Skynet Architect

Chapter 100 Si Fan who protects the calf

Li Xiuxian, who was caught by the police, stood in the crowd and struggled crazily. His hands were already handcuffed by plastic handcuffs. He squatted on the ground looking up at Director Fang, struggling crazily.

"Are you crazy? I'm Lee Soo-hyun from Korea. I want the embassy to negotiate what happened here. You must ask me to contact my lawyer. Before that, nothing I say will be used as evidence. And reserve the right to complain to you." He stared at Si Fan, but looked at Director Fang with cruel eyes.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? I know you won't admit what you said now, but I want to know what you want to do." Si Fan looked at the guy in front of him with a smile, and his words were very threatening.

Li Xiuxian struggled lightly, and during the struggle, the plastic handcuffs on his hands were strangled with two bloody wounds, and blood flowed down the handcuffs.

It was as if looking at Si Fan with wolf-like eyes. He whispered: "I've heard of you, a small-headed turtle in China. Many people in the world are staring at you, but they can't find a chance to attack you. You always seem to like to bring a lot of bodyguards."

His voice is so small that no one else can hear him, but Si Fan can. They were very close, and only Comrade Terminator Niubi stayed by Si Fan's side.

It seemed that because he was afraid of the Terminator, he didn't talk nonsense after approaching. But he was still threatening below.

"I know what you guys want to do, but I can tell you that it's useless to me. Our family has a deep deal with Huaxia, and the network of contacts is definitely beyond your imagination. According to my understanding, your power is only a few In the city." He whispered.

Director Fang stared at this guy, for fear that he would hurt Si Fan.

"I will definitely not send someone to give you the head, let you solve it, but I heard that you have a lot of subordinates, since you have insulted us in Korea, then wait for our revenge."

The voice is still like a wolf. Just more rampant.

Then the voice suddenly amplified.

"In the face of money and power, the law is actually a blank sheet of paper. The upper class of power and money is a game of compromise. Money can compromise power, and power can make money follow, but in the end it is the person who masters these two powers." Can influence the law."

"That's what I said."

He was still so rampant, what he said made many people stare at him, but more people lowered their heads and stopped thinking about it.

The laws used to manage them are actually as fragile as blank paper in front of these classes. In the most free country in the world, money can still be used for bail, it can be used to hire the best lawyers to get rid of crimes, and it can even cover up many things.

The world has never been as white as paper, and it has never been as fair as the poor see. It's just that each country has different restrictions on the controlling class. If they don't restrict, it will severely hurt the bottom.

Li Xiuxian just stated the unspoken rules, but his meaning was very clear. Today he will escape punishment, but he needs to make certain concessions.

That many people, many strengths will take care of the security matter and let him leave safely.

Si Fan smiled, very happy, but also very sad, because what this guy said was right, he looked at Li Xiuxian in front of him.

"I admit that what you said exists and may be successful, but this is in Loulan City. If you want to do something, then come. I hope your people can come to Loulan City. As for you If you want to leave, if you want to use diplomatic means and pressure, I hope you will try, I am never afraid of pressure." Si Fan still had that shallow smile, lowering his head and talking in his ear.

Then he whispered even more: "I will keep you in Loulan City until you are punished by the law and released after serving your sentence. Don't worry, there will be a prison here, even if it is for you, a prison will be specially built. Here The law must be enforced, and no one can do it."

Lee Soo Hyun stared straight at his eyes,

Staring at Si Fan.

"You will not succeed. You are just a businessman, and you have not yet integrated your own forces. Now you are like duckweed on the water, and you will be swallowed by others at any time."

He spoke loudly, but it was useless, Si Fan ignored him at all, but turned around.

No matter what Li Xiuxian said, Si Fan didn't care anymore, because he already had a solution.

And on the elevator, Li Zaihao's gloomy face had already appeared. He got off the elevator with a gloomy face and stared in Si Fan's direction. He had nothing to do with Si Fan. Because there are too many people protecting Si Fan now.

He just came out and went straight in front of Li Xiuxian, striding like a star, and this is how he looks like a local tyrant. When he was standing, he lowered his head and said, "Li Xiuxian, I was here for vacation, but I didn't expect you to make such a bunch of them. Mess, now your father and I have been cooperating, do you want to interfere with our business?"

He said fiercely.

Li Xiuxian was really stupefied this time, he wanted to raise his trembling hands, but bursts of piercing pain made him put his trembling hands down.

Looking up at Li Zaihao, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "I'll delete the post on the Internet immediately, don't worry, it will definitely not affect your major events."

He also knew that if his father really cooperated with this rare local tycoon in big South Korea, it must be a big business, and he didn't want to disrupt it.

So I immediately took out my mobile phone and wanted to make a call.

At this moment, Si Fan gave Director Fang a look.

Director Fang understood on the spot, and said to the police beside him: "Confiscate his mobile phone. Before the formal interrogation, the suspect should not have too much contact with anyone except the lawyer to prevent tampering with the statement."

A few police officers nearby walked over and snatched the mobile phone.

Now Li Xiuxian's hands were tied, and he couldn't resist at all. He could only honestly ask him to hand over the phone. Seeing the phone getting farther and farther away from him, he almost collapsed.

It has only been less than two hours since the message was sent out, and there is still a chance to delete it, and the spread on the Internet can still be covered up by means of their family.

But if it takes too long and spreads to the entire network event to ferment, then it is really useless.

But they can't imagine the efficiency of the current network, and they can't imagine how bad the situation is when some angry youths join in. Right now, the speed of sharing and copying is spreading at the speed of viruses.

And all of this, as well as the operation of Skynet's network service department, are very efficient.

When people are not paying attention, it has spread to the whole network and even the whole world.

At this time, Si Fan issued an order to his security company that all senior executives of the company will be equipped with bodyguards from today, and an emergency mobile team will be set up to deal with accidents.

And Loulan City even used Terminator to do this.

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