Sky Dungeon

Chapter 445: False road

Sure enough, [Thousand Butterflies Kill] unexpectedly turned into a jetting single skill. Before, he was casting it towards Qiongqi, which gave the illusion of locking the skill. The current Qiongqi is like a border collie that has found a flying disc. It turns around and pounces on the phantom of the colorful butterfly produced by Qiandiekill.

At the same time, the corner of Jing Tian's mouth rose slightly, and he had already formed a plan in his mind, and then he was about to stage a good show of playing BOSS.

Thanks to Jing Tian's timely thought of the countermeasures, if not, I am afraid that even if the progress of the dungeon reaches the hidden level, the score of this dungeon will not reach the S grade at all. Under Jing Tian's play, BOSS became headless flies, scurrying around on the battlefield.

Of course, the Terran army will not stop attacking because the BOSS jumps up and down, nor will it shrink back because of Qiongqi's attacks during the time when the skills are cooling down. Although there is only two seconds of attack time within the cooling time of each thousand butterflies killing, Qiongqi can still beat the human army to pieces. However, Jing Tian's continuous use of Thousand Butterfly Kill naturally greatly improved the gathering effect of the NPC army, and the replenishment army can quickly fill in position after the formation is broken, filling the gap in the formation, and the attack power is not affected much.

The attack of the Butterfly Dragon King in this hidden level is only secondary. If you are still in the good sense of self-control in the previous level, it will naturally be greatly lowered by the instance. The key to getting a high evaluation is to protect the NPC army, so that the human army can continue to maintain high output and kill Qiongqi as soon as possible. Moreover, after the Qiongqi drops to 50% blood, there will be an army of angels floating in the sky to help out, which greatly improves the killing efficiency.

The key is, what is the angel army? The angel players in Sky Dungeon can't fly! In fact, the angel race did not fly in the air, but came by riding the Dapeng. Yes, it was the Dapeng. This kind of vehicle turned out to be a war rider. It is amazing and an item. When can players also ride the Dapeng Wouldn't it be nice to sweep the monsters on the ground?

Qiongqi was completely bombarded and killed by the NPC legion during the last time he was chasing Thousand Butterflies. The angels took off in the air by taking the Dapeng and left the battlefield. Jing Tian let out a sigh of relief. At this time, he even unexplainably drilled a wave of confidence, estimating that he could get the first kill of the S rank.

Of course, Jing Tian didn't forget to share his findings with everyone during the battle. He didn't want to be complained by several people because of his hiding. But at this time, he has already learned that he is a customs clearance after inquiry...

and many more! Why is there no prompt for customs clearance? Is it really a BUG? Don't do it, brother is S-level! Jing Tian prayed in his heart, but the next second the system popped up another shocking message: "Look clearly, the real face of the human race, they are not here to assist you, but want to use your power to kill Qiongqi. When you are exhausted, they mention the butcher knife and want to kill you!"

That's right, the Human Race actually played a good show of fake roads cutting down the road and crossing the river to demolish the bridge! Sure enough, the more powerful, the easier it is to be remembered, and it is impossible to control it as one's own, then the best way is to destroy it.

Before Jing Tian could react, the names on the heads of all the NPC human forces instantly turned red. Tens of thousands of attacks undoubtedly greeted the Butterfly Dragon King controlled by Jing Tian, ​​and the Butterfly Dragon King opened his mouth. The pain makes me cry again and again. At the same time, Jing Tian tragically found that there was a special state of [Exhausted] in his status bar.

Exhaustion: Your attack power and defense power drop drastically, and the specific drop value is related to your previous performance.

Performance related? What does it have to do with? The more active you are, the more you decrease at this time? So, shouldn't it be low-key before? But if it is low-key, wouldn't it affect the score of the copy?

Forget it, let's go over it again in a daze. What the Emotional Butterfly Dragon King said before is true. Jing Tian’s mind now echoes the Butterfly Dragon’s voice: “There is a group of evil monsters actually trying to swallow this beautiful land. I rose up to fight, but I didn’t expect the number of evil monsters to be so large. Huge and endless. Just when I was exhausted, a group of humans and angels came to help me fight and successfully expelled the evil forces..."

All of this is in line with the plot, but I remember it was not like this later!

Jing Tian was a little depressed, because he clearly remembered that before entering the dungeon, the Butterfly Dragon King said that after killing the evil power, humans began to expel it, so it had resentment and was buried by the evil king. However, how do you feel that the Butterfly Dragon King was directly strangled by the human race?

In other words, why is there no system prompt at this time, whether I should kill these humans, if it is an escape mission, at least I should prompt where to escape, now there is no information, the map is empty, and where can I go? ? It seems that only this human army can be killed!

Why set a state of exhaustion? It is definitely an important factor related to higher-level evaluation, but there is no summary of the player's big data. I am afraid that the conclusions drawn only by feeling are mostly one-sided. But if you don't understand the original intention of this state, I am afraid it is difficult to understand how this copy can get a higher score!

Determined, Jing Tian operated the Butterfly Dragon King to kill the Quartet, and the Terran army was still constantly supplementing. The total number of killed Terrans popped up on the VR screen, as if it was a scoring device. Jing Tian probably guessed this. It should be a must-dead The level of the level's score naturally depends on the number of people killed before running out of the Butterfly Dragon King bloodline.

Faced with the continuous attacks of the human army, 10 minutes later, the Butterfly Dragon King operated by Jing Tian finally screamed and fell completely. The VR screen became blurred, but the human NPC's victory cheers came from the headset. Of course, the cheers stopped abruptly for a moment. Sitting in the well and watching the sky had been sent out of the copy, and the system pop-up window popped up the data statistics and rating of this copy.

It's done! The world channel system channel also popped up a red letter message: "Congratulations to the player [Sit Jing Guantian] for completing the first kill of the 32-level dungeon "Butterfly Dragon Fantasyland" with an S rating! His excellent performance will always be recorded in the dungeon's customs clearance history."

In an instant, the World Channel started crazy discussions again. Many players began to question the difficulty of the 32-level dungeon and expressed their dissatisfaction. Still the same sentence, if you can't eat grapes, say grapes!

"The first kill of the S-level was won so quickly. The setting of this single copy is 80% more inclined to entertainment gameplay!",

"The gold content of the first kill of this kind of copy is too low. Whoever upgrades quickly can get it." Sky Dungeon

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