Skynet Architect

Chapter 124 Explosive Level! award

When the three of them arrived, Li Zaihao also came, followed by other shareholders. The identities of the shareholders here are very mixed, and Si Fan felt a headache.

And the shares of the entire Li Group are also very heterogeneous. This is a super huge group, including property, wool weaving, hotels, sdi, fine chemistry, comprehensive technology research, heavy industry, engineering, electrical machinery, data systems, A large number of subsidiaries in insurance, securities, credit cards, disaster insurance, and the electronics industry, etc., are the real Li Group as a whole.

This is a huge and unimaginable group. The power they possess even extends to a country. It is called a business method that will never fall.

And there are many official spokespersons who support Li Zaihao. Which holds a large number of shares is the state's pension.

That's right, a large part of the pension fund in Korea is in the Lee Group, and they absolutely cannot let the Lee Group collapse, no matter what.

When Si Fan came in, they were very upset.

Just entering it, Li Zaihao, who presided over the meeting, was already sitting in his seat, looking at Si Fan.

"Now I announce that this shareholding change meeting will start now, and now please..."

A document was displayed on the touch screen in front of everyone. This is the share of this shareholding change, and this is for those shareholders who were not present.

And then, the shares of several major shareholders changed. If there were three people present, they transferred their shares to Si Fan. Most of these people were European investment groups. They agreed to transfer their shares this time for profit reasons.

This is all transferred to Si Fan.

Everything has been settled, and all the shareholders are looking at Si Fan, they want to know how many shares this person holds.

And today's conference will feature two of the most promising candidates for the chairmanship of the board.

Now the competition between the two begins.

Si Fan calmly watched the rapid growth of the stock in front of him, and soon it was close to Li Zaihao's shares, but in the end, it was still a little short.


This is the final number of shares that Si Fan obtained through various channels, and the three directors present also lost their qualifications to continue attending the meeting because of this equity transfer.

And at this moment, three other people stepped up.

Of these three people, two of them are actually two princes, who hold 1.75% and 2.989% of the shares respectively and can sit here.

The others are major shareholders, they are only small shareholders, but the shareholding is more intensive now, and most of the stocks are still outside, in the market.

This is one of the reasons why Si Fan hates company financing the most, making the whole company a mess.

When he got this share, a display screen gradually appeared in front of Si Fan, and the screen in front of him showed the progress of the task that Si Fan had completed this time.

When this light curtain appeared, Si Fan was no longer willing to take care of other things, as long as this light curtain was there, what else? It doesn't matter.

He just stared at the front like this, he didn't care about all the meeting matters, these people discussed with relish, and didn't care about Si Fan at all, while the two princes were sure of winning, they quietly looked at the situation in front of them .

Only Si Fan stared at the front in a daze.

In the center of the screen in front of him is a table that looks like a power gauge, and there are yellow numbers entering it.

On the side, there is a scale. The bottom position of the scale is a fail, and the middle position is a pass.

Then there are Good, Excellent, Excellent, and Perfect.

If you want to get good, you need 80 points, while excellent is 90 points, and excellent is already 100 points.

Want to be perfect! As long as you break through the excellent 100 points, you may succeed.

Si Fan knew that maybe in the end, just that 0.01 was very difficult.

He looked at his current stock count,

When the preparations were over, I saw Si Fan's stock data and actions these days quickly entered the energy tank.

The yellow data that Si Fan could see increased rapidly, and soon reached the passing line.

After passing this foundation, Si Fan knew that he had obtained his smart city.

And then, something even more exaggerated happened. The speed of this improvement seemed to soar without any hesitation at all, breaking through the good foundation within one second, and directly reaching the excellent standard.

This speed surprised Si Fan, he couldn't sit still anymore, because there are many benefits of just passing, not to mention entering the really excellent standard.

But this is not the end. At 97 points, he has stalled the growth of the stake.

By this time the meeting had reached another stage. Shareholders vote to elect the chairman of the board of directors.

This stage is the stage when everyone starts to vote.

Everyone has the right to one vote, and Li Zaihao, who has the most shares, has two votes.

When voting starts, there will be a total of 14 votes, possibly a tie.

Almost all the thirteen people present were sitting upright, and only Si Fan looked at the energy bar in front of him in a bad mood.

Yes, he's still upset. There is not much left in this energy gauge from the final limit, and it is perfect if it is about to break through the limit and reach 100 points.

This is almost the limit of what he can get close to. It is almost impossible to reach the perfect state. It needs chance and special circumstances.

Si Fan felt that he probably did not hope to encounter that kind of situation. So his goal is excellence, and he wants to know how useful this excellent smart city is.

Of course, it will also bring a lot of wealth, so it can't be placed in Loulan City. After all, it is a new city. The natural limit of the city is hundreds of thousands or millions of people. This is the limit of this city.

But in fact, this limit is only a fraction in other cities.

While he was waiting to reach the perfect number, he saw that after he voted for himself, there were two more votes behind his name, which belonged to the two princes.

On the opposite side, there were four more supporters of Li Zaihao in an instant.

That is to say, the other party now holds 6 votes, which accounts for almost half of the votes. As long as there is one more person, he is already invincible.

At this moment, Prince William was already looking at Si Fan with a smile, and so was Prince Haman.

At this time, the number of votes has actually been determined.

Because, in front of Si Fan, the number of votes represents an instant increase of seven votes under his name.

Eight to six! With an overwhelming advantage, Si Fan successfully became the chairman of the board of directors.

At this moment, the energy tank suddenly became full and became 100%

And this means that he has been able to get excellent rewards, and it will be too difficult to improve a little bit later, because Si Fan has no designated goals.

However, his actions afterwards successfully penetrated 100% of the barrier! award! Complete explosion!

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