Sky Dungeon

Chapter 664: Sword Spirit Sister

In other words, why did you make a bone dragon full of evil spirits?

Fortunately, this skull dragon is relatively small, otherwise everyone will have to destroy it as a monster. After all, I play a lot of games, and I want to kill when I see a lively monster!

"How does this thing work?"

Zhao Jiaxue looked at the bone dragon on the ground, looking around, she was a little lucky that she bought a giant doll. After all, bone dragons are really not cute. After all, this bone dragon is also a machine, it can’t only have a skeleton. The designer is nothing but a skeleton. Use transparent materials as much as possible for materials other than bones. It is not so much a bone dragon, as it is a mechanical bone dragon.

"Uh... Didn't you read the official website introduction when you bought it? Just scan and pair with the Sky Dungeon app to perform various operations. As long as the pet is in the interactive mode and chats with it, you can get extra downloads. Line length and weapon proficiency." Jing Tian explained lightly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's get started!" Zhao Jiaxue took out her mobile phone and started operating with gusto.

Big sister! Did you ask, what else are you waiting for...

Tucao returned to Tucao, everyone still started their own operations.

However, after everyone has activated the pet’s interactive mode, a new question has arisen: what should I say?

It's like seeing a grown-up child for the first time, without knowing where to start.

However, this kind of problem seems to be difficult for the cheeky fat man. Luo Xia said to her sword spirit sister: "I am your master. From now on, you will call me Fat Master, and I will call you Linger. ."

At the beginning, everyone's eyes were attracted, and they seemed to be watching whether Luo Xia's opening remarks were useful. After all, things like artificial intelligence are at best conversational robots, so the strength of the language database data of a conversational robot directly determines whether it can communicate smoothly with people.

However, after Sword Ling's sister had difficultly recognized this passage, she didn't know where she made a cute and whistling voice and said: "Good fat brother, but Ling'er doesn't understand one thing."

Everyone was a little surprised. The Sword Spirit sister seemed to be not low in intelligence. She actually felt that the word Fat Man was not sweet enough, so she changed it to "Fat Brother". After her modification, Fatty's image was inexplicably different. Other changes, from a ground ruffian to a warm man.

Even Luo Xia herself patted herself in her heart: Why didn't she have such a nickname, it sounds more comfortable.

This fat man and fat brother have been wrong for several generations, but the brother is still young and full of youth!

Therefore, Luo Xia said happily: "Is there anything you don't understand, please!"

Even the word "please" is used, which is really enjoyable.

However, when Ling'er asked the following question, Luo Xia's face turned blue, and everyone's mouth was laughing behind their ears.

Just listen, sister Ling'er encountered puzzledly: "Why is your surname fat? My language setting is Chinese, but there is no fat surname among the surnames. Are you a foreigner?"

Emotional Sword Spirit is not at all looking at Luo Xia's youth or considering to please the fat man, but intelligently changed the fat man to the fat brother, it turned out to be the fat man as a name to recognize the memory!

That's right, Sword Spirit has already registered the owner's name: Fatty, Mingye.

"I was really defeated by you! My surname is not Fat. Fat is not among the surnames, but there are people with this surname. Fatty is my pseudonym, but it's fine if you call my brother. You will call me brother in the future." Luo Xia's brain teased immediately corrected her way.

"Okay, Ling'er remembered, Brother Fatty." Jian Ling replied with a pillow very innocent.

Everyone was irritated by her words in an instant. They leaned forward and turned back, thumping their chests and patting their feet...Of course, it was Jing Tian's chest that was hammered. It turned out to be "Fat Brother". What kind of name is this? It's so funny!

However, Luo Xia can be regarded as an unsatisfactory demonstration for everyone. With the lessons from the past, everyone has ideas in their hearts, and they are ready to get to know each other with their pets, but at this time, Liu Yaya has already put a table of richness. The dinner was put on the table, and he was a little unhappy and said, "Why, no one wants to eat the food I cooked, but they will be sad."

"Uh... eat first. People are iron rice or steel, so I feel greedy if I don't eat."

Jing Tian immediately greeted everyone to go to the restaurant, but before he got up, he listened to the words of his halberd beast pillow. Jing Tian felt that he had an inexplicable toothache and almost sat on the ground!

"It turns out that you are also a robot, but I don't have such a good taste as you. I can only eat electricity. Is steel delicious?"

The halberd beast spontaneously spoke to Jing Tian, ​​but what this guy said really made everyone laugh again.

Ghosts can bite steel!

By the way, how do you know that I am your master?

It must be you who I used to bind with my mobile The game itself recorded my voice characteristics, so let's recognize it!

Jing Tian didn't bother to answer, and turned off the interactive mode directly with the Sky Dungeon app. Of course, he didn't forget to remind everyone: "Eat first, and then train these animals after the meal."

How can one lose to the mechanical beasts made up by these programmers!

How dare you use your own master to start a hot pot, really treat humans as hot pot ingredients!

Only Lin Yumian did not turn off his bone dragon. After all, the bone dragon still has a pet mode, but this pet mode seems to need to be edited through the app. Without editing, the bone dragon is like a wild dog that can eat and support. Generally, sitting on the floor looking around in a daze, glance at the direction of the dining table from time to time, seeming to wonder: Why does your owner not eat electricity? If you eat electricity like him, it will not be so troublesome.

"This can be regarded as the reception banquet I prepared for Sister Lin alone."

Liu Yaya's words made the original ordinary dinner a kind of conspiracy.

What does it mean?

What do I call it alone?

Under the cloak of flattering language, there is actually a smell of tit-for-tat huǒyào!

This is obviously for Lin Yumian to be the referee to judge which rhythm is more delicious for the noon or evening reception!

What exactly is Liu Yaya doing?

It's not that we should be consistent with the outside world. How can we become a banter with the outside world?

Not only was Zhao Jiaxue and other women surprised, even Jing Tian couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that in Liu Yaya's view, this powerful Lin Yumian is not a stalk at all, and it is one of Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi who can really threaten him?

Wait, maybe Liu Yaya just wanted to put on this illusion, making Nan Lingxi and Lin Yumian grief, and the grief and anger is naturally that Liu Yaya didn't regard herself as a threat!

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