Sky Dungeon

Chapter 608: Witch

  Although the fat man possesses stunts, he can only explode on the premise of the death of the empress, so the operation of abandoning the car to protect the handsome can only be used as a last resort.

With the increase in the number of matches, everyone’s game energy has declined, and some mistakes have begun to occur in the battle. More teams have suffered a double blow due to continuous defeats. Fortunately, a large number of experience points are rewarded. People gritted their teeth and held on.

   This time, Jing Tian’s Qiyun team encountered the Sun Moon God Sect led by Pakistani players in the Jade Devil Alliance. Of course, the leader of the team was the Sage President of God Sect: Ren Yingying.

After a few simple greetings, the two teams exchanged views in a friendly atmosphere. Although it was a discussion, both sides showed their own strength. After all, if the system judges a negative or cheating game, it will not be worth the loss. Up.

   As a result, there was not much suspense. The Riding Cloud Guild defeated the Sun Moon God Sect led by Ren Yingying at the expense of the plastic surgeon and Zhao Jiaxue.

   After another match started, Jing Tian still scanned the opponent's lineup as before, but he found a very mysterious player in the line.

   "Why is she?"

Jing Tian muttered in her heart, because the identity of the woman in front of her is quite strange, and some even call her the first female tyrant in China. The guild she founded is simply a free country, and she has absorbed a large number of Landscape Party players uncharacteristically. Yes, she is the Landscape Party. Guild President [Feng Ji]!

   What is the purpose of this female local tyrant who invested so much money to build a landscape party group guild?

Jing Tian always had such a question in his mind, so in this battle, he hesitated...He didn't use the halberd method·Yi Batian to open the way without even saying hello, but asked indifferently on the current channel: " Feng Ji, what is your purpose in establishing the Scenery Party Guild?"

   The female local tyrant Fuki didn't mean to respond at all. After all, this guy is an anchor net celebrity. If he answered the other party's question without a gift, his fans would be unhappy if they knew it.

   So, Feng Ji directly raised the skeleton staff in her hand.

   That's right, it's the skeleton staff, such a graceful mermaid is a witch!

Witch players are indeed relatively rare. After all, only female players can take up positions. Not to mention how few female players occupy the game. What’s more important is that normal girls don’t all like shiny weapons, or like Yu Yan. To be a female man wielding that kind of long and thick sword, few female players will actively choose the profession of witch, the main weapon that can only use the skeleton staff. Fortunately, the skeleton on this skeleton staff is only certain Planting a structure similar to a sheep's head, if it is replaced with a human skull structure, I am afraid the profession of witch will be extinct.

After all, the Skeleton Staff really has nothing to do with beauty and cuteness, and there is no domineering at all. Let alone Jing Tian can’t understand why Feng Ji, who is keen to be a landscape party player, chooses a witch. The girls Liu Yaya, Yun Yiyi, and Zhao Jiaxue are also extremely puzzled.

   Fortunately, adjustments were made in the later game, and another designated main weapon was added to the witch profession. That is the magic card. Otherwise, the witch profession will really become a super unpopular profession for all women. But these are all later things, so we won't repeat them.

However, Jing Tian is very clear, this witch is definitely not a good stubble, the horror of this profession is enough to match the skeleton staff in her hand, and don’t look at the fact that there are few witch players now, and don’t know whether the profession of witch will change from Sky Dungeon disappeared and worried... Jing Tian believes that with the ability of witches to be increasingly valued by players in the world, witches will definitely have a wave of popularity in the future.

   Of course, Jing Tian still underestimated the girl's concept of color control, and didn't want anything with low value! It wasn't until magic cards were added to the game as the main weapon that the number of players in the witch profession really improved.

Feng Ji started with a [Blue Devil Curse]. This skill is just the opposite of the effect of protecting the shaman’s sky blessing. In the concept of Jingtian, the skill of this group of burning blue is enough to make the witch become a popular profession in the future. One!

   Although the burn value of the Blue Devil’s Curse is similar to the effect of Sky Blessing on the player’s mana, it is definitely a fatal threat to a team without a guardian shaman!

   Jingtian also didn't expect that a landscape party player like Feng Ji would have such a talent for the game, and even started with this deadly skill that can't even interrupt the action.

   Yes, it is indeed a deadly skill for them to sit on the well and watch the sky. If they don't push to each other in a short time, then the cloud riding team will face the most powerful BOSS in the game: the magic value is empty!

However, the plastic surgeon reacted to the team for the first time to cast a wind of Shennong, which made Jing Tian, ​​who wanted to say this skill, swallowed the words from his lips. It can be seen that the plastic surgeon has a similar effect on the blue devil curse. The fear was lifted the first Although it is a waste of the magical skill of Shennong's wind in this way, it is still very necessary for long-term consideration. You can't have to wait for the enemy to control it all. Only used by your own players?

   Wouldn't it be necessary to give up the first move and be passively beaten?

   "Go back, let me go up and eat the negative first."

After Jing Tian said indifferently, he operated sitting Jingguantian and rushed forward to eat skills. It seems that the scenery party guild players did not expect that their own president would not give the first guild face, and directly attacked, and when they reacted, they played skills. At the time, the characters of Qiyun everyone started to move.

   Although they were puzzled as to why Zuijing Guantian would rush over, a profession that didn't hold a shield was a dish in their eyes, and they simply attacked Zuijing Guantian first.

   This highlights the lack of tacit cooperation between Fengji's team, or maybe it was because I wanted to use the control skills to control the other people in the Cloud Riding Guild, but the others suddenly withdrew from the attack range, and they could only hit all their skills towards the sky.

   Sitting on the well and watching the sky became the target of the public in an instant. Once the negative effects of Shennong's wind were ignored, he directly shouldered four negative states, including the single curse that Fengji cast on him: the **** curse!

This Bleeding Curse is absolutely similar to the token of a certain player, because any player who has hit the first-order Bleeding Curse has a certain chance of being hit in the Bleeding state as long as they are attacked within five seconds, and this state can be superimposed. Although the stacking effect will decrease, it is definitely a big killer against the enemy!

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