Sky Dungeon

Chapter 458: Loyal fan is an extremely magical creature

"Of course not. Although mercenaries can make up for the gap in numbers and prevent the battle from turning into a number contest, mercenaries are NPCs after all. If they are not used well, they are naturally tortured by demons. The key lies in us, How to cooperate with NPC, as long as we cooperate well, our combat effectiveness may also crush the opponent, and naturally we will not be afraid of demons."

Although Jing Tian didn't like the arrogant attitude of Scorpio in his heart, he honestly responded as he should.

"Hmph, just believe you once, after all, the president is considered a man who has conquered me."

Two-tailed Scorpio could not say this coldly, although the tone was still arrogant.

The key is not the tone, but how did Jing Tian become the man who conquered her?

Could it be that there is something wrong with the translation? Or did everyone play with amnesia?

With just one sentence, everyone’s eyes were on sitting on Jing Tian. If it weren’t for the fact that Scorpio and Jing Tian are far apart, and there is a setting forbidding all kinds of harassment in the game, everyone really wants to suspect Jing Tian secretly confronting Shuangwei. Scorpio has done something inappropriate for children.

Jing Tian's heart was even more depressed. Eighty percent of the two-tailed Scorpio had seen her dilemma a long time ago, and blatantly burned a fire in her backyard, expressing her dissatisfaction with her to vent her anger.

"Uh... we should go to the 8th floor of the dungeon to level up as soon as possible. Upgrade is the real kingly way."

With that said, Jing Tian manipulated the character to prepare to enter the entrance of the dungeon. At this moment, Yang Mimi interrupted: "President, my fans seem to be setting up a guild, asking if we can rent our guild residence."

Although Yang Mimi is not a cheerful girl, she is very enthusiastic towards fans. She almost passes all the people who add her friends. However, she directly turned off the private chat setting, only to Qiyun and the head of the fan group. Open the private chat permission. On weekdays, she also occasionally chats with everyone in the chat room formed by fans and puts gossip. The fans of that group of fans every day like doping, shouting "Goddess Come on" and "Long live the empress" "Such slogans, and most of them make people overwhelmed to help the goddess fight monsters.

What's more, they changed their professions to mask shamans, and carried a handful of organ boxes to embark on the road of FPS tactics.

Knowing all this, Jing Tian only felt that the self-confidence of these people was too inflated. After all, who is Yang Mimi, the other people playing mask shaman might just serve as an effect.

Even if everyone can imitate the female emperor's equipment attribute collocation, can anyone have an FPS level?

You know, if it's not for headshots, the full speed concept mask shaman's attack power is almost the same as that of a child.

Of course, the person who contacted Yang Mimi this time was the head of a fan group named [Sniper II Goddess]. This head also had a background and was also a well-known figure in the FPS industry. In fact, he and Yang Mimi spent more time dealing with him. Earlier, he once challenged Yang Mimi in an FPS game, but lost 177 consecutive games. He was completely overwhelmed by the skills of the gun goddess and became the diehard of the empress.

Unexpectedly, he now played Sky Dungeon and met the goddess who abused him in the past, so he formed a female emperor fan group without saying a word. His sister who didn't eat mice before also had his credit for the upgrade speed.

However, Luo Xia doesn’t look at this sniper second generation ancestor so much. After all, the same **** repels each other. Luo Xia hates Yang Mimi’s male fans. Male fans can’t wait to kill [Luojing Xiashi]. The fans are all itch with hatred.

They learned from the female emperor that Luojing Xiashi won the female emperor, and the female emperor agreed to be his wife in the game. Many people volunteered to defeat Luojing Xiashi and let the female emperor get out of the clutches, and then take the opportunity to do something.

However, Yang Mimi immediately prevented fans from retaliating. She told fans that it was only in the game, why take it too seriously. The couple in the game is just a special title and appellation. If anyone wants to find the trouble of Luojing Xiashi because of this, She was the first to stand up and kill each other.

After Luo Xia learned of it, it was naturally a bitter. Although she had indeed blamed Zion Jing Guan Tian before, the detection ability of those crazy fans was too strong. From her own words and deeds, she discovered that the relationship between herself and Yang Mimi was unspeakable. Relationship.

Later, under the questioning of fans, Yang Mimi announced the latest "love affair", saying that it was a love affair and was also wishful thinking. Yang Mimi had no other plans for feelings, but treated herself as a special friend, but Yang Mimi's method of protecting herself was again It makes people very happy, at least it shows that Yang Mimi still cares about herself.

Of course, this kind of care from friends is cherished by Luo Xia, and this kind of care has been expanded to care between lovers.

He even thinks that this is a very good start.

Therefore, Luo Xia was determined not only to get Yang Mimi's person in the game, but also to get her heart in reality.

This time, the second generation ancestor of Sniper God was naturally the one who proposed to establish the confession. He naturally learned about the riding cloud guild from Yang Mimi. After learning that the riding cloud guild only recruits elites, he frustratedly gave up joining the riding cloud. The idea of ​​the guild.

Of course, this idea is twofold. At first, he even hoped that all Empress fans could join the Cloud Riding Guild together. After learning about the situation, he could only consider joining himself alone.

However, although he thinks he is good at strength, since he is the head of the fan club, then he is responsible for the fans, and this is even more responsible for the empress.

Today, I learned that there are five guilds renting guild sites for riding clouds to establish He immediately communicated with the fans and planned to establish a guild belonging to the Empress. Naturally, they agreed.

"Promise them, but the rent will be more expensive. I am not optimistic about their strength. Joining our circle will be protected by us, the city will be built and maintained in a unified way, and the relationship with several other world guilds will be cleared. The price is 20,000 gold coins a month. Of course, if the game gold coins are not enough, you can also use real money to pay." Jing Tian said bluntly.

He will naturally not let go of this opportunity to make money. Fans and his idols want to enter and leave a guild residence, how can they not let them shed some blood?

Although their combat effectiveness may be uneven, their loyalty is absolutely beyond doubt. Having a faith army that completely obeys Yang Mimi's dispatch is also a good thing.

At this time, Jing Tian had no idea that the future development of this faith corps far exceeded his imagination, and it was more dazzling than the other guilds for its due diligence in guarding the Qiyun resident!

Sure enough, the loyal fan is an extremely magical creature! Sky Dungeon

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