Sky Dungeon

Chapter 600: Women can harass, men cannot harass

Everyone in Qiyun didn't expect the mercenary creed to have such lofty ambitions, and they still covered all ordinary attacks in the direction of Zhao Yunxue's attack. Obviously, this method is very effective because the opponent has already hidden behind the tree and dare not come out. However, a stalemate for a period of time is more beneficial to everyone on the cloud, and the skills are not far from complete recovery.

However, at this time, Jing Tian's heart has already given rise to retreat. He doesn't like the situation where the enemy is dark and clear. What if the opponent is a scout from two or three teams?

Although Jing Tian doesn’t believe that a guild will allow scouts to find targets in groups, he does not rule out that the opponent’s scouts are of poor quality, and they are grouped to find a sense of security. Moreover, everyone is now looking for their own guild. There is also a joint action by experts. possible.

If by any chance it were to be surrounded by more than three powerful teams, it would really be a loss of troops, or the whole army would be destroyed.

But when Jing Tian hesitated, everyone suddenly discovered that there were two stalkers on the left and right sides. Everyone believed too much in Zhao Jiaxue’s hearing, but ignored the blind spot of Huaying. The four stalkers killed it. I chose to use backstabs on the plastic surgeon, the sister who doesn’t understand black in white, and the sister who doesn’t eat mice, and Yun Xueyiyi, who are standing behind. However, before everyone has turned around, the four stalkers used it at the same time. After Baiying, Baiying's goal is to sit down and watch the sky!

Jing Tian's heart sank. He seemed to understand something. The other party was not trying to sneak attack and kill his own healer. Instead, he wanted to blast himself with fire. The backstab shot the two healers and outputs into dizziness. The purpose was nothing more than to make him stunned. They cannot treat themselves.

Otherwise, definitely shouldn't choose yourself as the first target of attack, and combine bombardment to kill the characters with low physical defense, the success rate is much higher.

However, these people seem to have the self-confidence of God's fascination, do they want to kill themselves in just two or three seconds?

Is this too despising?

Well, there are still some physical defenses on my body!

But when Jing Tian saw a series of crit damage hitting his character, Jing Tian had to marvel that the other party's equipment was a bit too sturdy, and his forehead had even slipped cold sweat.

It seems that the enemy is very fierce and cruel. No wonder they dare to take their own hands!

However, at this time, he had to send a certificate of merit to Yang Miaomiao. Although this guy lost his other skills, but the guardian blessing had already cooled down, at this time he threw the guardian blessing out.

However, at the same time when the guardian blessing took effect, four black whirlwinds rose up. It was the shadow whirlwind used by the four mercenary creeds!

These four shadow whirlwinds were not only frantically harvesting the blood line of Zuijing Guantian, but several people around Zujing Guantian were also involved at the same time.

Jing Tian is a little depressed. If there are still misfortunes at this time, he will definitely use it without hesitation. After all, he is now equipped with a balanced combination of equipment, and his attack power, speed and defense are all at the moderate level, and he continuously eats the opponent's crit. He couldn't stand it either, and the bloodline dropped suddenly.

At this time, the four stalkers have all reduced their movement speed because of the use of Hundred Shadows. As long as Jingtian's anti-control and then rely on their own speed advantage to quickly escape, they can naturally be perfectly preserved and give the opponent a draw to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

Jing Tian also looked at these four people seriously again. Maybe today he was really going to capsize in the gutter. Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and remembered the names of the four deeply in his mind. Report the non-gentleman!

However, the heaven did not seem to give Jing Tian a chance to bear his revenge. Just when the four stalkers thought they could use their own comprehension skills to send the sitting Jing Tian to the system **** to report, another shadow whirlwind rose into the sky!

That's right, it's the Shadow Tornado, but it's not a skill used by any of them, but the Shadow Tornado that doesn't understand white!

At this moment, Jing Tian only felt tearful in his heart. Sometimes, germ killers are quite reliable!

That's right, Hei didn't understand the situation, so she used the shadow, and when the opponent's shadow whirlwind fell, she appeared next to Sitting Jing Guantian, and gave the opponent such a sudden blow.

When Jing Tian saw the situation, he was waiting for the action to resume, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack. In just such a second, Jing Tian did not dare to ignore his bloodline and directly resorted to the [halberd method·sweeping army] !

The Fang Tianji in his hand drew an exaggerated three hundred and sixty-degree cold glow on the top of his head, causing damage, and directly knocking out the four stalkers!

This blow-fly not only opened the distance between them and escaped from the attack range of the Mercenary Creed Four, but also gained time for others to react.

In the next second, healing skills and offensive skills were emitted from all players riding the clouds and falling snow, and the blood line of sitting in the well was directly pulled up.

Of course, the four of the mercenary creed were bombarded violently. You must know that the man who beats him in front of him will arouse the anger in the woman's heart!

Moreover, this kind of anger is definitely not something that can be taken casually. Whether it is a village woman or Yun Xueyi, even Zhao Yunxueer has exposed her fangs, as if transformed into an evil **** devil, bursting out with a wave of high output. Come.

The sister who doesn't eat mice is ashamed of her negligence, and the organ box in her hand is like a sharp weapon for harvesting people's heads, constantly spitting steel needles into the heads of the four, qiāngqiāng headshots.

Seeing that the trend is over, the "Jiao chuan" under the night light said in a very seductive tone: "Ha ha ~ ~ President Qiyun, the day will be long. One day, I will ride you under me and let you." jiao chuan "continuously."

This demon girl also deliberately read the word "日" twice as yin and yang, making Jing Tian replied: I hope that "day" will come soon!

However, the sensible Jing Tian still didn't say this sentence that irritated the public, and if he was molested by a female hooligan, he would be molested. Anyway, he was still secretly refreshed.

After all, women can harass, but men can’t harass. If the man molested back at this time, the result must be the man’s fault, especially Jing Tian, ​​who would be locked up in a dark room by the women as sinners and filled with chili water.

The words of "Jiao chuan" in the night undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, and the firepower of the girls soared and sent all four of them to see the system god.

Before Jing Tian could breathe, Zhao Jiaxue's interrogation came and said: "Frog, do you know that "jiaochuan", otherwise why they only hit you and only teased you, it must be an old acquaintance Also, did you fall in love with that female fairy? Why did she molesting you, and you didn't scold her. When did you become interested in the street girls? Could they be the shampoo girls you used to visit? Right?" 14

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