Skynet Architect

Chapter 36 Investing in Loulan

Si Fan, who said these few words, seemed to have found a starting point. The man also told Si Fan why he came to Loulan and his views.

That is, I can’t get along in my hometown, and I have no relatives in other places. When I looked up and had nowhere to go, I suddenly knew that Loulan was being developed, and there were several casinos allowed by the state. It was a special economic zone. Under these conditions , come here with the whole family.

Of course, they checked the housing prices and business information before they came, and it wasn't that they didn't have any news at all. They carefully searched all the reports about Loulan on the Internet.

This is sure to come.

After that, Si Fan introduced to the man all the official measures to go down to Loulan City, and took out a city brochure from a shelf next to him, turned him to the back, found a series of benefits, and then explained them in detail. The most important thing is the public points system, but among the common people, this is still work points.

The man listened carefully, and he didn't say goodbye to Si Fan until the child and his wife had completed the formalities and got the local residence certificate and household registration booklet.

Before leaving, Si Fan took out an ordinary business card of his own and handed it to the other party, saying, "If you have anything to do in Loulan in the future, just ask me, and I will help you as much as I can."

The man also told Si Fan his name.

Wang Bingren, and Si Fan added WeChat accounts to each other. He also left a business card for Si Fan.

However, what was written on this business card almost made Si Fan laugh.

The owner of Sunshine Supermarket in Ningxiang Township. Below is the address of the supermarket and the advertisement behind it.

The background is their own supermarket.

Si Fan wanted to laugh when he saw it, the validity period of this business card must have expired. Except for that phone call.

However, it is estimated that he will have to change his phone soon, because he is traveling across provinces, so of course he has to change his local phone number in Loulan.

Fortunately, Loulan has just been successfully established and has some policy support. Now when calling in the location of Loulan City, all domestic expenses are calculated according to the city's expenses.

Long-distance calls at will, no extra charge.

Phone numbers are being changed one after another. It's just that Loulan's good name has long been kept in the hands of major companies, just waiting for Loulan City to explode.

However, the various companies and departments of the country were the first to make efforts. From the gas company to the bank, from the supermarket company to various closely related companies, all of them have appeared in Loulan. And the taxi company is about to be built.

But this is private capital.

But this investor is not easy, this investor is Song Yang.

When he knew that Si Fan put all his thoughts on Loulan, he was the first to invest in the construction of Loulan, recruiting drivers nationwide, and then invested in Loulan's taxi industry.

The taxis invested by other companies are all ordinary models that are very familiar.

But this is not easy to use in Loulan, because among some rigid conditions stipulated by Si Fan, the local taxi company obtains a business license because it is applied for, so the quality and grade of the vehicles must be guaranteed.

The most important thing is energy saving and environmental protection.

So this product


But this is not easy to use in Loulan, because among some rigid conditions stipulated by Si Fan, the local taxi company obtains a business license because it is applied for, so the quality and grade of the vehicles must be guaranteed.

The most important thing is energy saving and environmental protection.

So this product is directly all BD high-end e300 series, and the cost price of each car is more than 300,000 yuan. The number of such cars he directly ordered is 5,000 taxis. The contract will be completed in three years. The number of taxis in the first batch is One thousand units.

This kind of generosity seems to be a big deal in Loulan, and high-end vehicles are used as taxis.

But if you know Si Fan's support for environmentally friendly vehicles, you should be even more surprised. As long as you apply for a vehicle charging card, the price of each charge is only a dozen yuan, which is equivalent to charging a few dollars before. A hundred dollars of gas money.

The taxi operating cost has changed from gas money to maintenance cost.

In this phenomenon, I am afraid that some people have already gone crazy. And Si Fan even requires charging piles and charging stations at every gas station. If you refuse, then Si Fan will go to build.

Anyway, what he has now is money, and it's all on Loulan. Skynet Group generates hundreds of millions of profits every day, and this order of magnitude is still in US dollars. In this case, Si Fan has sufficient ability to make the city successfully reverse when some environments bow down to the economy.

So when Si Fan left with a head full of questions, he had already discussed how to recommend this city to others and make the best business card of the city.

After Wang Bingren and Si Fan said goodbye, they had already left the household registration management office. On the way, Wang Bingren and his wife and children introduced what Si Fan had just said.

It's almost a repetition.

Instead, Xiao Jun focused on the business card and the cigarette.

"Uncle Wang, the identity of the person talking to you may not be simple." He looked at the business card carefully.

Because he just married his mother, Xiao Jun couldn't change his address, so he always called Wang Bingren Uncle Wang.

Wang Bingren asked: "Why is it not simple? I don't think he has the style of a high-ranking official. He speaks very approachable."

Xiaojun shook his head: "No, first of all, this business card is not ordinary. Generally, a printed business card will have a lot of things written on it. This is the attitude of doing business. You only need to write it to let others know what you do, but this person's There is nothing on the business card, just two words, Si Fan, and a phone number, this phone number... well, it's a little ordinary."

Of course, this phone number is messed up, but Si Fan has been using it for several years.

"There is only one possibility for a person who uses such a business card, and that is that his name does not need so many suffixes. He just needs to tell others his name. Everyone knows the series of suffixes and identities behind him. For example, the second horse in China, a certain king."

Wang Bingren and his wife still agree with this statement, otherwise this business card would be meaningless, and then Xiaojun continued to analyze it.

"I don't know if the tobacco in Dubai is good or not. After all, I don't smoke, but the above introduction is bilingual in English and Arabic. There are many words in it that I don't know, but I still know the word above. "

", the word appears behind the tar content, and the origin of the tobacco and some detailed introductions are also written on it." Xiaojun analyzed it carefully.

Finally, he said convincingly: "There is a part of this tobacco that is made of gold. I believe it is the part behind the cigarette butt that looks like tinfoil."

He didn't need to say anything else, it was already shocking enough.

However, his mother Xiaofang paid attention to something different. He stared at the pack of cigarettes in Wang Bingren's hand and looked at the cigarette butt like a wolf.

"Just this wrapping paper is enough for a ring support, you quickly peel it off for me." He stretched out his hand to grab it.

However, Wang Bingren protected Yan.

"Don't grab it, the cigarettes must be more expensive than the wrapping paper! Besides, we met a noble man. He told me a lot of things just now. There are many things that are not introduced in this manual. I think we should Get rich." Wang Bingren paid attention to some details of what Si Fan said just now.

The two people's information is absolutely unequal, and some side details that Si Fan said may be explosive news for him, which will generate a lot of profit for his family.

For example... the importance of work points, for example, what Si Fan values ​​most.

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