Sky Dungeon

Chapter 628: Have an affair and get help from the main house

Well, it might be that Jing Tian was directly obliterated by some big man, no wonder he didn't remember himself at all.

This operation is really cruel, and it can be done to children!

Thinking of this, Feng Ji clenched her fists, and the anger in her heart ignited, but the next moment, she felt a little bit weak, and she was too weak now!

The people behind the scenes can cover the sky with only one hand and keep all the big families silent, and they have mastered the technology to obliterate the memories of others in that era. I am afraid that only the people of the Eight Great Masters can do it!

So the question is, who did it, and what ulterior motive was it?

Feng Ji felt like she was trapped in the black hole of history, and if she wanted to explore the essence of it, she would be burned if she was not careful.

Thinking of this, Feng Ji’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated uncontrollably, and she even wondered: Maybe it’s not a member of the Ancient Eight Great Masters, but in this world, is there any existence that surpasses the Ancient Eight Great Masters?

In the next instant, she suddenly shook her head, Feng Ji forced aside these distracting thoughts, and left the information in the phone on a familiar photo. Her eyes became focused and blurred... on this photo. The protagonist is the Jingtian in kindergarten!

I don't know how long I watched, Feng Ji's face was filled with blissful obsession and gentleness, and the corners of her lips overflowed with a touch of crystal liquid, like a beast seeing a little white rabbit.

"Hero, I finally found you."

But when Feng Ji glanced at the screen on the LCD screen again, the warmth on her face immediately disappeared. At this moment, a powerful possessiveness emerged spontaneously, and her eyes became sharp and sharp.

Between the next two breaths, Feng Ji picked up the phone and dialed a number, and the other party was connected instantly.

Without waiting for the other party's greetings, Feng Ji said casually: "I want the information of everyone in the screen."

However, the other party is obviously also a smart person, and he can only listen to him respectfully saying: "Okay, we are already collecting it, and we will send it to you immediately."

Feng Ji nodded in satisfaction, but her rosy lips remained unchanged. She hung up before waiting for the other party to say anything.

This is the domineering arrogance of a supreme high-ranking person, and there is no need to consider the feelings of the next person, even if the heart is satisfied, it will not show the slightest.

Of course, this is also because of the family relationship, and the teachings of the family make her have to do this.

The ignorant Jing Tian asked Liu Yaya through information before, begging her to help her ask her family to take a picture of her kindergarten period. Naturally, Liu Yaya didn’t agree so easily, and only replied: "Oh? Have an affair and ask the main office for help. Yes, do you think it makes sense?"

Jing Tian naturally understood that Liu Yaya was going to negotiate terms, so she had to clarify on the one hand, and on the other hand, she asked Liu Yaya what she wanted. Liu Yaya saw that Jing Tian was doing this way, and naturally offered her own terms: "Sleep with me for one night, and then swear to I am responsible."

What is going on in this world, why do girls start chasing men crazy?

Could it be that the three evil arts of Asia have made the current girls feel insecure?

In other words, shouldn't we men feel more insecure?

Dealing with women who have undergone disfigurement surgery, illusion surgery, and plastic surgery every day, it is really heart and kidney loss!

"No, let's change the terms."

Jing Tian's typing hands were a little trembling at the time. You must know that in the time he typed this sentence, he had already experienced a fight between good and evil on the plain in his heart, and tens of thousands of evil people on one side shouted "Go on her". , The teacher of justice on the other side shouted "Keep my heart" and marched in a neat pace.

Keep your heart, your sister!

Isn't the original heart just yùwàng?

The moment the two armies collided, the line of the righteous division almost fell apart. Fortunately, the righteous division finally resisted the impact of the evil legion, gradually regrouped and forced the enemy back, prevented the spread of the evil flame, and finally annihilated the evil legion. .

"Well, you can't satisfy such a small request like your fiancée, so how about accompany me in the hot springs? If you don't want this, then don't beg me. Where can I beg my wife for help in having an affair? The man who asked for a little?"

Liu Yaya didn't seem to expect Jing Tian to agree to her initial conditions.

Little request?

Hot springs?

Isn't this a mixed bathing?

Do you spend the night in a mixed bath?

What is the difference between that and your previous request?

It's just getting worse!

Thinking of Liu Yayan's enchanting body, the nosebleed in Jing Tian's heart immediately sprayed like a Baotu spring.

After a long time, Jing Tian gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay, you must wear a swimsuit! Also, don't stay overnight!"

"Swimming suits in the hot springs? Just don't wear You have a guilty heart, are you really a little man who grew up." Liu Yaya's voice became seductive, and this time she changed her voice. In tempting Jing Tian to give up the idea of ​​wearing a swimsuit, it seems that he planted a seed, letting Jing Tian tear up his swimsuit himself.

When Jing Tian went out to buy fruit, most of his mind was thinking about this piece of information, and there was an unbearable throbbing in his heart. For a moment, Jing Tian even dreamed of going back to the hot spring with Liu Yaya earlier, which made him feel in his heart. Haosheng criticized and introspected himself a lot, so that he was in a trance along the way.

"Brother Jing, aren't you uncomfortable?" Nan Lingxi saw the strangeness of Jing Tian and asked with concern.

"'s nothing, I was thinking about things in kindergarten, but I don't have any memory of what I thought." Jing Tian touched the back of his head awkwardly and unconsciously.

"If you can't remember, don't think about it forcibly. Just let it go. You may want to forget many things yourself, so you can't remember them."

Nanlingxi is naturally a scholar, but she can’t talk about it. After all, if she says it, her family might be questioned by Xingshi. The more important thing is that after Jing Tian learns about it, she has to bear it. It is a very painful thing to live on matters of confidentiality with dense doubts in my heart.

Nan Lingxi didn't want Jing Tian to bear these burdens that had disappeared.

Nan Lingxi has been thinking about it repeatedly: Maybe it was because of that incident that caused indelible trauma to Jing Tian, ​​and it was this kind of trauma that made him completely amnesia, and even his own character had happened. Earth-shaking changes.

However, people have nature, and their personality should be printed in DNA, but it feels that they are completely different people before and after. What is going on? 14

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