Sky Dungeon

Chapter 644: 2 younger siblings

"I do! The frog is the pig, the frog pig! Lao Tzu is just joking with the two younger siblings." Luo Xia Bai gave Jing Tian a glance.

Frog pig? What kind of creature is this?

More importantly: two younger siblings?

Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue's cheeks blushed with a swish. This flattering is considered to be in place. Zhao Jiaxue even secretly gave Luo Xia a thumbs up in her heart. Since there is an assist, how could Zhao Jiaxue not score a goal?

So, she smiled and replied: "Brother Xia, you are so wise, you even fooled both Yiyi and me."

This sentence of "Ge Xia" is definitely called a place, which clearly means that Zhao Jiaxue has admitted the status of younger brother and sister, which is no doubt equivalent to admitting the relationship with Jing Tian.

However, before the Jingtian exit, Luo Xia smiled and said, "Did I say who my brother is?"

Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, feeling Luo Xia was in turn joking with Zhao Jiaxue.

Zhao Jiaxue's face turned black in an instant. This is clearly a pit. She naturally subconsciously thinks that her younger brother refers to Jing Tian. Obviously Luo Xia successfully set her off. If her brother is someone else, then she Isn't it played thoroughly?

So, Zhao Jiaxue said in a warning tone: "Yiyi, do you see if you will make less lunches in the future? I think everyone should reduce weight. It is best to only make three servings and remove the largest one. We also save effort."

Luo Xia only glanced at Jing Tian and sent a look of "You sacrificed your ego to make everyone", and immediately sold Jing Tian in the next instant. After all, when it comes to eating, Luo Xia is like being caught by Zhao Jiaxue. The threat on the neck is average, so I have to admit it.

"My brother is Jing Tian, ​​Frog, call the big brother!"

Jing Tian can only tick his teeth with hate, this fat guy is indeed an unreliable guy who will immediately betray in the face of beauty and good food!

This kind of guy must break up!

At this moment, Jing Tian's mobile phone prompt sounded, and he inadvertently glanced at it. It turned out that it was the Sky Dungeon app that sent a message reminder. Jing Tian immediately thought of the female local tyrant Fengji. Is it a message from Feng Ji?

Since it is possible to be a female local tyrant, she should not be neglected. Fortunately, she is also considered a member of the future sponsor of the Cloud Riding Guild, so she must be taken seriously. So, Jing Tian clicked on the notification message, and the app interface of Sky Dungeon was instantly enlarged.

However, somewhat unexpectedly, it was not the female local tyrant, but the message sent by not eating the mouse!

This guy is really lingering, but this time he did not continue to be a fool, but sent a message that he thought it was necessary to notify Jing Tian immediately: "Brother, the moon-destroying forces will publish the video of killing us to I’m in lùntán, and I’m hyping about it now, so shameless."

Jing Tian replied indifferently: "Unexpectedly, we are not the protagonists of the novel with a halo of immortality, but we are normal when we die. Don't pay attention to them, the wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind, and the level higher than everyone must be. In the final analysis, our level is higher than them, and they are not convinced."

Of course, it was expected. Although there were headlines on the World Channel and the Guild Forces Channel when Sit Jing Guantian was killed, the headlines were only a short moment after all, and it was only a flash in the pan. On the contrary, uploading the kill video to lùntán was more effective. Great effect.

How could such a bully old guy who is good at managing public opinion let this matter go?

Although this guy was discredited because of the video released by the Empress, he also clarified the cause of the failure in the first time, deducting all the failures on the mercenary npc, and even let the management of many alliance guilds shift their attention to how to have a large number of mercenaries. On the body, and the current video of killing the guild leader of the riding cloud is to further dismiss some of the faces, and even tell the world players that their moon-destroying forces have done things that other forces and guilds could not do before, and they have completed the view of the sky. The first kill, almost completely wiped out the members of the Cavalry Cloud Guild!

I have to admire my enemy, and I can get rid of a failure in an understatement, as if what an accomplishment has been accomplished. It is not the person who actually experienced the battle, naturally not knowing that the incompetence of the command is also one of the culprits...

You can lose so shamelessly, you can lose so shameless! How can we not admire people?

In fact, there are many ways to play with public opinion. For example, the two armies went on fire, country a shot down the fighter plane of country b and captured the pilot, country b said country a crossed the border, country a said country b violated its legitimate defense, and in the end, each country b In terms of operating public opinion, country a released the pilots under pressure, and the pilots of country b were directly hyped as heroes when they returned to China.

Bystanders are clear, how ironic this is, but the nationals of country b are not ashamed and still praise the greatness of the United States.

In fact, the overbearing approach has the same effect!

Not only that Zuijing Guantian’s first kill is also worthy of commemoration. It will be handed down to permanent records by fanatical black fans in the future, and even if Zuijing Guantian is killed in the future, it will make headlines. Will silently take out their own little books to record, and it will form a ranking list for killing Zuojing Guantian in the future.

After letting Yang Miaomiao ignore the small actions of destroying the moon guild, Jing Tian subconsciously began to think about the female local tyrant Feng Ji: This woman seems to have forgotten herself, but she has no more information?

Is it because you regretted it, or something unexpected happened, how come you haven't seen her online since the last video?

That's right, Jing Tian has been paying attention to this. After all, it is said that female local tyrants also stay in the game in addition to eating and sleeping. How come they disappeared after the video with him?

At this time, Jing Tian was inexplicably irritable and uneasy.

At this moment, the anti-theft door was knocked!

Wouldn't it be so coincidental. As the saying goes, Cao Cao has arrived. Could it be that Feng Ji came here?

Shaking his head in his heart, Jing Tian got up and went to open the door. Naturally, it was not Feng Ji, but Liu Yaya.

Liu Yaya smiled charmingly: "I haven't slept yet, you let me take care of things. I have a personal matter that needs to be discussed with you. Why don't you go sit in my room?"

Before Jingtian answered, Zhao Jiaxue grumbled reluctantly: "You have jiānqíng at the first glance, what can't you say here?"

"Where is there any jiānqíng?" Jing Tian was a little embarrassed, as if this scene had happened today.

"Cut, I dare not say no. If you were alone together last time, you would have cooked the raw rice into hot springs!"

Zhao Jiaxue's jumping thinking reappeared, and the people who had experienced it would understand what he said. 14

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