu Jinding was a little puzzled, but he was still gearing up for it, shouting: "It's alright, don't clean up first, and we'll clean up after we have decided the winner!"

Chen Xingxi stared at the power of shadow in his palm.

The shadow is like a ball of living plasticine, sprouting in Chen Xingxi's palm, and occasionally stretches out like a "little arm", waving up and down, extremely lively, like a teacher who was praised at school. The child who came home and talked to his parents vividly, hoping to get the praise of the parents.

This part of the shadow power is a small part of the special "fitness" that naturally appeared in Chen Xingxi's body after contact with Kaisha, and has nothing to do with Kaisha. If you want to release large-scale, high-quality shadow magic, these shadow powers are far from enough, you still need to borrow the shadow energy of armor sand, and you need armor sand to cooperate.

The power of shadow in the palm is lifeless, but Chen Xingxi controlled it and made it perform this anthropomorphic movement.

Chen Xingxi was playing with the shadow "child" in his hand, while Chen Xingye looked at the jade golden cauldron and smiled without saying a word.

Yujin Ding: "?_???"

Chen Jianxie couldn't take it any longer, he stroked his forehead with his right hand, and said to himself, "Why did I accept a fool at that time..."

Walking from the wall to the field, Chen Jianxie stared at Yu Jinding: "Okay, Jinding, don't struggle, this time you lost the game."

Yu Jinding used her strength to prove that she is a qualified expression pack.

Black question mark face.jpg

"Isn't it? Xiaoxi and Xiaoye have exhausted our fitness and mental strength, we should have another fight..." After speaking, Yu Jinding scratched his head, as if he had not had enough fun.

Chen Jianxie was speechless.

It's all so obvious, you still want me to say it? ?

Chen Xingxi put away the power of shadow, and smiled like a thin leaf that had just sprout in the cold spring, full of vigor: "Brother Yu, look at what you are holding in your hand?"

Yu Jinding looked down at the pistol in his hand.

The lavender diamond gives the name imprint, and five accessories are available...

Due to the effect of the electric element stone and the power grid demon fox beast soul, the pitch-black spear has two purple and silver lines. If you don't look carefully, it is really difficult to find.

There's nothing wrong with it... This is my auxiliary gun, the "Bound Demon Cable" pistol, there's no problem at all!

Chen Xingxi spread out his hands: "When will Brother Yu wake up with the auxiliary gun?"

Yu Jinding didn't even think about it: "Of course it's three..."



I'll wipe it!

Madd, you've been fooled!

Seeing Chen Xingxi's mean smile, how could Yu Jinding still not understand.

This sparring is a battle below the third rank.

The strengths of Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye are only around the second-grade high-rank or peak, and they have not advanced to the third-rank. Therefore, Yujinding also suppressed their strength to the second-rank peak and below the third-rank.

Now, he uses the auxiliary gun that can only be awakened by the third rank, isn't it breaking the rules? !

Yujinding's lips moved, wanting to say something, but there was nothing to say.

If you lose, you's just a little bit embarrassing...

Yu Jinding looked like a child who had done something wrong and looked at Chen Jianxie pitifully.

Chen Jianxie sternly said, "What are you looking at! Jin Ding, you have disappointed me so much, it seems that you need to practice your hands more.

Pack up in two days and go with me to a few small islands in the sea. The monsters on the islands have been a little restless recently. "

(Yu Jinding: "Hey, I'm crying.")

Wang Jing gave the brothers a look of encouragement and approval, while Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye gave each other a high five to celebrate their victory in the first battle of learning in their lives.

Chen Jianxie's arms that were hanging by his side gradually raised, crossed them in front of his chest, hugged his chest and said, "Xiao Xi, Xiao Ye, don't be too proud, hurry up and find a quiet room, put all the fighting in this battle. Take a good look at the details.”

The insights gained in battles are very precious. Sometimes, if you can "understand" these battle experiences, your cultivation will be able to increase a lot.

In a battle, a fist-to-meat fight will enhance a sense of physical combat; the constant tension and stimulation can enhance the cultivation of spirit and willpower; the mobilization of fitness and the use of firearms can also Run in the fit between people and firearms.

This is also the reason why the ranks of the fittest who often fight will be easier to improve.

A real battle is far better than a one-day retreat, and the improvement of combat power and grade is greater.

Brothers Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye have vaguely sensed the threshold of the third rank in the past few days, and they may break the bottleneck at any time and rise to the realm of third rank sergeant!

When they thought that their upgrade was in sight, the two of them were excited, and as soon as they took off their training protective suits, they were ready to go home to practice.

Wang Jing looked at the two children who were in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Slow down, don't be in a hurry! Take a shower first when you get home...

Sweaty, don't just sit on the bed casually! "

"I know, Mom."

The voices of the two brothers came from outside the door, and the voices were getting farther and farther. I don't know how far the two ran away in such a short time.


After coming out of the battlefield building, Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye ran along the path to the military residential area.

The hot sun in midsummer hit the brothers' faces.

The two brothers are like people who are cared for too late. It seems that their faces have not been tanned to a healthy bronze color by the sun during the training for more than a month.

The fittest are not so easily tanned.

The reason why most of the soldiers we see are dark-skinned is because when they enlisted in the army, most of them only had the first-rank first-order level. In terms of use skills, they are far from enough.

Under such circumstances, how could it be possible not to get tanned after completing several months or even half a year of recruit training?

But Chen Xingxi is different from Chen Xingye.

At the beginning of Chen Xingxi's awakening, as soon as he became the fittest, he was already a second rank.

And Chen Xingye didn't fall much either. Almost at the same time as Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingxi established the foundation of second-rank cultivation, Chen Xingye also reached second-rank.

This was before the two of them went home from vacation for a week.

The second-rank powerhouse is no longer afraid of ordinary wind and sun.

After a month of devil training, no matter how vicious the sun was, it still couldn't tan the two of them.

The two trot all the way, and soon returned home.


Where is that kind of free time!

If you really took a bath, I'm afraid those battle experiences in your mind would have been forgotten long ago?

Some things can wait, some things can't wait.

Obviously, this kind of aura that may disappear at any time is the latter.

Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye returned to their respective rooms.

Because of the sweat on their bodies, the brothers did not sit on the bed, but directly crossed their legs on the floor and entered a state of cultivation.

Chen Xingxi just opened his mouth: "Kaisha..."

Kaisha was absent-minded and interrupted a little angrily: "It's alright, alright! Got it... I'm so annoying!"

Kaisha knew what Chen Xingxi wanted to say, and within this month, Kaisha had heard the same words countless times.

All Chen Xingxi wanted to say was to ask Kaisha to pay more attention, and to be vigilant about the safety of the surroundings when he and his younger brother were in retreat.

With spiritual power as the medium and consciousness as the soul, Chen Xingxi has transformed into a "little man" in an instant.

The human-shaped spiritual body sank into Chen Xingxi's body, and walked slowly along the veins of flesh and blood, seemingly in no rush to find the stargate leading to the spiritual space.

Walking in the courtyard is very comfortable.

Compared with the first "accidental approach", the current Chen Xingxi is already an "old driver".

In this search, Chen Xingxi has accumulated rich experience.

This kind of thing cannot be forced.

The faster you run, the faster the scenery on both sides of the road will flash past, and the harder it will be for you to find the store you want to go.

On the contrary, let the pace slow down, be calm, and be like still water...

Stargate, maybe it will take the initiative to appear in front of you.

Chen Xingxi's consciousness came out of his body, he possessed the spirit body, and he shuttled through the wonderful world in his body.

However, the primordial soul and primordial spirit of Taoism are all wandering in the vast and endless mountains and rivers, while the fittest are swimming in their own bodies.

"Yuan Ying" walked very slowly, very slowly...

Closing his eyes, he felt the whole "heaven and earth" world.

The human body is a world, full of great truths.

Stargate slowly appeared in front of Chen Xingxi.

Chen Xingxi opened his eyes and stepped into the world behind the star gate.

The spiritual body, firearms and the blood planet form a three-pointed star array, and the energy collides between the three.

The violent energy gradually became obedient under Chen Xingxi's control.

Chen Xingxi's fitness, physical, and mental strength at this time, both in quality and quantity, had already surpassed the level of the second-rank peak, and he was only one step away.

It is possible at any time to advance to the third-rank realm.

The three-pointed star array has become the only one in this universe, and all the stardust and energy revolve around it.

Spiritual body frowned slightly.

In the center of the triangle, the void gradually had a tendency to shatter.

It's like the sound of glass cracking, and it's like the sound of a hard-boiled egg being smashed...

"What's this?……"

Chen Xingxi murmured in his heart.

"Could it be that I cultivated too fast...causing my foundation to be unstable...

No... I have solidified the foundation for every step of my practice.

I am very careful about the improvement of my physique and firearms. The cultivation of spiritual power is also guided by the Battle Intent Stone, step by step..."

But this voice, it sounds really disturbing.

Chen Xingxi controlled the spiritual body, and while worrying about the space crack in front of him, he continued to allocate energy and did not dare to neglect.


Continuing to practice, there may be more cracks in the spiritual space... If you stop practicing, the cracks will not necessarily disappear.

"This spiritual space does it feel like the one written in Xiuxian's novel...the feeling of a broken golden core..." Chen Xingxi frowned and kept muttering in his heart.

If the mental space is cracked, will it be impossible to cultivate anymore? ...


There was a crisp sound in Chen Xingxi's mind. He was very familiar with this feeling.

This is the feeling that the three energies have reached one, the most suitable and perfect balance for him.

With the emergence of this sense of breakthrough, the cracks in front of Chen Xingxi's eyes began to release a lot of Huh? Is this rift a good thing? Why is there so much pure energy pouring out..."

The energy gushing out of the cracks suddenly pushed away Chen Xingxi's "spiritual body" who had just entered the third rank.

The mental body fell a big butt.

Chen Xingxi looked at his mental space in horror.

As the spiritual body "leaves without permission", the huge qi and blood planet shattered into countless blood lights, scattered throughout the universe, and condensed into small planets one after another in different places...

Return to the original appearance of this universe.

The black nebula oozing out of the crack gradually solidified...

It looks like the radiance of the stars around the rifle.

Chen Xingxi was surprised and delighted: "So, this is where the auxiliary gun will be born!"

The rifle, which was originally in the center of the universe, was affected by gravity and repulsion, and moved slowly to the side.

The entire universe has changed from the spiritual space of the second-rank fittest to the third-rank spiritual space.

Thousands of qi and blood planets, boundless spiritual radiance...

Everything is back to the way it was before.

Only in the center of the universe, the original energy galaxy centered on the rifle has changed.

A rifle, and a dark star field, form the dual core of the galaxy.

The black rifle and the black star field, while rotating, "chasing" each other around an invisible orbit.

The binary star system has become the core of this universe.

Third grade, success.

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