Sky Dungeon

Chapter 635: Empty city plan?

Jing Tian and the guild leaders of the Jade Devil Alliance did not join the suicide battle, but when the battle entered a stalemate, they quietly returned to the guilds of each house.

After all, they don't want to give prizes to the demons. If the guild leader is killed, but the world channel headlines, this kind of spree can't be given to the demons casually.

The Yang sisters were very happy to kill, but they were sent back to the Alliance City just like the other members of the guild, but Yang Mimi was still fighting the demons on the front line.

Mozu players hate this mermaid with long attack distance and agility. Countless Mozu players are even so angry that they send emails to the game channel where the bug is submitted. This kind of professional existence that can fight and run is really good in the game. ?

In fact, they can calm down and think about it. If the profession of mask shaman can really easily affect the balance of the game, then why only the sister who does not eat mice survives now?

She continued to fight alone, and seemed to have explained everything.

Of course, it’s not impossible to kill the sister who doesn’t eat mice. Just use the lock skills to control her in turn. Unfortunately, the lock skills in Sky Dungeon are too few, and even if it is the necessary lock skills, There is the problem of attack range. Who made Yang Mimi's talent in the game too high, she can accurately grasp the essentials of maximum range and maneuver evasion, and even one that hides beyond the maximum range to launch an attack, so that all players can't help her.

But it's not completely impossible, as long as she surrounds the sister who doesn't eat mice, what other tricks can she change?

But the point is that no one runs faster than the sister who doesn't eat mice. She is like a slippery loach, she can't catch it at all, so how can she form a circle?

As a result, the guild leaders realized that it was this great god, and immediately issued the order to give up resistance.

After all, no matter how badly you don’t eat rats, you will be alone. What can you do with them?

With no resistance, no chase, Yang Mimi still retreats and shoots, seeming to regard this as an exercise, not to mention that she has the video function on, and then she has to explode something new for her fans. , Or the fans will be lonely.

Internet celebrities are really hard, especially the empress does not like to play live broadcast, so most of the videos are recorded and edited.

Since the demon players who died were sent back to the demon, and in the guild invasion station, the demon players’ power invasion and teleportation function can only be used once. To return to the battlefield, you must first fly to the nearest city station in the sea of ​​chaos, and then run all the way...

Overbearing can't afford to wait during this time, because he is afraid that the Alliance players will perform the suicide attack just now. After all, the Alliance City is closer to the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Moreover, if you are attacked by an alliance player again, it is not as simple as losing one third of the total number of troops. Maybe the whole army will be wiped out!

Ever since, the demon army did not wait for the resurrection of the dead players, but drove all the way to the guild resident of Qiyunluoxue: Ranmogang.

That's right, it is the resident of Qiyunluoxue, after all, the number one goal of this world war is Qiyunluoxue Guild!

From the overbearing point of view, no matter what you have just been calculated, but as long as you directly win Qiyun Luoxue, the morale of the organization will skyrocket, and you can also get revenge...

However, when he saw that there was no one in front of Qiyun Luoxue's resident's gate, the overbearing hesitated...

trap? Empty city plan?

It makes no sense...

Should we divide our forces to contain other guilds, but what if there is any ambush here?

If you go out without dividing your troops, will the guilds of the Jade Demon Alliance take the opportunity to encircle them, which will cause the area at the gate of the Cloud Riding Guild to become a battlefield. When the subsequent resurrected Demon players rush over, I am afraid that they will not be able to attack the station in time. Then the combat endurance will be weakened.

After a short period of hesitation, the overbearing forces ordered the demons to assist in attacking the city gates. As soon as the city gates were broken, they marched on their respective guild camps that declared war.

Unexpectedly, the wàiwéi city wall of Qiyun Luoxue Station did not even have a defender. If you want to make the overbearing believe that these small guilds in Qiyun Station give up resistance, then it is better to make him believe in this In the world, it is easier to have ten mothers!

As soon as the city gate broke, all the tanks stared at the city gate and slowly burst inward, but the result was still empty!

At the same time, the forces of the eight guilds in the garrison without a declaration of war would naturally not be able to invade them. At the moment the city gate was broken, under the command of their respective power leaders, they rushed to their respective target locations. They were really afraid. Being left here as a back-up, maybe the system is convicted of declaring but not fighting, and the entire force may have to be forced to disband.

At this point, some people may have noticed that there were sixteen guilds at the previous oath meeting, which did not include the wonderful guild of the Empress’s Husband.

The actions of this guild's personnel have always centered on the female emperor. They are not at all caught up with such activities as the Oath of the Masters.

Jing Tian didn’t worry that there was no one in the guild’s residence, so Yang Mimi left the female emperor husband group to guard the resident, but at this moment, all the members of the female emperor husband group also retired to their guild leased premises, which is exactly the nine palaces. Kan Palace in China.

That’s I believe you all remember that Jing Tian divided the guild residence into nine, which happened to be a nine-square grid, eight guilds and one house, and the Qiyun Guild was located in the middle palace.

For a joint station like Qiyun Luoxue, the best way to attack is the joint invasion strategy developed by the Mozu this time. If a certain Mozu force attacks any place on the Qiyunluoxue station with a single qiāng horse A small force, even after entering the outer city gate, it will be jointly strangled by these small guilds...

However, even if it was a joint invasion, why the city gate of Wàiwéi was unguarded? Knowing that the Qiyunluoxue Guild had only a dozen people, even if it relied on hiring 50 npc thugs to resist expelling them to destroy the Moon Guild, it was a wishful thinking.

So shouldn't the only way out is to unite in the station to resist their coalition forces?

Does the Riding Cloud Guild still have something to follow?

Or is he really giving up defense this time?

Or what guild they united to surround the guild and wait for them to go out after destroying the resident, and come to annihilation? 14

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