Sky Dungeon

Chapter 615: Guild Championship

Jing Tian, ​​who was determined on weekdays, has now retreated. When he was about to say something, Lina Li ended the wonderful review of the first competition and cleared her throat and said, “It’s the most exciting time. It’s the moment, I have received the results of the first guild hegemony after the staff certification, the result is really unexpected, the third place turned out to be the scenery party guild that has not competed since the game started!"

If it is in reality, there must be thunderous applause at this time. Unfortunately, this is the game. Players of the Landscape Party Group Association shouted and cheered in the audience. Even if only people around them can see what they say, they are still cathartic. With the excitement in my heart.

   "Long live the big sister! Long live the Scenery Party!"

   "Sister Feng, I love you!"

   "Sister Feng, marry me!"

   "Mad, I love you!"

   "Mad sister, I want to make you a wedding dress!"

   "President, I want to marry you and give birth to Xiaoji!"

   There is really no shortage of fanatics in the world.

As Lina Li said next: "Although the Scenery Party Association recruited casual players and was despised by people saying that they were all soy sauce parties, they used their strength to tell the world and tell us that the Scenery Party likes flowers. The grassy natural scenery, but they are definitely not lambs to be slaughtered. Don't underestimate the scenery party!"

There was thunderous applause in the game, of course the system special effects... However, at this moment, every Landscape Party player, every Soy Sauce Party player, there is an inexplicable pride in their hearts: it turns out, three soy sauces. It is also possible that the party has a Zhuge Liang!

Of course, this achievement is mainly due to the active performance of Feng Ji. Not to mention her purple-level equipment, the professional characteristics and advantages of the Miko are more vivid in the competition, and her game awareness and talent are also used. If it weren't for the Qiyun Luoxue team, Feng Ji might have swelled herself, but in the last match with the others, Feng Ji realized that this game actually had a lot of luck.

If it weren’t for the fact that I was able to meet my little brother before voluntarily surrendering the antlers, if it weren’t for the antler snatching battle, I encountered the Scenic Party branch and fell in love with the water float to help them fight and leave most of the opportunity to kill the opponent to the Scenic Party team. This third place is definitely unattainable.

   Don’t look at the triumphant triumph in the final team competition, but most of the guilds encountered are of average strength. If you encounter a strong team like Qiyunluoxue, I am afraid that the third place will be lost.

   Therefore, the guild hegemony is like a ball game. Sometimes it is also related to the strength of the enemy encountered. This is fortune!

"Now the list of runners-up in the first guild competition is announced. Wow, this second place can be regarded as popular. The average level of player equipment in their guild is absolutely among the best. Their performance in this competition is also extremely strong. The final team competition. The stage is crushed all the way, unstoppable! That is: Star Guild!"

It is more appropriate to say that the scenery party won the third place in the competition for hegemony. After all, the player members of the scenery party guild include all countries in the world, which is regarded as a world organization, and that the Russian stellar guild is a runner-up. Stand up and refute.

   "What is the average level of equipment among the best, I think it is the top of the top-up recharge."

   Many times, everyone will equate strength with money.

   "It's strong enough, specializing in soft persimmons!"

   This person’s statement can’t be regarded as completely extreme. The Star Guild’s contacts are still quite good. They have contacts with all the big guilds, let alone other guilds. Didn’t Qiyun Luoxue also undercover five Russians?

  , of course, can’t be regarded as an undercover agent. Instead, this method of forming allies is the best way to survive by focusing on game development planning and the overall situation.

   Because of this, the Star Guild also had a lot of friendly encounters during the hunting phase. After all, the game did not stipulate that the team it encountered must be killed, but now it has fallen behind.

   "Fake game! Does GM charge a bonus? Such obvious fake game will not be dealt with!"

   The staff of Tengyi Company do not think that the network is a fake match. If a guild can be strong enough to make all the big guilds bow down, then it is okay to admit the guild’s competition results.

   What's more, personal connections are only effective in certain stages, such as later team games.

   What's more, the Star Guild in the hunting competition only uses contacts to avoid conflicts with strong associations. If any guild is strong enough to make other guilds kneel down to death and hand over their antlers, then it's a different matter.

   If this happens, let alone the people of Tengyi company can't sit still, even the majority of guild players will be stunned. Who wants to take less experience, who wants to see their own guild as a victim of others?

At least normal guilds would not do this. After all, this would only make their own guilds fall Before the doubts of the players have stopped, Lina Li has begun to announce the overlord of the guild competition today: "Guild The competition is not a measure of the overall strength of a certain guild, but a friendly match between the guild elite and the guild elite. It is a fun game of luck and strength. If you ask what the results of the first guild competition are, I think it must be a telling All players in the world, as long as you participate in the competition, you can get rich rewards and have a chance to win the crown, even if you are only a small guild with dozens of people behind you! I think the best evidence of all this is today’s lucky guy, the first guild The champion of the competition: Riding the clouds and falling snow!"

   Sure enough, most of the players in the audience were silent and quiet. It took a long time to realize that the champion turned out to be the notorious first guild!

   Of course, the players who supported the Cloud Riding Guild were completely boiled at this time. Most of the supporters of Riding Clouds and Luoxue came for the female emperor. After all, this FPS world **** has carried too many expectations.

   Not to mention others, just being a member of the female emperor husband group is enough to occupy half of the supporters of the Cloud Riding Guild.

   Yes, there are not many supporters of Qiyun Luoxue. Since the establishment of the First Guild, Qiyun Luoxue has been tortured by public opinion, and countless large guilds have participated in the queue to slander the Qiyun Guild.

  What is the No. 1 guild? In the eyes of most players, Qiyun Luoxue is the first to establish a guild by chance. The closed-door policy of the Cloud Riding Guild has become a hot spot for many players to complain before and after dinner.

   If a person with absolute strength plays mystery, it is called a worldly expert.

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