Sky Dungeon

Chapter 605: Change me to the stage to compete, you will step down to rest

Just before the start of the fourth game, the King of Swordsman went online. As soon as she went online, she tried various methods to contact Zui Jing Guantian, but found no results, so she directly called Jing Tian.

As soon as the phone call, the woman immediately reprimanded gracefully and severely: "Pseudo mother! Why didn't you wake me up, did you deliberately not want me to participate in the competition and want to win without fighting?"

"Uh... Heaven and Earth conscience, I called you, can you see it in the call log?" Jing Tian asked indifferently.

"What's wrong with the phone call? Did I say last night to let you call me? I asked you to wake me up. Your phone call didn't wake me up at all. I don't even remember what you said on the phone! My holy sword is a lesson!" Yu Yan elegantly argued, and Jing Tian really felt that he hadn't done it right when he heard this.

Before Jing Tian organized anything to please, Yu Yan's elegant voice came up again, she said unhappy: "Also, after I went online, I talked to you on the guild channel, why don't you ignore it, or even if you send a voice to you in private chat , Don’t you feel shameless to see me? If you feel that your sins are serious, you should not answer the phone, so that you have the sincerity of regret!"

Ignore you?

Are you more sincere about not answering the phone?

Sister, who told you these theories, wouldn't it be a physical education teacher at Cambridge University?

"Uh...I can't receive information from various channels during the game, and the private chat voice can only be seen after the game." Jing Tian said lightly. The opposite Yu Yan was silent for a moment, and Jing Tian began to hesitate whether he should not say it. To be honest, Yu Yan is obviously disappointed!

"Pseudo mother, my holy sword seems that you have no regrets at all, and I execute you on behalf of the holy king's will!"

The nature of the second disease has begun to explode again.

"Uh...what do you want, let me sell meat to compensate you, it won't work. I don't have a passport and can't leave the country."

Jing Tian made such a faint joke. After he got along with Yu Yan these days, his temper towards Yu Yan was quite clear. Just talk to this woman about adult topics. The second disease attribute will be cured immediately!

Making a joke that shouldn't be made, Jing Tian only felt that his back was a little cold, after all, there were two monitoring beauties beside him, always monitoring his private life.

"The pseudo-mother dared to be arrogant! Change me to the stage for the competition, you will step down and rest." Yu Yan did not obscure the corners, and said with an elegant tone of command.

"Uh... this competition cannot be replaced from the beginning. You should accept your fate as the audience. When the audience has experience, it will give you a chance to calmly observe and think and let you know the gap between us. , Don’t be okay to find me and you all day long."

After Jing Tian finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone and adjusted the phone to the flight mode. After all, the countdown to the next game was already in progress.

Moreover, if you don't say so, the two monitoring beauties around you will definitely not give up.

Of course, at this time, Yu Yan, who has many degrees in hand, couldn't bear it, and shouted at the other side of the world: "Pseudo mother, you are a nasty ghost!"

She immediately stopped her voice after shouting out loudly, seemingly regretful. It was peculiar that she would be angry with someone she had never met with her self-cultivation and status. She couldn't help but start to wonder if she was resenting Jing Tian inexplicably last night. The earth appeared and disturbed her dreams, and more importantly, she hadn’t awakened herself... The subtle feeling in her heart made people confused. She didn’t dare to pull the cocoon to make it clear, she was afraid that she had Terrible and naive thoughts, especially for the weak and helpless self who cannot control fate.

Everyone in Jing Tian was taken aback as soon as they entered the game, because the opposite team was no stranger, and they were the five largest towers of the Blue Wolf Guild they encountered today!

It's really a narrow road!

The expressions on the faces of the five towers of the Green Wolf Guild were even more exciting at this time, but it was a pity that Jing Tian and the audience had no chance to watch them. At this time, their cheeks showed excitement and fear without exception.

The excitement is naturally that they have a chance to be ashamed, and what they fear is the amazing strength demonstrated by the people riding the cloud before, so they have to carefully consider how to deal with it.

But, Jing Tian, ​​would they give the five heavens time to think? For hunters who know the weakness of their prey, how could they waste time to see if the prey can evolve?

In Jing Tian's eyes, the relationship between his team and the five heavenly towers is nothing more than the simple relationship between the butcher and the pig.

"Yi Batian!"

In every team battle, all skills and statuses are naturally reset. There is no skill cooldown, so Jing Tian launched the Halberd and Yibatian without thinking!

At this stage, the comprehension skills that Jing Tian and the others have obtained from the Eternal Cold Palace are simply bug-like existences. Although the five towers of the Blue Wolf have personally experienced the skills of sitting in the well and watching the sky, you can see that the weather changes and the solar eclipse takes effect. The screen became dim and invisible, still shocked and slow.

Just so dull, Jing Tian's tyrant fell firmly on the body of Element Mage Tingyulou.

Listening to the anger in Yulou's heart, he screamed: "His grandmother, why is Lao Tzu? Just now because they made Lao Tzu sit on the cold bench for a long time, now he is going to attack me first. An invincible skill wizard can no longer play!"

In fact, the mage and the treatment are almost the same often become the first target of the enemy to gather fire, and then become a cold bench.

Others are also depressed. They should have been better off first, but they hesitated for two seconds because they saw the people in the Riding Cloud Guild. It was just two seconds that gave the Riding Cloud Guild another opportunity.

"Quan Zhilong!"

"Arrow Rain!"

Under the command of Jing Tian, ​​he took the lead in breaking into the enemy's formation and disrupting the enemy's formation, and then Zhao Yunxue'er became deaf and controlled the field, and then Yun Xueyi's magic arrow rain swarm control slow speed became an unsatisfactory routine.

The pressure of losing sight and hearing successively is huge, and the opponents simply don't know whether they have the skills to make the eyes darker. This pressure to guard against opponents using insidious tricks also greatly limits the performance of most players.

The village woman immediately rushed into the enemy's formation, and without a word, she launched a fierce attack on Tingyu Tower. The physical defense of Tingyu Tower is so low that it can withstand the joint attack of the two people sitting Jingguantian and the village woman. Fan chanted the healing spell twice, but was interrupted by Yun Xueyiyi and Zhao Yunxue'er without exception.

Ting Yulou was even more dumbfounded. For the first time he had the consciousness of a soft persimmon, anyone could pinch himself to death.

Before he had any more thoughts, he fell to the ground with a sigh.

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