Sky Dungeon

Chapter 637: Bowing·Devil Strike

Sure enough, as long as there is more krypton gold, it is the uncle!

Who said that only the demons can krypton gold, it is clear that alliance players can krypton gold, not blinking and heartbeat!

More importantly, who said that the game cannot become a transcendent existence, but it is just a step ahead of others to become stronger?

Isn't this **** thing a transcendent existence?

This **** is really a step ahead to become stronger, but it can't become too strong, okay?

However, what overbearing is impossible to understand is that this setting is actually very reasonable. The system can't let a 500-person force casually declare war and destroy a 50-person guild, right?

In the future, how can a new guild be born, how can the new guild continue to be mixed?

More importantly, how does the system make money from these small guilds?

Of course, these were all pits dug by Jingtian. What Jingtian unexpectedly did not understand in the future was that he drove a forklift and completely filled the pit with a big stroke. But it's all something to say, so I won't repeat it here.

Besides, it’s not that these npc mercenaries possess extraordinary intelligence. You must know that the deployment of these npc mercenaries is also controlled by Jing Tian. He deliberately arranged for the attacking professional to play the front line, and took the first wave of attacks using the maximum distance. The tank forward who destroyed the moon.

Of course, the side effect is that these magic attack professions are also exposed to the attack range of the demon players that follow, and the following are naturally long-range thugs. The demon players naturally want to give teeth for teeth and blood for blood.

Jing Tian’s only relief is that some of the legal professions of the mercenaries already have short-term damage reduction and invincibility skills. Before the opponent’s fatal blow hits, they have turned on the damage reduction or invincibility quite intelligently. This is the level 40 and The skill gap of level 30 npc!

When the Mozu players realized that although their skills had killed some NPCs, but the skills they played afterwards caused low or zero damage, they all realized something, but where did their weapons dare to stop, the more they faced The more terrifying the enemy is, the easier it is to panic and resist desperately, which makes countless attack skills hit the iron plate.

What Jing Tian wanted was this effect. When he gave an order, he ordered all the npc mercenaries to retreat, and he led the guild to rush on!

When the people in Zuijing Guantian became the vanguard, Jing Tian immediately ordered the npc army to follow them again. Although the remote profession saw the attacking people, but the control skills and heavy firepower skills have been empty, and they have thrown out some irrelevant skills. Critical skills to buy time.

However, since the people riding the cloud have entered the attack range of the demons, the demons are also exposed to the attack range of the people riding the clouds. They have not finished singing their skills, and what is oncoming is the crazy shooting of the female emperor. The Spider-Man-like mask makes people hate it, but also prohibitive...

After all, this guy has an automatic headshot plug-in!

The overbearing began to regret not letting the players who poured into the inner city gates disperse as soon as possible. Isn't it a living target to gather now?

But was there a chance to disperse before?

The NPCs, which are more numerous than their own players, have formed a curved line of defense. Wherever they are allowed to spread out, they will enter the combat range whenever they move.

Overbearing has already begun to suspect that sitting in the well and watching the sky deliberately let all the players of his own influence come in. Wouldn't it be easier to get stuck in the inner city gate?

You must know that there were guilds that guarded the inner door of the guild residence before. When a Demon player enters the inner door, they will be directly exposed to the attack range of the Alliance player. Even if the system will quickly expand the map according to the number of players entering the Demon, all the demon It's impossible for a clan player to step into the inner door synchronously, and the demonic player who steps in first will be directly lost.

However, the Guild of Riding Clouds did not make such a speculation...

Are npc mercenaries prohibited from blocking the door?

Domineering staring at the front, sitting in the well and watching the sky, he hesitated again in his heart.

That's right, Jing Tian deliberately let the Demon players come in, and then catch them all in one fell swoop. After all, when it comes to protracted battles, what advantage does Qiyun Luoxue have? NPCs will not be resurrected. If they can be resurrected, wouldn’t they be invincible? After all, if NPCs are to be resurrected, It must be resurrected in the guild resident. You can't let the npc resurrect to the alliance city, let the queen run all the way?

If the npc can really be resurrected in the resident, doesn't it mean that the demon players will face the infinite spawn npc mercenaries?

This kind of brain damage setting will naturally not appear in Sky Dungeon at all!

Don't even think about krypton gold!

The Mozu’s method of choosing to rescue their own long-range occupations is also quite special. It turned out to directly pull up the tanks that were just dropped. The tanks naturally blocked direct-fire attacks when they stood up, but they did not expect to do so. What a self-defeating thing, the tank that has just been resurrected has become the target of the mouse sister. Although her attack will not cause fatal injuries to the opponent, the tank cannot release its invincible skills under control!

Tanks that cannot release their invincible skills are also Mozu healers don’t think there is anything else that can knock the tanks off before their next heal is swayed, but they are completely dumbfounded in the next moment. Now, the tanks that have just been resurrected have fallen down during their treatment again!

After being shocked, they recalled what had happened just now. A huge ghost of death appeared in the sky just now!

That's right, it's the phantom of the **** of death. The eyes of the **** of death are shining with bloodthirsty rays. The sickle in his hand is casually waved, and then the red thorn-like arrows entwined with black miasma poured down all over the sky!

Then, all the healing professions are frantically brushing blood,

God, how did we offend you? How did you send a **** of death to frighten us?

What is this skill?

Could it be a skill developed by the Alliance players?

Domineering really wants to grab the collar of gm and question it, do you want to balance the game?

Didn’t it mean that no matter how much Krypton Gold is, it’s not against the sky?

Didn’t you say that there are no gashapons?

Are you having a nightmare?

At this time, Yun Yiyi's face was filled with icy pride. There was a low-key beauty of silt but not stained, clear and unobtrusive. If anyone sees it at this time, they will see it like a dream.

That's right, the blow just now came from Yun Xueyiyi!

And the blow just now was exactly what Yun Xueyi obtained from the Yonghan Palace, but was instructed by Jing Tian to retain the assassin skill that hasn't been shown in front of everyone so far: Bowing·Devil Strike!

Tier 1 Devil Strike: A large-scale group injury curse skill, summons the devil **** of another world to launch a cursing arrow rain on the creatures in the range, causing damage of 10% of the upper limit of life in pvp, and the treatment received within 3 seconds after being attacked Will be converted into curse damage, and will cause a fixed amount of damage under pve. 14

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